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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. I have changed the links to the animations I've submitted Ephiwood - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35795576/Animations/Ephiwood%20Animation%20by%20MarkyJoe1990%20and%20eJubs.zip Female Shaman (Fixed) - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/35795576/Animations/Female%20Shaman.zip
  2. Instead of making multiple threads for single ASM codes, I'm just gonna toss all my ASM here. Prolly easier on the lads too. WARNING: Some codes might not function properly! Let me know if this is the case! Check If All Ally Units Dead Source [spoiler=How It Works]Returns true if there are no more Ally Units fielded. [spoiler=How To Use]Insert it into a location in your ROM, then, in your events, add ASME [EventID] [Event Triggered] [Offset of ASM+1] Check If More Than 3 Ally Units Dead Source [spoiler=How It Works]Returns true if more than three ally units have died. [spoiler=How To Use]Insert it into a location in your ROM, then, in your events, add ASME [EventID] [Event Triggered] [Offset of ASM+1] Set Default Options Source [spoiler=How It Works]How it works - Sets the following options when the ASM is called in your custom events: Animation - 2 (Display backgrounds) Game Speed - Fast Text Speed - Max Terrain - On Unit - Panel Combat - Strat Show Objective - On Subtitle Help - Off Auto Cursor - Off Autoend Turns - On Music - On Sound Effects - On Window Color - 3 [spoiler=How To Use]If you like the current options, skip to Step 9. If you don't like these options, you can change them. Here's how: 1) Open your ROM in Visual Boy Advance. 2) Start a chapter. 3) Go into the options menu. 4) Set your desired options. 5) Go to Tools -> Memory Viewer 6) Go to 0x0202BC38. The first three bytes show the values for your current options. 7) Open up my ASM dump that you downloaded on this thread. 8) Change the following bytes. Shown below: Red is the first byte. Blue is the second. Green is the third. 9) Insert the DMP into the desired location of your ROM using a Hex Editor 10) Call the ASM code in your custom events using "ASMC [Offset of inserted ASM]+1" I made this ASM with guidance from Nintenlord's hacking notes.
  3. Yeah, she has very good defense. She's... honestly the best unit despite her abysmal speed growth.
  4. Fixed. It's now a zipped folder that includes the Readme. EDIT: Updated the ReadMe as well. It didn't include certain people. If there are people who aren't included in the credits, let me know. EDIT2: Thank you Agro for letting me know about that problem.
  5. Welp! Here goes nothing. Everyone check the first post. The first official beta has been released.
  6. Soooo good news. I've finally finished the interlude. Now all that's left to do is small fixes and we can have the patch released. FINALLY. ... I also need to seriously update that first post.
  7. Yeah. Feltyn is the Jeigan. Time and experience convinced me that having a true jeigan adds more strategy. By scaling enemies to be fairly strong to the point where using the jeigan is desirable, it adds challenge in how you distribute EXP.
  8. Progress Report: I'm roughly finished with the chapter 1 ending events. I decided that the scene I previously had in mind at the end of chapter 1 would fit better as it's own designated "interlude" chapter. We'll see if I release the patch after I touch up the hack or after I make the interlude.
  9. Progress Report: Most of the ending cutscene script is finished. I'm hitting a snag with the last scene though. It's proving extremely frustrating since I'm not quite sure what I'm trying to get across, but I'm starting to learn. There's minor touch ups around the hack that still need to be done, mainly stuff I keep overlooking, but overall, it's just a matter of getting that last piece of scene done...
  10. A recent video brought to my attention that some people think this project is dead. It's not. The reason why things have taken so long to progress is because of poor preparation mostly. I came into this not knowing entirely what I really wanted to do, and I kind of tried to brute force it, making numerous chapters without first trying to figure out what I really wanted to do for the story. This, alongside with my desire to make chapters with as good level design as possible, lead me to completely remove/change the chapters. I guess the other things that have prevented the project from making progress is work, both from my actual real life job, and from my several personal projects, such as youtube videos, composing music, tending to a kind-of high-maintenance Roleplay, among things like depression. Now, with that all said though, I've finally built a proper structure for the project. One that I can rely on, and one that doesn't just simply put almost ALL the work on me (I was doing almost EVERYTHING before, even though my team has over 8 members on it). In fact, I'll be releasing a 2-Chapter patch very soon. I just need to finish the ending cutscene for chapter 1. However, I'm not just gonna end this post with that. I'm going to prove to you guys what I've been working on. First. The new prologue, or Prelude, since I like arbitrary text changes. Note, you have eight units. I decided to cut the bullshit. I believe I've mentioned this in other places, but I believe that if you're playing a Fire Emblem hack, chances are, you've already played the originals, and don't need to be paced into all the different classes at a crawl. Instead, I just decided to give you ALL the different weapon types right at the start. Staves Excluded. Here's the bottom half of the map. If we count... 13 enemy units total. I don't intend for this to be easy either. As stated before, there's no permadeath, but enemies will be able to give you trouble enough that taking advantage of the lack of permadeath will be important. However, this is only the prelude chapter, and I wanted the first few chapters to be beatable without losing anyone. Let's take a gander at some portraits. Sorlene's been updated. She looks older now. Jonsin has been given a portrait that perfectly suits his personality, something I greatly value. Nickt came out of seemingly nowhere and updated Feltyn. Lookin' good, brah! Oh, what's this? This looks familiar... Fire Mumblem: Revised Edition's bonus tasks!? Let's see what happens if we complete them. Works like Revised Edition too. WHOA. WHAT THE!? ASM HAXXXX???? More bonus tasks! But there's more, ladies and gentlemen. Introducing a brand new feature never before seen in any hack! (I think!) Oh damn! The main character died... But wait. What's this!? Where am I? Introducing a new feature! The Netherworld is the place where all main characters go when they die. All players bad enough to get their main character killed in this game get insulted appropriately. Thankfully, insults aren't the only thing offered at the Netherworld. For those of you casuals that need that extra push to help them complete the chapter, you're offered advice on how to win the chapter! But wait, there's more! In this hack, you will see... Self-aware humor! Incredibly generic villains! And not even the slightest bit subtle messages to ship certain characters! (Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any frustration gained from trying to ship Feltyn and Lussaria) Now... considering this topic has been here for a while, I might just ask the admins to close it so I can start a new thread where I can get a fresh new start or some shit like that, but yeah. Fire Mumblem isn't dead, doodz.
  11. Oh hey! It's my buddy, Ash! Wanna join Fire Mumblem and help with eventing?
  12. Download This sets the following options when the ASM is called in your custom events: Animation - 2 (Display backgrounds) Game Speed - Fast Text Speed - Max Terrain - On Unit - Panel Combat - Strat Show Objective - On Subtitle Help - Off Auto Cursor - Off Autoend Turns - On Music - On Sound Effects - On Window Color - 3 How to use: If you like the current options, skip to Step 9. If you don't like these options, you can change them. Here's how: 1) Open your ROM in Visual Boy Advance. 2) Start a chapter. 3) Go into the options menu. 4) Set your desired options. 5) Go to Tools -> Memory Viewer 6) Go to 0x0202BC38. The first three bytes show the values for your current options. 7) Open up my ASM dump that you downloaded on this thread. 8) Change the following bytes. Shown below: Red is the first byte. Blue is the second. Green is the third. 9) Insert the DMP into the desired location of your ROM using a Hex Editor 10) Call the ASM code in your custom events using "ASMC [Offset of inserted ASM]+1" I made this ASM with guidance from Nintenlord's hacking notes.
  13. Here ya go. I'm allowed to have, like, four databases or something. That seems to be the limitation.
  14. I'm lookin' stuff up on google and I ain't getting anything. >_< How would I check to confirm this?
  15. I'll include FE8 and FE6 if/when things get far enough. For now, FE7 is the most commonly hacked of the GBA games, so it's best I focus on that for now.
  16. Updated the tutorial. Added a table of contents, a "Common Errors" section, and mentioned that you can resize the map.
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't BwdYeti going to sell FEXNA? That's probably even less legal. If it's still using the IP stuff by Nintendo, like graphics and music, then it's hardly any less illegal than hacking. It's because of these things that I'm not holding my breath over the project. Another thing. SMW Central is a website dedicated to hacking as well, and yet Nintendo has not done anything about it. The chances of anything being done about a less popular IP such as Fire Emblem is slim. Yeah, they were very helpful! I didn't even know there was a Palette Assembler before. =X I too have had to help people over skype or Youtube PM. It's helped me figure out good methods to teaching people FE hacking, where to start, etc. I wouldn't be that pessimistic. Hm... I'm gonna go learn MySQL, and look up tutorials on login page stuff. I'm really pumped about this, honestly.
  18. I built my entire website from scratch with PHP and HTML code. Learning MySQL and how to make a login page will probably be an exciting new experience for me, and it will possibly have other benefits. Maybe I'll finally figure out how to send notifications by e-mail. I'm a little concerned about quality control, since while I do fancy myself a man with standards, I don't feel I should impose my view of level design and the like on other people. For a long time, my ideas on level design were flawed, and they could easily still be. Stuff like that will just narrow the way people design levels, making them comply to the status quo instead of innovating. On top of that, it doesn't guarantee great design either. Here's an example: Due to Super Mario World Central's ridiculous standards, the original Super Mario World would not be accepted on the website. I'll be sure to take your advice on the tilesets. I agree 100% on the elitism thing. One of my friends, who comes to this forum, has mentioned the dogmatic and unsupportive attitude displayed mostly on Serenes. People have got to be more accepting of mediocrity/terribleness. Myself included. It's hard to feel encouraged or even improve when you get ridiculed for trying to indulge your creativity and make something for others to enjoy.
  19. I think the best way I can describe my goal is that I want to make a Fire Emblem hacking website that's as good as Super Mario World Central.
  20. Right. Then, I suppose the biggest challenge here is just mustering up the patience and focus to get this all linked up on the website.
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