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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. Another episode in the bank! In this episode Stuff happens. ... But really, the gameplay of this chapter is severely lacking, even if I died once, but that's cause I made an incredibly stupid maneuver. I will say though that the dialogue and characters still remain interesting, but they are pretty much the key driving force for me to finish this project currently.
  2. I probably should have mentioned that I haven't inserted the versions of the portraits that use FE8 colors yet. >_>'
  3. Holy [insert something hilarious here], batman! There's CUTSCENE SCREENSHOTS!!! I spent all day workin' on this. Sadly, none of these dialogues show the actual jokes, but I found these bits interesting enough to serve as screenshots.
  4. I understand the concern, but... um... I'm kind of okay with the rate at which I'm going with this project. I told myself I wouldn't stress over it too much, and I think that's the biggest reason why the project is taking so long. I work on it when I want to.
  5. Unless Blazer's alright with me laying out the criticisms here, then I'd rather not say.
  6. The animation's not very fluent, and the usage of the palette seems lacking (Or maybe it's the palette itself that bothers me). Aside from that, it looks good.
  7. I'm not sure what your question is exactly, but uh... Well if you want my honest opinion, I've shown your chapter to a few people and the level design/challenge didn't quite sit well with them. I'm inclined to agree. However, if you're willing to improve them, I'd be willing to help you out so they are still included.
  8. Heeeey everyone. I got some news. No screenshots though, but news. Actually, here's some screenshots. This should give you something of an idea of what we're going for in terms of enemy threat level. I mean, jeez, 10 strength, and with an Iron Axe no less, which has 11 might. Also, generic fighter growths. HP: 105% STR: 65% SKL: 55% SPD: 40% DEF: 25% RES: 15% Did I mention the game's automatically in hector hard mode, and that the hector hard mode bonuses are applied as early as chapter 2? Yeah. Also, we have another screenshot showing off Jonsin's new portrait When SgtSmilies asked me what I wanted him to look like, I said that Jonsin's an excitable, cowardly rookie who gets bullied by Poalski a lot. He gave us this, and I think it's a huge improvement over the previous, spikey haired, goofy faced Jonsin. Anyways, NOW the news. The first five chapters are just about finished in terms of level design. We just need to make and insert the dialogue/cutscenes, make some character and level design adjustments, and then the first demo will be released. Actually y'know what? Here's some more screens. A glimpse of Chapter 4. Something I didn't like about Fire Emblem 7 is that it didn't really utilize the fire tiles very well. I mean, they were never really in your way or anything, and once you knew where they were, it's not like you ever had a problem avoiding them. Here? I placed the fire tiles exactly where you DON'T want them to be. Well, mostly. Some fire tiles are just for aesthetics. Aaaaand last but not least David Bowie.
  9. It's time I pull out Old Man MarkyJoe. *takes out cane and waves it* Y'know, BACK IN MY DAY, we didn't care about no fancy graphics! We just had them good ol pixels. And what made our games good? The gameplay! And music too! Not this theatrical "I'm watchin' a damn movie" bullshit music that games love to use nowdays instead of putting in any actual effort in melody and song craft! ... Yeah, I... don't really care about "immersion" in a game. If I wanted that, I'd watch a movie or read a book. Games are for gaming, y'know?
  10. Well... to be honest. I had a bit of an agenda when going into this hack. Y'see, I remember the old thread on FE Universe and MarioBro saying he'd stop making the hack because people just kept complaining about the portraits. It made me a bit sad cause quite a few people said the hack was genuinely enjoyable. I was hoping that maybe if I LP'd it and found it really WAS good, I could try to encourage the creator to get back into the project. Or something like that. ... I ain't mean all the time, y'know. x.x
  11. Chapters 6, 7, and 7x of ProjectZ have been recorded. Woo. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzjk0KGRtf1Pe_9Gf6opfDruUBRr6jEB3 Also, since the creators of the hack are making improvements and whatnot, they've asked me not to play further until more updates come. In the mean time... We got Decay of the Fangs!
  12. I'm all for removing the bullshit out of games, but uh... in this case, it seems inappropriate. After watching lots of videos on Super Thracia, I got the impression that the hack's biggest selling point is it's excessive difficulty. Without that, it's basically just a watered down and jankier Thracia 776.
  13. In hindsight, I feel like an ass for writing that. I'm sorry. But I didn't say anything about Ragefest whatsoever.
  14. Alrighty. I'll see what I can do about the trees. I recall them sharing much of the same colors as the grass, so it might be a bit difficult.
  15. I wouldn't say the forts are in the mountains. More like they're situated on them, but I think that's what you meant anyway. I don't promise the maps will make logical sense. I'm prioritizing gameplay over logic, so while it's certainly odd, I do wish to keep it this way. Since this is supposed to be a funny hack, I can always lampshade the missteps in logic for a few jokes. As for the grass... You're referring to the darker vs lighter patches and how they're always in diagonals? If so... well I've looked at a lot of maps, both in the games and user-made ones. I tend to have difficulty working with them though. Perhaps you know of a better method? If not, could you show me some references on what the grass should look like?
  16. FE5 inspired me to use a darker colored palette. I went with something that looked colorful and lush. It looks pretty good, I think. As for it's familiarity... not sure what you mean. I didn't base this map on anything. As for critiques, it's a little early for that. I plan to have the first patch out once the first four chapters are finished, so can it wait for when/if you play the hack? Or is this something that needs immediate addressing?
  17. Well. I sure as hell ain't gonna do it. I'd not be able to last through one project without bleeding my opinions all over it. No one seems to be considering me anyway.
  18. We're still working on this, everyone. To explain why it's been so long since the last update: A LOT of changes were made regarding the level design. To give you an idea, I redesigned chapter 3 six times because I was displeased with it's quality. Thankfully, I've finished the map/level design for that chapter. I also redesigned chapter 1 and 2 because I felt they lacked cohesiveness. Here's chapter 3: I try to design my chapters so that you are constantly interested and engaged. Things are always happening, and there's never a moment where you're just moving units for an entire turn. I also make sure to put numerous sub-objectives that require precise strategies. There's nothing quite like rewarding the player for playing well, no? Aside from surviving, there are two optional objectives here: Recruiting the Lord character (Called Tangst), and defeating Billy the Bazoika (Blatantly stolen from MageKnight404. Basically Bazoikas lack the crit bonus), which earns you an early steel axe (14 Might!). The brigands near the lord are positioned in a way so that they can only approach him one turn after the other (The first brigand attacks on turn 1, the other can reach him on turn 2, etc). It's mainly for show though. The REAL issue is that on turn 4 and turn 5, pegasus riders spawn in the top forts and attack him. You absolutely need to reach him by turn 4 or else his survival by that point is in luck's hands. Turn 3, Billy shows up in the middle fort surrounded by mountain. Additionally, EVERY FORT on the map except for the top two spawn brigands. By this point in the chapter, you'll hopefully have defeated the other enemies or else you're in for one hell of a clusterfuck. So yeah, needless to say, this chapter is hard as nuts (I'd say near lunatic difficulty by permadeath FE standards). But hey, no permadeath, right? Even without permadeath though, I definitely think most people will struggle to achieve all the objectives in this chapter. I'm considering nerfing it slightly, but hey, no one says you gotta get all the objectives. You can recruit the lord while killing the boss on the same turn (At least if I remember correctly), so you'll only miss out on some EXP and the Steel Axe. Anyways, as for the lord dude, his base stats aren't particularly special, but his growths are fantastic, and he's the ONLY unpromoted unit in the entire game that can wield two weapons: Swords and Lances, which gives him weapon triangle dominance with the help of a lancereaver. Additionally, he gains instant access to the Reginleif by visiting the village he's defending. So uh... not much else to say. I just wanted to let everyone know we're still working on this, and I'm working especially hard to make sure the chapters are interesting and well designed.
  19. And now Chapter 5 of Project Z is finally up. I put a lot of effort into the editing of this video. Please give feedback on the editing style.
  20. Aye, my apologies. I checked there and I must have overlooked it.
  21. A while back, Nintenlord provided me with an ASMC code that clears every units from the map. It's perfect for stuff like cutscenes where you want to reload units. Anyone have it? EDIT: Whoops. I should probably put this in the event assembler questions thread. Please remove this, mods.
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