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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. I don't actually lurk. Lately, I've been making it a point to stay away from the Fire Emblem community. The only reason why I am here is because the LPer messaged me and mentioned the LP, so I figured I'd check it out. =X
  2. Oy... Super Hard Lyn Mode. Are you sure you wanna LP that one? It's super boring. Its only redeeming trait is probably the inside jokes it sets up for Old Fire Mumblem, which people prolly won't get anyway if they didn't watch BuringPenitentEngine's LP of SHLM. ;-; Ah well. Either way, it's about time I got a roast. By the way, I think Fire Mumblem: Revised Edition is one of the two hacks in this collection I consider good (Chronicles of Lussaria is the other). I'm also gonna say that I think the gameplay design is a tad more free compared to Chronicles of Lussaria, where everything's planned and you kinda gotta do things a specific way. Of the two hacks, I wish I had finished the former more than the latter, but alas... Also, Tactician's Nightmare is actually called Tactician Hell. While we're at it, here's an extra fun fact: it was supposed to have more chapters, but I gave up whilst finishing up the second because I hated it and didn't find it fun. Basically, it was just a field with nothing on it but your player units. Once you ended your turn, berserkers would spawn on enemy phase just... kind of outta thin air and attack you, and the only way to win was by just memorizing their spawn points each turn and blocking them. It was a damn chore. Anyway, I'll keep an eye on this topic and see if I can throw in a little bit of exclusive creator's commentary deluxe whenever I feel it's appropriate.
  3. Eh. Just go to my website and download them. http://markyjoe1990.elementfx.com/?page=downloads
  4. About ten months and no further progress. I think it's time to call it quits. For real this time. I've sent the request to lock this thread. If you have any questions, just PM me. Sorry to anyone looking forward to this.
  5. Are you sure? I tested the links and they all seemed to work for me. What specific downloads aren't working?
  6. Sorry for the lack of updates on Midnight Sun for those who are interested in my videos. While I only have about 4 chapters left, I think I've finally just... burnt out with Fire Emblem. I'm gonna find some time in my schedule to finish the rest of Midnight Sun. Once I've completed the hack, I'm done. This probably won't be permanent, but I need time away from the series and it's hacks so I can reassess my attitude and revitalize my appreciation for the series; by staying away from it.
  7. In my defense, assuming I tried everything is understandable when you don't know that the yellow wall tiles are traversable. I checked just now, even. Pixel by pixel, they look exactly the same, just with a slightly different palette. Either way, it makes no sense from a perspective standpoint to fly over the bottom of a wall. >_< I suppose I could have noticed it was traversable whenever I selected Schwarz, but... come on. My eyes wouldn't be looking over at the wall.
  8. Chapter 4. AKA The chapter that reminds us that this is an FE8 hack. Also, the writing in this chapter is kind of confusing!
  9. As requested by a few people, I'm showing off the other endings to Chapter 2, and a small amount of updates Alfred made after I recorded. Special thanks to Alfred for also recording the alternate endings for me when I forgot to record the game audio for my own footage. >_<
  10. Oooh. Very nice. I'll be using this in the future for sure.
  11. Mooooore Midnight Sun! Two videos! First, I go back to Chapter 1 to get a few things I didn't get last time. Also included is a perfect run of the chapter. Next, Chapter 2. This hack is getting very hard very fast.
  12. ... Uh... I'm not sure what... You mean SCFH DSF's area select? If so, that's not resizing. Let's talk about this over PM or skype. This is derailing the thread.
  13. I notice the video quality isn't pixel perfect. How did you resize?
  14. You need virtual dub or some other process that has a video capture feature in order to use SCFH DSF. When you get virtual dub, go to file -> capture AVI. Then refresh the SCFH DSF "select process" menu thing. Virtual Dub should show up. You record with Virtual Dub, and SCFH DSF simply tells it what to record. I think the tutorial covers what you need to do afterwards.
  15. Yup! But it gives me perfect video quality, records at a good fps, and the editting software I use is way more efficient and precise then most commercial video editors. It may be worth your time to get it just cause it is all free.If you decide to learn avisynth, I'll be happy to send you my custom filters.
  16. Oh? You wanna know my incredibly convoluted but totally free (sans microphone) method of recording and editting videos? Here ya go! http://markyjoe1990.elementfx.com/?page=faq#VideoCreation
  17. Eh... No worries. I have a lot of respect for you, and I know you don't have any ill intent behind your posts. Alright. I'll need to note this in my next video.
  18. Next episode is up! And I managed to credit Gabriel Knight for Alfred Kamon's portraits.
  19. You're afraid to steal ideas? Armads, lemme tell you something. A great man once said "Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal". I believe what he meant by that is not that you should steal something that isn't yours, but to take influence and inspiration from other works to make something new and unique. This is just my opinion, but I found a lot of the hack's ideas appealing, and I think you could benefit from it's insights. Conversely though, I already feel like DLuna's balance patch is great, and as such, you have strong competition for best balance patch. Maybe if you play it, you might instead realize that there is no need for another balance patch.
  20. Eh... fair enough. You aren't the first one to point out that it's the lack of experience that explains poor gameplay in hacks, and I don't have a strong argument against it either.
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