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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. Some of it is difficult to find, and there's things like the spellfix patch which I'm sure most people didn't even know existed. Some topics are just labeled "[Person]'s Hacking utilities", which is nice and all, but I'd prefer all the essential utilities be on the same page, directly downloadable, and easier to find.
  2. The original post lists all the stuff I need. At least. I'm pretty sure it does.
  3. Yes! That would be desirable. Thank you! Any idea where I can find Arch's tilesets?
  4. Perhaps I should have clarified more on what I was looking for in tilesets. I was looking for readily insertable GBA compatible stuff, like the tileset data, it's config data, and it's palette, all as BIN files. That way, you can just toss the BIN file into your ROM, point to it, and BAM, it's ready to go.
  5. http://markyjoe1990.elementfx.com/fehack/ The Fire Emblem Hacking Community is disorganized as all hell, and I'm getting sick of it. So I decided to make a website dedicated to helping aspiring hackers obtain the best and latest tools, as well as the best tutorials. As you can see (at least on the current date: 11/19/2013), I've already done a lot of work, but there still needs to be things done. My current goals are as follows: - Add more tools and tutorials - Graphics and Palette editor programs and tutorials - Link to all documentation - Link to all animations - Extract the tileset configs, tileset graphics, and tileset palettes from each fire emblem game and provide it in the tilesets section. That way, people don't need to extract them from the games themselves - Get rid of other graphics unless someone made some for public use. If so, link to it and show screenshots. - Link all the fix patches, then link to the more optional stuff. - Get a BIN for the generic MIDI instrument set that's insertable into the game. - Link to all of Agro's GBA compatible remakes of other Fire Emblem songs. Future Goals: - Host/link to ROM hacks (or link to their blogs/websites), complete with a rating system. - Allow people to register on the website, log in, and submit hacks, reviews, LPs, ratings, hacking content (Like custom tilesets and music), etc. Ultimately, I guess the goal of this website is to eliminate the need to surf several forums and websites to get everything to need to hack, as well as just unify the hacking community so that they don't have to post their stuff on several forums in the first place. What I would like from the community is suggestions, as well as links to tools, tutorials, and other content that I may have missed. Here's to hoping my plan actually works.
  6. I finally got a new submission that has effort put into it. And by submission, I mean ACTUAL game that isn't a ROM hack or FEXP. Made by PwnageKirby, the sadistic lass that brought us F. EXE from Ragefest 3.
  7. And then there was chapter 3. This chapter's kinda lame, story wise. By the way, is anybody willing to make a thumbnail thing for this series?
  8. Thanks for missing me. =3 I'm gonna see if I can finish it. Some of my friends have warned me that the gameplay from here is still pretty bad, but I'm starved for stuff to do, and I've been so bored lately that I think I can tolerate tedious gameplay for the time being.
  9. Holy cow guys. I exist again. I decided to go back to Decay of the Fangs cause the thing I wanted to record wasn't available, and people seemed to wanna see more of this hack.
  10. Alright, well, when you're ready to present the idea, I'm all ears. Any help is appreciated.
  11. The 1% is extra content we might toss in, or tweaks to the gameplay, or anything I wanted to add in, but forgot about. >.>'
  12. Whoa whoa whoa. I never said there wouldn't be a public release. I said there would be no public updates on it's progress, and that is no longer the case either. Speaking of which... I should also mention that we finally got some dialogue done. The prologue is 99% complete.
  13. Right now, I'm kind of at a snag with the project due to story writing, so it's gonna be while before any more progress occurs. Speaking of which, I think I should mention to everyone that I will be continuing to provide updates like before. Shutting the project in isolation was a selfish idea considering so many people outside of the team have contributed to the project.
  14. Huh. >_>' But I wonder what reason you'd have to get rewards then if you're good then. Seeing this now, I'm kind of curious to see what other insights you have about level design. I believe I've discussed it before with you, but I'm thinking what you say will greatly benefit me with designing Fire Mumblem. Also, I think I should change my stance on turtling then. Instead of designing chapters to discourage it, I should design chapters so that the chapter's not tedious when you AREN'T turtling.
  15. Doesn't getting the Iron Blade have a long term benefit though?
  16. Welp. I got nothin'. You have a really valid point: I could probably employ a turtling strategy and still manage to beat FE7, even if I lose most of the rewards. I think I'm gonna back off from this. I might still try and change Hector's Tale, but I'm kind of unsure of what to do with it.
  17. Most Fire Emblem games give you a reason not to though. Chapter 14 of FE7 Hector Hard Mode for example. You risk losing Erk, Priscilla, and an Iron Blade if you just wait things out Basically, it makes different strategies valid based on what you're willing to risk. EDIT: Oh... you edited your post. Well let's see what you say in response first, and I'll reply again. =\
  18. In my critiques, I also stated that Lyn's tale is boring and requires very little care in how you handle your units. You can set your units up on either a gate or tree, giving them weapons with range, and then hit "End turn" for the next several turns until only a few enemy units are left. But at the same time, while I find this design boring, having to fix this WHILE adhering to Archibald's wishes, and retaining all the content within is so limiting in what it allows me to do that maybe I should just stop before I make something completely redundant or barely improved.
  19. Tch... forgot about that. Dammit.
  20. As I thought it over, I stopped feeling strongly about it myself. The player's going to feel annoyed trying to protect Guy and Dayan. So I'm going to start the map over from scratch. Instead I'm going to try and make all the units contribute something since making two a detriment seems like a really bad idea in hindsight. I think what I'm going to do is design this like a late-game FE13 chapter. Spread the enemies out, but position them in a way so that attacking one puts you in the range of another. And then it's a matter of deciding which "string" of units you want to deal with. This will take advantage of the map's enormous size, and it will make all units useful in some way since they'll have to lure more enemies towards them if they don't want the enemies to swarm the other units. The trick will be to place the characters far from each other, and make the ideal strategy to get them all to group together... or something like that. I'm still ironing out the details. Additionally, I think I'm going to make the boss move after a certain number of turns so the player doesn't have to trudge a unit up there to him.
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