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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. I'm gonna stick with Lussaria since I like the name better. Pretty much all the characters have weird names with no meaning, so this would actually be consistent.
  2. I checked google translate... and you're right. How the heck did I come up with that name? Only good can come from removing this feature. I've never liked it, and I never will. I could care less for the tension it brings. It just fills me with hatred.
  3. I'll fix that in a bit. Send me a PM with your skype name/e-mail, something that'll allow me to figure out what name you have. Awesome.
  4. Fair enough. Just give me a message on skype and we'll talk things over from there.
  5. You recently learned map making and eventing if I remember right. We could use any help we can get.
  6. Download: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/35795576/Tiled%20Tutorial.zip Alternate Download Map Reference Table: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/35795576/TutorialsAndResources/Map%20Information.html Map Changes Reference Table: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/35795576/TutorialsAndResources/Tile%20Changes%20Information.html This is a tutorial I made ages ago because I felt Nintenlord's wasn't very good. It explains in excruciating detail how to make and insert maps into Fire Emblem 7. It uses numerous images and diagrams for visual aid. It also has two reference tables to help you figure out the exact offsets of the original maps and tile changes so that you can replace them easily. Not even a person with an extra chromosome will fail at making maps now! Let me know if I wasn't detailed enough at certain parts, or if you come across any problems.
  7. The Grand First Release (Beta 1) Chapters included - Prelude, Chapter 1, Interlude Known Issues - Skipping Text scrolls crashes the game Fire Mumblem is a comedy hack that follows the story of a bunch of hackers trying to make a Fire Emblem hack. In the process of such, they end up fiddling with the life of an unsuspecting band of misfit sellswords who call themselves the Wolfen Mercenaries. And now for those lovely little screenshots~ COME MY CHILDREN! Some people in this community think Hector Hard Mode is too hard. Some can Low-Turn Clear Hector Hard Mode. In this game? Hector Hard Mode is the standard difficulty. This game also includes: Lovable characters! Bonus tasks, which reward you with character-specific stat boosts, money, items, and more! Elitism! (Losing the main lord brings you to the Netherworld, where you can obtain hints on how to beat a chapter!) Originality! Compelling, three-dimensional villains! Bonus content!?!?!!!???! Oh, and I guess we have custom maps, events, dialogues, portraits, and all that other fun stuff. So what else is there to be said? Well, if you are interested in helping us with this project, you can! Just e-mail me at markyjoe1990@gmail.com, or add me on skype and we can talk about it further. If you have any feedback and critiques, feel free to tell me, but don't be a jerk about it, alright? The fellas and I are a sensitive folk who love one another, wear beads in our hair, and smoke lots of dope. We're just doing this for the fun, y'know?
  8. I can't access the file. When I try to download it, it just brings me to the main page of the website.
  9. Well, I will still LP people's hacks if they ask. This includes hacks designed to be a ragefest submission. Some people are working on follow ups to their Ragefest submissions, so it's possible I might make a "Ragefest Gaiden". Aside from that though, don't expect much from me with Fire Emblem anymore. I'm going to postpone my Fire Emblem 5 LP, and I'm convinced that I lack the commitment, talent, patience, and willingness to work with others to continue/resume work on my personal Fire Emblem hack, Fire Mumblem, or any other hack of mine for that matter.
  10. Assuming I ever touch a Fire Emblem game again, I'd certainly use casual mode. I've grown to despise Fire Emblem perma-death. Oh yeah, and I... uh... support this project? What does that even mean?
  11. Why don't you all settle this dispute through PMs rather than filling up this topic with irrelevant arguing?
  12. It's time for the final chapter of not only Ragefest 3, but Ragefest as a whole. Voting time.
  13. No problem. I doubt many people are looking for these anymore, but there's always the few who do, and I like to be considerate of even the few who are interested. As for PwnageKirby's submission, She mentioned her updated version to me already, but said it was glitchy and incomplete, so I asked for the latest working version. It's not the latest version of your submission unfortunately, so chances are, you can expect that annoying thirty-something turn limit.
  14. I see nothing wrong with . You can give people insight about your creative process, ideas, etc.Honestly, I felt axing RFIV was for the better. Not many people seemed to want to enter anymore, and I was growing tired of doing it (and Fire Emblem) personally. I'm thinking about starting some new contests, and perhaps holding other kinds of events on my channel, since events and contests seem to be my forte moreso than doing playthroughs of games with commentary. I have Ragefest and the Crappy Game Contest to thank for the inspiration.
  15. With the axing of Super Ragefest IV: Trolls & Tribulations, there will be no further Ragefest contests from me. However, as a parting gift, I decided to put together an official archive that has every hack/game submitted to the contest, including the disqualified submissions. Now you can witness the frustration first hand! Or maybe torture your friends!?!? What this archive includes is the following: Ragefest 1 ~ Tranquility of Anger FELover3's Entry ~ Untitled 24fitz's Entry ~ Morph's Last Stand** Camtech075's Entry ~ Maze of the Troll King Cedar Nyx's Entry ~ Matthew's Nightmare Ephraim225's Entry ~ Boss Rush Hithere1's Entry ~ Le Chien est Adorable* Subieko's Entry ~ Desperate Struggle Download Ragefest 2 ~ The Sequelening FELover3's Joke Entry ~ Curse of the Emblem Blazer's Entry ~ Prisoner of Darkness Ephraim225's Entry ~ Rondo of Madness Hithere1's Entry ~ FETO's Last stand Download Ragefest 3 ~ Douchey Today, Relieved Tomorrow Ephraim225's Entry ~ Bullet Hell Madness FELover3's Entry ~ Marc's Special Day Golden Warrior's Entry ~ Vaati's Revenge* Hithere1's Entry ~ Yet Another Ragefest Hack* MarkyJoe1990's Entry ~ The Corruption of Roy Klokinator's Entry ~ Generic War*** PwnageKirby's Entry ~ F. EXE Download * = Submission was disqualified ** = Thanks to Shadow for getting this for me *** = Permission unconfirmed Please note. I've gotten the permission of almost everyone. I haven't contacted Klokinator about his submission, but if he has a problem with it being included in this collection, I'm willing to remove it from the collection. If you record any of these submissions, let me know. I'd like to make a list of videos of people playing these submissions so that we can all watch you suffer! =D
  16. There's no established canon pairing, so I'm going to assume there is no canon pairing.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Esy_Zk_njfw And there you have it. Official closure.
  18. Wasn't this the point? Or was it that people thought this was the point that made Marc not want to do it anymore... I have infinite patience for performing difficult tasks when I know they are doable (To give you some perspective, I've beaten in Super Kaizo World 2 without savestates, each of which I spent around 6 hours trying to beat), so I don't really mind playing them.Seeing the different ways I get trolled in each submission was actually the thing I liked the most about the contest. I'm one of those kinds of people who are cold and detached on the outside, but have a warm interior that longs for affection, so when someone manages to pull a move in their submission dickish enough to extract an emotion out of me, I actually feel like they care about me, so it gives me a sense of satisfaction and amusement. This is why I acted so enthusiastic at the end of Cedar Nyx's submission despite it taking about 3 hours or so to complete. This is what really bothered me about the contest. I'm not a very responsible person, so when I feel like I'm obligated to do something, I don't enjoy it. When I got so many submissions for Ragefest I, I was actually really happy about it because the idea was fresh at the time and I didn't expect so many people to actually care, so that negative feeling of obligation really didn't apply to me.
  19. I wouldn't deny a hack made specifically for me to play. Just don't expect me to do it until my mental and emotional state of mind has improved.
  20. I haven't issued the voting yet for Ragefest 3, and god knows when I'll be bothered to do that at the speed I'm going.
  21. On the contrary Seph1212. Did you see how I acted during Ragefest 3? The only humor that came out of my mouth was the endless slew of jaded remarks. Compare that to my cheery wackiness in Ragefest I. And as of late, I've been very emotionally detached and withdrawn. I don't want to be around people. As such, I don't think I have what it takes to make a watchable Ragefest anymore. This is something that has lingered in the back of my mind for a while. I never brought it up because no one ever spoke up about it. I agree with you. Ragefest has run dry. The only reason I kept it going was because the first one was so successful, and I got the impression that people wanted more, and I was afraid that if I didn't continue the series, I'd be letting a lot of people down. I never really considered my own feelings, which is why I started Ragefest IV despite announcing that I was tired of Fire Emblem and being a part of it's hacking community on the Emblem Brigade Forums. I think it's time Ragefest gets axed. I've grown tired of Fire Emblem hacking, and I don't really want to be part of the community anymore either. I just want to be left alone, without worrying about any obligations.
  22. It's been awfully silent in this thread. Are people just not interested in Ragefest anymore?
  23. I've thought about this, and it's occurred to me that I should have other people confirm that there is progress for me. Any way is fine, so long as people can confirm to me that you are working on your submission.
  24. I gave Shigeid the killer axe for a few reasons. - To fit his blatant Nabarl archetyping (Which admittedly, he doesn't fit all the criteria for, Since he's a fighter rather than a Myrmidon). - To drive it home that you'll want the Iron Rune from the top left chest in the room above Sophia's prison cell. - To make him more useful
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