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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. Updated "Relax! It's the Early Game" since I didn't like some parts. It should be better now.
  2. Enough people complained about it that I decided to change it back. I will be getting very experimental with this project, but some changes just aren't necessary, and it's not like this change is experimental/interesting in any way. Couldn't stop yourself from boasting about that engine, eh?
  3. When you know how to do it, it's actually pretty easy. Though, I will admit, learning it was kind of a pain in the butt.
  4. I didn't put the instrument map into Fruity Loops. I created a MIDI in fruity loops, then inserted it into the game via Zahlman's Song Editor and by using MarioBros's native instrument map (You have to call it for the convert command).
  5. I don't intend for copper swords to be threatening. After all, they're the E Rank sword. Bronze Swords are D rank. As for map sprite palettes... my group of merry men seems to be against the purple map sprite idea, so I might just change it back to blue. =X I dunno. I kind of wanna make more visual changes to the game since after playing hacks for so long, I feel they could really use a fresh coat of paint, y'know? I suppose it's also beneficial in another way in that people are drawn to a hack more by it's graphics than anything else, it seems.
  6. Okay, I checked my tiled map stuff and... things were in the order you said they SHOULD be in... so I flipped the positions of the destroyed and saved village tile changes... and that worked! Thanks dude/tte, you're my hero/ine!
  7. Heya everyone! I'm still working on this! In fact, here's some material to look at. First, we have the new player phase theme I created. Check it out! Next, we have some screenshots Do note, the ally map sprite palette isn't set in stone. I might stick to purple unless I decide blue is the better choice. Vulneraries have been replaced with the cure to misery! Unfortunately, while I have greatly improved my comedy writing, I can't show any examples of jokes in the hack in a single screenshot, so... Anyways, there's one other change I wanna show. The Taylor Swift joke I made earned no laughs, and the whole "I created you with my feminine side" did not sit well with a few people. As a response, I removed both. Now you can successfully get through the prelude cutscene and feel less creeped out! Hurray! I also polished up the prelude cutscene a bit more outside of what I'm showing here. It doesn't have any jokes, but at least it feels more natural. Sometimes you just gotta take a moment to be serious once in a while I guess. Anyways, I think this is a pretty good update now. I'd like to show off Chapter 1, but currently due to a devious ASM I'm testing, chapter 1 isn't fully functional. Though, even if it was, I want to make a few changes to enemy placement. Speaking of which, I have a problem regarding villages, and I'm curious as to whether anyone else has been having this issue. Whenever I visit a village, it gets destroyed. is there a way to fix this? The destroyed village tile change has a lower ID number than the saved village, so it should in theory work, but it doesn't. Could it be that by setting the village's visit ID to 0x00 that it does this?
  8. Heeeeeey I still exist. I updated the song list to have my new song, Make A Decision ~ Relax! It's the Early Game. After so many attempts at making a fitting and nice sounding early game player phase song, I finally succeeded with this. Not only that, but I managed to go out of my comfort zone and DIDN'T use any of my usual chord progressions. It sounds a little like FE5's early game player phase music, but that's because it borrowed a little from it. I guess you could call it a "tribute". Also, Desperate Assault is no longer reserved by Seph1212, so permission is no longer needed when using it.
  9. Jesus christ, Rance. You're so oppressively single-minded. Y'know, there are villains who can be completely immoral douchebags and still be likable if they at least have some likable traits and are entertaining to watch, but Rance only HAS one trait, and nothing else. He's like if you were to strip a human down to their most basic, sexual form. There's no amusement in watching him exist, and the shock value of his character wears off really quick. Honestly, if I were to make this game, I'd make every character dislike Rance, so that he's at least the under dog, and maybe he never gets laid because he's such a single minded scoundrel. That would at least induce some comedy. I'd also make his slave chick smarter than him and hate him with a fiery passion, and attempt to find ways to kill him, only to be conveniently stopped by some outside factor she didn't foresee. Then maybe midway through the game, something happens to Rance and he realizes he needs to change his ways, and maybe he starts to treat her better and let her go. But alas. It is what it is.
  10. Well, the thing is, I don't know how to make this bonus apply yet. A few obstacles come to mind. Particularly, I need to learn how to "waste" RNs the way the game does it. If I don't do this, I can't apply the same slight randomness the game usually has for stats. Next thing is that I need to find a way to identify the Chapter ID, so that I can make the game apply the bonus levels that you set in the chapter data editor (Yes, you set the hector hard mode level bonus in that!). There are probably other issues, but those are the key ones off the top of my head. If I get both, I might also go ahead and make a code that forces enemies to use their character growths rather than class growths. Would be pretty interesting if you want to make an enemy team that specializes in specific stats, but have different classes.
  11. Heeeey everyone. Anyone interested in an ASM code that applies Hector Hard Mode bonuses without requiring Hector Hard Mode?
  12. Since I'm extremely jaded and cynical as it is, it's always a breath of fresh air to see someone else share my cynicism and dislike towards something. Granted, Facebook is a nice way to stay in touch, but... screw that noise. I don't like being so involved with other people, and I don't care enough about other people's lives to really want to read what they say unless it's intriguing opinions on a subject manner, which is a rare case.
  13. Hello everyone. Markyjoe1990 here. After watching , it's occured to me that I haven't gone out of my way enough to ask for feedback, criticism, and advice. I don't know if this is really the place to ask for some, but anywhere is a good start, no?Anyways, if you're interested, please watch so that you can get an idea of how my commentary goes. Please give me an idea of what I do well and what I should drop as well.Thanks in advance!
  14. Prolly gonna make thieves promote to Rogues. Assassin is probably one of the worst promotions in FE7. 'Course, I could always just improve the assassin class, but I never felt it fit the thief class as a promotion in the first place. Also, what are you looking to submit? Portraits? Chapters? Something else? Go ahead and add me on skype. When I'm done cleaning, we'll talk.
  15. Step down for now and just come back later when you have the luxury and time to make contributions. No rush.
  16. *rechecks the old "Help me Help You" thread. You're right. It was Isacc. Changing now.
  17. FIVE BILLION YEARS LATER... We finally have our essential cast! 12 characters total. I'm honestly amazed that I managed to get so much support for this project. I'm really greatful for all the help I've received. For everyone else, Just be aware that the names are subject to change. Also, ignore the levels and stats. This is our main character, Lussaria. AKA Lucy. She's the game's first shaman. Not sure if we're gonna have more than one, but giving the player more options would be nice, but so long as we have one of the essential classes then we're still good. This portrait was done by SquareRootOfPi a long while ago. He's damn amazing. This is Feltyn. He's... pretty much a parody of the "satelite character", as in, his entire character relies around Lucy. He even has the "childhood friend who has a crush on her" part going down. Unfortunately, due to story related reasons, Lucy doesn't quite have the same affections! I REALLY wish I knew who made this portrait. I think the guy's name was something like "Nickt" or something... wait... I think that's it. =S This is Poalski, the knight. He's notable for joining your mercenary group for two reasons. 1) Money and 2) he likes to kill things. REALLY likes to kill things. Need I say more? This portrait was done by Cedar Nyx. A surprisingly competent splicer despite having only done this few times before. Jonsin. Our cavalier, and the biggest pussy to ever exist. He's cowardly, easily excited, and kind of the butt of many jokes. You will feel bad for him. Probably. This portrait was done by Isacc. Initially a priest, we changed Kinsan's class to Monk because healers kind of suck when a horse isn't included with their packaging. Kinsan's probably the most interesting character on paper; he's a holy man who has started to question his faith in the wake of seeing things he wish he didn't. Not sure if we're gonna stick with that, but hey, better than nothing, right? His portrait is another work made by Cedar Nyx. The name is based on a game I made when I was younger about an old geezer of a wizard who solved dungeons, like every text adventure ever. This guy is Shigeid. Cedar Nyx thought I was going for a myrmidon when I showed my concept "art" to her, but it worked out nonetheless. He's a fighter, or rather, a lumberjack (Note to self: change Fighter class name to lumberjack) who wants... new clothes. That's it. Prolly gonna change this. Either way, LOOK AT HIM! He's clearly an Othin rip off! That's far from a bad thing though. He picked the best damn fighter to rip off. Made by Cedar Nyx btw. Okay. Get this. I want my "villain empire" to specialize in magic users and pegasus riders. Unique, right? Probably not, but still! Sharla's a character who I have planned to defect her nation, but honestly I'm probably going to change that. I suck at backstories and we haven't quite worked on the plot yet. Her portrait was done by Furetchen, who is no longer part of the project. We kind of got into a fight. Regardless, Furetchen contributed a lot regarding class balancing, and both that and this portrait are contributions I greatly appreciate. This is Marina... the archer... ...... I hate archers. They are the worst damn class in Fire Emblem. Ever. That said, I do intend to make archers less terrible in this hack, by way of longbows and greatbows, and making their stats better. NOT GONNA USE SHORT BOWS THOUGH. FUCK THOSE. They ruin the whole point of the archer! ... Oh yeah. TOTALLY not a rip off of Rachel from The Last Promise by the way. Her portrait was done by SgtSmilies. Cross eyed her is named Sorlene. She hasn't really been delved into in terms of character yet, but so far I have her set to be a "Noble with a lust for adventure". This portrait was done by Nayr, who left the project after we got into a fight. Regardless, while the eyes bother the hell out of me, it's otherwise a decent portrait, and I'm thankful he contributed it before he left. This lass right here is our thief, Yurino. Right now, her goal is to become rich... And that's all the personality I have written down for her right now. As you can imagine, much of this is still in the works. Her portrait was done by OverlordPichu. This is our dancer, Zelisse. There's not much else to say besides her neck is too long. She was also done by OverlordPichu. Her placeholder name is Flovu, but anyway, she's the troubadour of the game. JadeWyvernRider suggested we make Kinsan a monk and give the healing shtick to a troubadour because healers generally kind of suck due to their crap movement. I think this was a good decision. OverlordPichu did this portrait as well. Anyways, ontop of having all these characters, I also have VIDEO FOOTAGE!!! As you can see, we decided to change the plot. A lot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fEaHTkFhbc
  18. Updated the Dream of Five revisited playlist. Chapters 6 and 6x are done.
  19. It will be like Roy's promotion. Exactly the same, but with higher caps.
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