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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. I must ask. Have you seen DLuna's FE6 rebalance patch? I believe he did a fantastic job fixing FE6 up. What will you do differently?
  2. I made the video for Chapter 11 public, but quickly decided to make it private again because of Blazer's comment. I decided to PM Project Decay of the Fangs. If they give me the OK, I'll make it public again. In the mean time... Alfred Kamon made a request a while back for me to play his hack. I already have the first chapter recorded. Um... So yeah! Maybe I'm a little biased because I like Alfred Kamon, but damn if this isn't the best intro to a hack I've ever seen! I'm really excited about this project. EDIT: And now the first video is up! Also, some of note. I did a lot of self-reflection. I wrote this up in a text document.
  3. Yeah, I'm recording this series. I already have chapter 11 uploaded, but it's unlisted. I'm uncertain if I'm allowed to upload it or not.
  4. Yeah. There's a whole entire chapter in there. Cutscenes and everything. It's strange.
  5. Alright, I have a question. I was told Decay of the Fangs ends at chapter 11, and the original hack thread claims that it goes up to Chapter 10x, but... there appears to be a chapter 12. Does anyone know what's going on here?
  6. It's possible I'll go back to it at some point in the future if I change my mind; perhaps what I really need is a break to refuel my inspiration and drive. If I do, I will make sure I have the story planned out before I get my hands dirty again. I am confident in my level design skills, but - despite having a mother who is a published writer - I have trouble writing stories.
  7. I didn't take offense to it. I just like talking. >.>' Kelik has a lot of problems, but he actually has a very interesting dynamic with Anakin. Kelik's a disillusioned, worldly mercenary. Compare this to Anakin's more naive and sentimental point of view. Their perceptions often clash, and it creates a theme of Cynicism Vs. Idealism in the story. Honestly, if Kelik wasn't so needlessly jerky, and spent more time being the wise person he sometimes is, he'd be a MUCH better character.
  8. To be fair... I like some of the ideas in The Last Promise. To give an example: Lussaria and Feltyn's dynamic in the latest version is kind of my attempt at doing the Anakin and Kelik dynamic. I haven't released the latest version, but eh... maybe I'll do it. The cutscenes and dialogues in the prelude and chapter 1 have been very heavily changed. Might interest or even inspire some people.
  9. Well, I can't seem to get back to work on my project. I have no end-game to this scheme, and I find myself unwilling to take the time to seriously commit myself to this project anymore. I have other interests that I've found more fulfilling and... I feel like the only reason I want to finish this is to appease all the people who helped me in making this project. I think it's best I stop lying to myself. I'm sorry, everyone.
  10. For the record, I have seen his newer works, but regardless... God dammit. Ugh... I'm really sorry. I'm going to edit my post.
  11. EDITTED: No problem. Sent it over PM. Thanks a lot! If you want anything in return, let me know. I have a lot of skills.
  12. Anybody feel like fixing this up for me? EDITTED: Thanks to GhastStation for volunteering and making the animation.
  13. I'm very certain that there are no text skips, but even if there are, it's irrelevant. I'll explain this in a moment. I've received a few reports saying that Feltyn wasn't included on the Unit List, and I suspect this is related. However, I don't know how to fix something like that. I can only hope it was randomly fixed in the new update. To be honest, I'm not happy with the writing in the current patch. While many people have praised the humor, an occasional complaint has been made about natural flow of the cutscenes and dialogue. After analyzing them, I ended up agreeing, so I sought to completely redo the cutscenes and dialogue for the prelude and chapter 1. Ever since then, absolutely everyone I've shown has approved. One of my main influences for this hack was the Disgaea series. I like the lack of permadeath because it makes the gameplay way more forgiving. I'll get to them eventually. I've written out a few, but I'm not happy with any so far. That's a very ambitious undertaking. you start with 8 units. That's 8 gaiden chapters for each unless you mean main chapters that heavily involve the main cast. If that's what you mean... I already have some ideas for character arcs, but mainly for Feltyn and Lussaria. I might take you up on the suggestion either way though, since I like my characters and I like watching them. This is going to happen. I already have a few chapters in mind where the hackers directly screw with stuff as it's playing out. However, subtlety is the key here, since they don't want to reveal themselves (or their omnipotence) to the main characters. I like this idea. It would add more color to the story and we'd see more of specific cast members. Hm... With what I've planned for the story so far, it's not exactly typical fire emblem fair. For one, there's no war going on, and most, if not, all the conflicts that occur in the game are things such as the black market, petty disputes between ruling houses, among other things that the series doesn't usually touch upon. Anyway, lemme also use this reply as an update for people anticipating the next release. As said before in this post, I completely rewrote the prelude and chapter 1. They still have the whole "hacker attack" and "bandit attack" shtick, but it has a much stronger foundation. Lussaria is no longer the sole main character. She shares the role with Feltyn, who has been rewritten to be more colorful and interesting. Lussaria's personality also comes out more, especially in chapter 1, and I went out of my way to make sure the story is easier to understand than it was before. A new CG was added, the player character's role is made clearer, and I aimed to make their role feel more involved. Etc. etc. However, due to recent circumstances, the interlude is likely to be removed unless I can find a way to re-write it to work, and the hacker cutscene in chapter 1 has been neutered to make room for more in-setting character building. An unfortunately sacrifice, but I am very pleased with the result, and I feel the new prelude and chapter 1 give each character much more time to shine and get us to like them. Also, Chapter 2 is 99% done in terms of gameplay. I am very happy with how it turned out, though I fear getting a flawless victory in it will be very restricting.
  14. Heya Nintenlord, I'm currently working on a method to mass insert events and maps that would save a lot of space, AND change their pointers to accomodate to streamline the process of inserting maps and events. However, I'm coming across an issue. When I try to insert a raw binary file (in theory, this would be a raw map created in tiled), I get this error. my code looks like this #define DISABLE_TUTORIALS #include EAstdlib.event ORG 0xD00000 #incbin derp.bin
  15. That's a tough one... But the first thing I should note is that it depends on what your goals are. If you're trying to just beat the chapters, there are many ways to do that. If you're trying to flawless victory the chapters though, usually there's only a few specific, precise strategies that will work. In that sense, you do have choice; to either get everything, get only a few things, or just beat the chapter, prizes be damned. But it looks like you mean something else. Could you be more specific?
  16. Awakeningy...? I strove to make the gameplay as far from awakening as possible, but perhaps you see that game differently than I do (Excessive enemy phase reliance, player phase being just taking your most survivable 1-2 range unit and tossing them into the fray. Boring, non-strategic stuff like that). Alright. I'll change the text so that it specifies the non-white houses. It's been a while since I last played the currently released beta, but I'll let you know right now; I tried my best to make the three mages different from each other. Lussaria's Ziggy Stardust tome now grants +3 defense instead of Spd/Skl, and she has the best physical durability of the three mages. Sorlene has the best magic and skill, and has a great luck growth. Kinsan is the least durable, but also the fastest, and has the best resistence. Hopefully that makes them more distinct. As for the overall durability of units... As you read above, I buffed Lussaria's defense (She got nerfs in some other areas though). I've also upped Shigeid's defense and resistence. Sorlene is a little durable. Enough that she doesn't get one-rounded by mercenaries anymore (The released version might not have that problem, but mine did for a while). Jonsin... still gets doubled by Mercs. I'm a little unsure of what to do with him, since he is by far the worst combat unit, but I think the gap in his abilities is way too big to balance his mounted status. I went and upped his strength, but I might also opt for upped defense as well. Marina... alright, I don't have any problems with Marina. I feel she's exactly where she needs to be. You also got Poalski, who got a bit of a defense boost in the version I'm working with. Hopefully all these things help revert your issues when it's released. I'm trying to make player phase extremely important. Enemies have upped skill and luck (their luck growth has also been enabled), so getting hit by them is much more likely now, which means you'll be relying on indirect attacks a lot more. Marina's unique trait is that she can one-round a lot of the enemies now, and that's something exclusive to her. She also has fantastic growths, and I plan to exploit the long bow and ballista features. These should all assist in keeping Marina a relevant unit. I'm sorry to hear that. If I come across the glitch, I'll see what I can do to fix it. Thanks. I look forward to future feedback from you.
  17. I feel like I haven't been putting enough effort into this project. I'm gonna start it over.
  18. Not sure yet. My laptop's charger stopped working and I'm waiting for the new one to come in (Which could take from tomorrow to about a week). Until then, I'm stuck using a shoddy laptop. Thank you for the words of encouragement. This managed to cheer me up from the bad mood I was having prior. Lately I've been thinking of ways to change my approach to commentary. I've been avoiding swearing in the past few videos, and I think this tidbit of advice will do me a lot of favors.
  19. Splendid! Just add me on skype and I'll toss you into the group. Having more music would really be beneficial to us. While I'm confident in my skills to make good melodies, a few people have told me that the chord progressions I use are rather limited. Perhaps some more musical influence and contributions from a different person will help color up the game's sound track.
  20. Thanks. I'm gonna reupdate the first post. The current set up is outdated, and it looks like I forgot to link to a lot of songs. EDIT: Updated the first post. Everything's all nice and neat now.
  21. I don't think I can use panning, but uh... even if I could, it's the game boy advance. What use could panning have? Other samples on the other hand... you got me there. I really don't use a lot of different samples. I'll try out other ones when I get back from work, assuming I remember to do it.
  22. Neeeeeeeeeeeew tune! This time, I made an early game enemy phase theme.
  23. Out of nowhere, I made a new enemy phase theme. It's for early game, and I'm actually surprised at how well it came out. The Enemy Moves Forward ~ Stalker EDIT: Stealth update because I wanted to add more.
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