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Everything posted by maninbluejumpsuit

  1. Seriously? I don't understand how that can possibly bother you, much less ruin the entire design by itself.
  2. Thanks. I never could do that crap right.
  3. Thing is, they didn't touch on the details enough. We're left to assume the mothers spend their pregnancy in the hyperbolic time chamber, and we're not even sure if that is the case (see Kana's wiki page; apparently it says Kana was placed in deeprelms AFTER birth).
  4. I haven't played Tellius, but Nephenee makes sentinels look good. Wish we had their design instead of spear masters. I prefer awakening assassins over fate's ninjas in aesthetic and balance (shurikens too stronk). I preferred awakening's designs, and animations of myrmidon, swordmaster, and hero. Above all else, I want a 3d adaption of generals from GBA games.
  5. There are no skills that can make a javelin follow up, crit, trigger offensive skills, or passively give +5 speed, and even if there were, the boss misses out on potential skills to actually make them a threat compared to any decent player unit. Boss unique 1-2 range weapons are fine. If anything, javelin and handaxe were overnerfed.
  6. Sentinel (the armor wearers with the shield, not the kimono wearing guys with the funny hat and flag perma-lodged in their spines). Awakening assassin. Balance-wise, they felt alot more fair than shuriken spam ninjas/dread fighters of fates. They had cooler animations imo. I preferred to think of them as swordmasters with a bow
  7. Good riddance awakening counter. Seriously, screw that noise.
  8. The situation is: fCorrin. Likely to stay dread fighter. Going to pair with Kaze. +speed -luck. Lunatic. Probably going to pair mKana with Selkie to pass along another physical class to her. Not sure. Haven't considered which kids to pair with who yet. I notice there's a bit of a lack of 2nd gen units who could be snipers easily outside of kiragi, and setsuna's child (hate what she does with growths). So what talent to pick?
  9. One of my more recent lunatic runs, I abused calamity gate on a speed boon avatar as a witch. Ninjas, and spear masters had no chance.
  10. Why not Kaze? I'd ship FCorrin + Kaze. With speed boon, you'd have two absurdly fast kids too.
  11. This is a game we're talking about here though. Also, I take issue with the how growths are handled because we end up with characters who are advertised as, and promote into hybrid classes known to use magic, but will be completely inept at it with their nearly-nonexistent growths in the stat (eg: hinoka/tsubaki). The kids are a whole other can of worms that take a specific mother/father combination to have serviceable growths for hybrid classes. Sakura!Mitama has an amazing spread of growths in MAG and STR that you'd wish Hinoka, or Tsubaki had so they can do more than hit something with their mediocre falcon knight STR, and ferry people. Overall, I'd like growths to be more generous than what they are now WITHOUT getting aptitude on characters you know can't have it by legal means, especially since second seals are dead and gone. Something else I'd like changed is the sheer volume of nerfs they handed to ye olde javelin, hand axe, spear, and tomahawk with shurikens running amok. I seriously don't even want to arm much other units with these (I almost never do really) unless they're heavies like generals/wyvern lords with wary fighter now. Now only shurikens and legendary weapons can now function at the 1-2 range without hindering its user, or its own offensive potential. Shuriken = legendary weapon. It's hard not to make more units go dread fighter.
  12. If I don't have 10 str by that chapter on lunatic, I reset the file. I pair with kaze. Done right, Ryoma should only take 2 kills by the time you reach stereotypical imoto, and miss forgettable.
  13. This made me realize we could do with a smaller cast, and less pairing BS next game. This is actually annoying. I'm not going hipster/rose-tinted glasses here, but it makes me appreciate awakening -_-
  14. I hate that, and the fact we don't have unit type icons anymore, so damn much.
  15. Are Kaden, Keaton, Selkie, and Velouria still considered beast units when not their transforming class?
  16. Think I'll stick to Oboro ! Selkie and maybe do Hana ! Velouria. On that note, I'm thinking I probably should make MU's talent samurai, and possibly pair MKana with Selkie for the same effect, but better rounded stats instead of falling over to the slightest hit. Thoughts?
  17. Yes another one of those. This is what I have so far. Keep in mind outside of characters with iconic flaws and strengths, I mostly went with balancing the kids' caps and growths. Kids with super-one sided strengths and flaws: FCorrin + Kaze (I have no idea what talent to get. Could use help with that. Maybe something Selkie could use if I were to pair her with Mkana...? +spd -lck) Beruka ! Ignatius Nyx ! Rhajat Elise ! Ophelia Charlotte ! Nina As for these: I mostly went for balanced stats, but not really class sets, except for falcon knight Mitama, and spear master Selkie looking like really good ideas. Camilla ! Sophie Oboro ! Selkie Sakura ! Mitama Hinoka ! Siegbert Peri ! Percy Having issues figuring out what to do from here. Oh and Severa ! Caeldori for reasons.
  18. You should try to get 10 str before the chapter Hoshido, or else ryoma will take all your exp. The one faceless with seal str is cancer and you'll need to one-round it before it cripples you.
  19. Shura is always the last soldier you talk to.
  20. BR hard is still a joke to Ryoma for the most part thanks to his personal skill, raijinto, and vantage if you actually need it. I started this game playing BR hard, and if there was a problem, I just applied more Ryoma.
  21. Ah yeah forgot. The ninjas that wade through the wastes eventually. So only those 3?
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