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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. I'm actually kind of indifferent to them.

  2. I'm working on yet another song for the hack. Here's Handful of Hope I haven't made any progress on that defense mission yet, mainly due to lacking a big enough cast of characters, so I'm likely gonna be trying to work on a different chapter in the mean time. I DID remove the "wall trees" though. I think I'm also gonna start doing commentaries on the public chapter betas to give insight on the chapters, as well as talk about the hack in general, since I feel the need to go into more detail about it. Feel free to leave questions here and I'll answer them both in this thread and in my videos.
  3. Workin' on a new player phase theme. Make A Decision ~ Everyday Brawls
  4. Who's the lass in your avatar?

  5. Updated the first post to include the current betas. Also made some changes to the FAQ.
  6. If you check the posts, you'll find both versions of my Castle of Healing. However, I understand that's tedious and annoying, so I'll update the first post to include the maps for your convenience.
  7. To be honest, I think the most interesting idea would be to make a bard/dancer the main character of a hack, like what Furetchen did in the now canceled Drums of War, but I prefer to keep my main a Shaman. Someone here has a thing for very long hair, I presume? She's gone through many changes, but currently here's what I have. Lussaria's Profile (WIP) I'm likely to change those trees to function like normal trees, or remove them entirely. I did not know they were essentially walls until Seph1212 told me sometime ago. I did both of them. If you want to see my collection of GBA compatible songs, go ahead and check out my music thread. Most of them are original tunes. Feel free to use my music for your own hack if you like. Two of them require permission however. No problem.
  8. Pirates are going to spawn from the forts in the southwest. If you look closely at the top of the island and the bottom right, there's two river tiles, which means they have a way to get into the water and reach the villages.
  9. Splendid. I'm hoping to make chapters of this kind of quality consistently through the project; short, but gimmicky and challenging. I looooove female shamans~ I think the next chapter I'm gonna get to work on is the late-game defense mission chapter I have planned. Feast your eyes. Also, I created one of the boss themes for this game. Check it out. Oh, and while I'm at it, here's the late-game player phase theme too.
  10. Heeeeey everyone. Guess who has a new song to post? Battle of Justice ~ Fearless Adversary GBA Compatible MIDI
  11. Reset the rom and just hit resume. I'll have to set that unit to not gain/give experience. That should fix it. *Writes it in the bug thing*
  12. Based on the feedback given to me in this thread and elsewhere, I've updated my Castle of Healing map. Be prepared, ladies and gentlemen, the difficulty has dramatically spiked. - The female sage heals EVERY turn, and has infinite Fortify staff uses. The ASM code required to make this work is thanks to Blazer. - The Mercenary blocking the spawn point of the left thief has been moved right one. The tree tile he stood on has been removed to remove 20 points of avoid that the thief has. - All playable units have been relatively nerfed and buffed accordingly. Shigeid isn't nearly as ridiculously fast, Feltyn no longer has a Light Brand, Sharla is fast and deals more damage, and is sometimes capable of ORKOing the monks given that they have stats favorable for the player (Seems to change sometimes in my playthroughs). Sorlene can actually deal reasonable damage. The units' starting positions have been changed to be more favorable. - I went and changed the class growths and bases of all male classes to fit something along the lines of FE6 hard mode. Furetchen and SgtSmilies gave suggestions, most of which I followed through with. This, combined with a working healing gimmick, have substantially increased the difficulty. Most enemies can match the stats of your own units, and you will not be able to kill them with one unit alone. - Getting near the boss (Within the brighter tiled zone) will trigger two shamans to appear on the staircases every turn indefinitely. Bugs: - You may notice three soldiers spawn above the female sage. That's part of the fortify exploit. Don't worry about it. I just need to make those units invisible. - Losing Feltyn causes a game over, and most of the characters still have death quotes. This is just an oversight. I'll fix it soon. FIXED. - The female sage who heals can level up, which freezes the game, but can be fixed by reseting and resuming the game. Play at your own risk, and remember: There's no permadeath, so don't be afraid of losing units. You will most definitely lose some anyway (Just don't lose Lussaria). MarkyJoe1990 ~ Castle of Healing (v2)
  13. Ooh~ Screenshots~ - I'll fix the thief spawn. - Fire Emblem hacking currently lacks the ability to give thieves escape points. However, I have a workaround. Instead of getting the contents of the chest, I'm going to program the events so that the thief will destroy it, preventing you from getting the contents. - Once we get more characters (The eight you use in the game are the only ones we have so far besides bosses), I'm going to put in a prep screen so that you don't have to use Sharla. This chapter wasn't really built for her anyway. A lot of people have told me that Poalski should have lower resistance, and I've forgotten why I made it so high in the first place. I'll change it. Blazer offered to make a female archer for the hack. If he does what he says, you'll be able to trade her bow to Poalski. =X Oh yeah, and credit goes to The Blind Archer for the General Bow animation. - I'm likely going to make the female sages use fortify every turn since that was my original intention. - In fact lemme explain why they have both physic and fortify staves. Basically through experimenting with the AI, I realized that the AI is programmed to use fortify only if three or more enemies are in it's range, and low in health. Otherwise it'll do absolutely nothing. So by putting in two female sages with physics and fortify, I would be able to make them heal two or less enemies, as well as three or more, allowing more consistent healing. But uh... yeah. Prolly gonna look into Blazer's exploit. EDIT: Blazer did some fancy ASM shenanigans and now I can force the sage to heal EVERY turn. Be prepared, everyone. Next update's gonna be a bit more challenging~
  14. Blazer actually suggested I use an exploit that forces the sages to use the fortify every turn, but it seemed like a sloppy solution so I declined. I might have to really consider using it now though. This map's supposed to be somewhere in the midgame, so just pretend that you're playing a full length Fire Emblem with long term factors and want to get those chests. =X As for Sharla... We still don't have all of the "essential cast", so I put her in the chapter for filler. She's really meant for ferrying and saving villages above fighting.
  15. Heeeeey everyone. Guess whose map is ready to be playtested? Mine~ MarkyJoe1990 ~ Castle Of Healing Some of you might be off put by the terrible map design of the original Heal Bot map. Well don't worry, I revamped the entire map. Here's how it looks now! By the way, probably gonna update the FAQ soon so people know this is for FE7.
  16. That's irrelevant to this thread. If you want to talk, you have my skype. Now onto something relevant: I've created a base rom to make it easier for members to get straight to creating their chapters. As a result, some of us are likely to release betas of our chapters for public playtesting and feedback (This will vary from person to person). Expect to see me release a beta of my heal bot stage, and believe me, I will need your feedback; I don't like how it's turning out, but I can't quite pinpoint the problem with it. In fact, here's some screenshots! SgtSmilies has been eventing one of his own chapters as well, and might release an open beta, so... uh... stay tuned? Things are gonna start picking up in progress.
  17. Sorry dude. You're just not what we're looking for. If you wanna keep negotiating with me, PM me instead of using this thread.
  18. I have no idea what the origin of the name is anymore. =X Also, since SgtSmilies is no longer using the map I made for him (The one with lots of snags and rivers), I've decided to use it for one of my own chapters. I like the idea of a snag-focused chapter. Though, I'm wondering if there's a way I can expand the snag gimmick further than what the map implies.
  19. As far as I'm concerned, the chapter doesn't have any tricks up it's sleeves. Ephraim hasn't really went into detail about his ideas, and he's ignored my warnings about mazes being a terrible idea from a gameplay standpoint, and I refuse to encroach on his freedoms; I gave everyone full control over what happens in their chapters. He seems really fixated on the idea for some reason. Speaking of tile changes, I actually have two chapter ideas that make immense use of them. One is a maze as well, but the tile change gimmick makes the maze walls constantly rise and descend so you can walk over them. The other chapter idea... I'll keep a secret for now. Also. Two new maps. Created by SgtSmilies (Might be changed in the future) Created by MarkyJoe1990
  20. I'm just gonna give you all an update on our progress. It's been going very smoothly, much to my surprise. Everyone who joined is cooperative (A few didn't seem prepared for the project, so we unfortunately had to remove them), and we're getting some new portraits in. In addition, me and Ephraim225 have finished creating 5 maps for the game. Things are looking very up. We haven't worked on any dialogue or eventing yet, but we have been discussing various skits, story arcs, and some gameplay related stuff. Prologue Chapter (Created by MarkyJoe1990) Chapter 1 (Created by MarkyJoe1990) Heal Bot Stage (Created by MarkyJoe1990) Untitled Map (Created by Ephraim225) Maze of Hate (Created by Ephraim225) While I'm at it, I should mention we have several custom portraits. Most of them are taken from some previous projects of mine (Namely the Help Me Help You Project that started on the Emblem Brigade). I figure it would be nice if I at least show the main character's portrait. Made by SqRtofPi.
  21. Based on my experiences, yes. Though, since I've become very good with tile events, this hasn't happened to me in a long time, so it's possible my memory is just failing me and I just don't remember what happens when you mess up. I'll probably do a test sometime soon to confirm this. Ahh yes. That's right. I should mention that the TMX file can be opened up in notepad and you can change what location the tmx file gets it's tileset from. Will definitely add at some point. I should also include an FAQ for other problems.
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