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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. You have to have custom events in your submission or else it's disqualified.
  2. The point of allowing multiple chapters is so people don't cram multiple chapters into one chapter, not to completely liberate people from any limitations implied by this.
  3. I'm hoping that by doing this, people will make their chapters shorter, and we'll have more chapters in total. Essentially, it's permission to make as many submissions as you want, so long as it's in the same patch.
  4. Hey dudes and dudettes. How do you feel about allowing a submission to have multiple chapters? Not just as in the LOMA command, where a new map is loaded without a save prompt, but, like, actually separating chapters with a save prompt. If we don't do this for Ragefest IV, I'm considering making it a Ragefest V gimmick.
  5. PRIKEDELIK-O-THON So I decided to start posting my Let's Plays on here, since I'm relatively well known around these parts. Here, we have Prikedelik-O-Thon, which is the name of the series of videos me and EvilEggoWaffle made together chronicling our shenanigans with games made by a Newgrounds user named Prikedelik. Games by Prikedelik have a few running themes: 1. They almost always have stick figures, usually as the main character. 2. Simplistic and poorly animated graphics. 3. Cryptic puzzle solutions that often make no sense. 4. Poor English. 5. Pure, unadulterated randomness. 6. Getting eaten. A lot. Recently, Prikedelik saw these videos and actually left a comment, expressing glee towards our commentary. Unfortunately, in the same conversation, I learned that Prikedelik is no longer able to make his wacky games anymore because he has a cerebral disease. And thus, we will never get a P00p Adventure 4. Anyways, onto the videos! This video covers Prikedelik's P00p adventure series, which covers the struggles of a stick figure who gets randomly dropped into a hostile environment and must escape. These videos are the best example of Prikedelik's randomness: The first puzzle is literally solved by farting on a snake. Yes, you read that right. It only gets weirder from there. This video covers the Smart Stick Adventure Series. In the first one is nothing special, and is just about a stick figure trying to get a buried treasure while avoiding getting eaten by the fifty billion snakes lurking about. Hell, even the GRASS can eat him (Not shown in the video, but definitely a possibility). However, things get really tripped in Smart Stick Adventure 2 and 2 1/2. Just where the fuck are we!? Clearly Prikedelik was on the highest quality LSD when he made these games. Absent of bullshit puzzle solutions and getting eaten a lot is Stick Super Fight, a game where two sticks... fight. Clicking the red button gives the red stick figure the upper hand, while the green one gives the green one momentum. The object of the game is to allegedly get all 6 different endings, which are all random as hell.
  6. Download Link I've put these here since I understand some people are curious about them. This package contains my first four fire emblem hacks. None of which were ever genuinely finished. The only one that is of any respectable quality is Fire Mumblem: Revised Edition, however, this version only goes up to chapter 2 (I think), and as such, isn't worth it. The contents are as follows Super Hard Lyn Mode [FE7] My first hack. It is a reskin of Lyn's mode that changes stats, classes (Lyn is a mage), growths, and equipment, allegedly to increase difficulty. Despite being advertised as difficult, it is easy to completely trivialize the game by giving Lyn favoritism. Extra edits were done to Eliwood mode, namely adding Sophia as a playable character from Chapter 11 and beyond, but nothing of worth came out of it. I gave up on this hack because I lost interest. This was made back when I was a teenager. The hacking tools that were available at the time weren't enough to help me create a fire emblem hack I wanted. Old Fire Mumblem [FE7] A hack I made for BuringPenitentEngine when we were still friends. This hack was meant for two things. 1) Learning Fire Emblem hacking and 2) giving BuringPenitentEngine something to LP. The chapters are tedious and contain dialogue that's either extremely hilarious, or really god damn stupid, which is the sole reason why it is worth playing. It has 6 complete chapters, but chapter 7 is playable. Chapter 5 is arguably the only quality chapter despite it's crappy map design. I gave up on this hack because I wanted to remake it. Hence, Fire Mumblem: Revised Edition. Tactician Hell [FE7] Functionally, this is a Ragefest hack that was made before the Ragefest Contest was ever conceived. Containing only one short chapter, the hack was intended to be a series of extremely difficult and unfair chapters, with no dialogue. Despite the intended difficulty, many people have managed to beat it without any issues. I gave up on this hack during construction of chapter 2, in which I told myself "This is a piece of shit, and I hate it". Ironically, I would one day make a Ragefest submission. Fire Mumblem - Revised Edition [FE7] The cherry on top of the shit pile. Fire Mumblem Revised Edition is the only quality thing in this package, but only contains two chapters (Or three, depending on which version I put in). The dialogue, while immature, can be very funny, and the maps don't look like complete shit (Chapter 2 is especially well made). It also has the "Bonus Task System" which rewards players for completing specific tasks with money. Despite it's length, the levels are fun to play and have a consistent flow that can maintain player interest. I gave up on this back because me and BuringPenitentEngine stopped being friends. This hack was meant to give him popularity, and me something to watch. Screens: Super Hard Lyn Mode: [images missing] Old Fire Mumblem: [images missing] Fire Mumblem Revised Edition: Tacitician Hell: [images missing]
  7. Added you on skype.

  8. Nope. Maybe later today, I'll dick around with that part and try different instruments.
  9. New song! Some of you might recognize this song as the final map theme of Fire Emblem Gaiden, and you'd be right! I made it to wow Seph1212. Although I didn't get the "OH MY GOD MARC THIS IS AWESOME" reaction I desired, he loved it enough to ask to reserve it. As such, permission is required from both me and him to use it.
  10. You should be nagging the person who's going to LP my submission, not me. I'm probably going to make a thread called "Official Past Ragefest Topic", and it will have all the submissions of Ragefests past, complete with descriptions. I'm also going to encourage people to post their LPs of submissions in that thread, or to just discuss the submissions in general.
  11. I honestly feel Ragefest 3 is the best one so far, at least in terms of submissions. Ragefest 1: Ephraim225's Boss Rush - Pretty much just a cluster fuck of enemies with bad map design. The video was redeemed only by my extremely whimsy commentary Subieko's Desperate Struggle - Bland story, decent map design, but piss poor pacing and challenge, and dumb grinding requirements. FELover3's Untitled - Terrible to the point of parody. The video itself was only entertaining because I laughed at how stupid it was. Cedar Nyx's Matthew's Nightmare - Probably the only good submission Ragefest 1 actually had, because it actually had a story of some coherence, was funny, and knew what the contest was all about, pissing me the fuck off entertainingly. Pretty much set the bar for later ragefest submissions. Camtech076's Maze of the Troll King - Complete and utter mess. Interesting ideas with absolutely terrible execution. Redeemed only by me and Cam's amusing co-commentary, and ARCHIBAAAAAAAAALD!!! 24fitz's Morph's Last Stand - It was like a diet-Boss Rush. Video was only redeemed by me and Seph1212 utterly skewering how bad it was. Hithere1's PIECE OF HORSESHIT - Why? Why did this exist? It was disqualified. The truth of the matter is that Ragefest 1 only had one submission that really felt like a submission, and that was Cedar Nyx's. The only thing that would make this Ragefest the best is the commentary, which was admittedly some of my best stuff. Ragefest 2: Blazer's Prisoner of Darkness - Really creative in terms of gameplay, and it tries to have a story, but the story falls flat on it's ass, and the submission was initially stupidly luck based. Preys on the player's lack of observation. And even though I felt cheated that the ending was a downer, in hindsight, it's actually pretty hilarious. My complete lack of having-a-clue really made the video entertaining. Hithere1's FETO's Last Stand - Was nothing more than an attempt to get FETO more attention. Had absolutely no creative ideas. Ephraim225's Rondo of Madness - Probably Ephraim's best submission. Humor was a bit shitty at times due to excessive reliance on references, but then it had moments of brilliance like the Wolf Brigade. Probably one of the few submissions I actually beat without cheating in some way (Memory hacking/using more save states than permitted). Video commentary was amusing, and EvilEggoWaffle made his one and only appearance in one of my Fire Emblem commentaries here. Overall though, Ragefest 2 was probably the worst. Mainly because of the lower amount of submissions. Ragefest 3: FELover3's Marc's Special Day - Fucking. Maximum. Trolling. I have never had my emotions driven so far in any submission, and this one not only made fun of me and played my quirks for laughs, but it made fun of itself by acknowledging that it was terrible, and enjoying every last second of it. Ephraim225's Bullet Hell Madness - A really bloated submission with way too many references, though, it did have some very funny moments ("Oh... you're a transvestite. I didn't need to know that."). Had TONS of interesting ideas, even though half of them were executed like shit. The co-commentary between me and Ephraim certainly helped redeem it. Klokinator's Generic War - Intended to be a chapter where you rush, designed completely counter-intuitively to that. Best music choices of any Ragefest submission however, and it has excellant presentation. The dialogue, while not particularly funny, didn't make me want to strangle kitten's like Ephraim's Bullet Hell Madness did. PwnageKirby's F.EXE - Really creative gimmick, and extremely well designed beginning part. Fucking awesome ending. Utterly stupid, undeveloped story with very few jokes, and a horrid forest section that doesn't need to exist. Was the biggest reason why Ragefest 3 was so horribly delayed. Hithere1's Yet Another Ragefest 3 Hack - Humor is dumb. Map design is bloated. Enemies are overpowered. Pretty much unbeatable, and was disqualified for that and other things. GoldenWarrior's Vaati's Revenge - Really interesting submission that wouldn't have been disqualified if it didn't have so much luck reliance. Hardly any story or dialogue. MarkyJoe1990's [NOT YET SEEN] - ??? Unlike Ragefest 1, the quality of Ragefest 3 is pretty consistent. Pretty much every submission had something good about it (Except Hithere1's). Really, the only reason why I can believe someone would view this Ragefest as inferior to Ragefest 1 is simply because of my commentary, but honestly, the commentary in Ragefest 3 isn't that much worse than Ragefest 1. Oh yeah, and while I'm at it, have I mentioned that I'm going to create downloadable Ragefest archives so that everyone can play any Ragefest submission?
  12. You mean like what I do with my ? It would be interesting, but... I'm not sure I can pull that off, mainly because I don't know how I manage it. Despite all the things I dislike about FE5, there's just something about it that causes me to assume a state of whimsy and carefreeness.I remember getting into that mental state during as well, which was what made that tedious hour or so of footage that much more bearable for my viewers.I kind of want to figure out what triggers that state of mind, since I'd love to be that way in most of my videos. Honestly, just thinking about your suggestion makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. A video entirely consisting of the whimsy marc and a trollsome submission, ending with my concluding thoughts. The definitive MarkyJoe1990 viewing experience. Of course, if we go with the co-commentary idea, there's no way that would work. Whimsy Marc is also a Marc that never shuts the fuck up, so I can't imagine my co-host having much fun. That, and I think it'd be much harder to go into that state of mind, considering whenever I do a commentary with someone, I always feel immense amounts of anxiety.
  13. It doesn't matter. It's not relevant to discussion. Back on topic, please.
  14. I was asked to request an interview with this FEE3 regarding Ragefest. Um... So yeah. I guess I'll ask for that then.
  15. You're too impatient to read tutorials? How do you expect to troll me if you're too lazy to even read the tutorials? And don't go telling us how things should be done, because I have an argument against that. We shouldn't waste our time (Which isn't infinite, mind you!) to teach you how to hack because clearly it's not worth it: If you lack the patience to learn how to hack by reading tutorials, then you obviously don't have the patience to make anything of acceptable quality. And how are you having trouble finding things? Did your forget all the links I've provided for you in the past?! I want you to stop this, BladeHero22. You've already gotten this thread derailed before, and I'm not going to put up with it any further. Stop using this thread which is about Ragefest IV, and using it to talk about how things should be done in the hacking community. If you want to tell people how you feel, make your own thread. If you don't stop this, I will get something done about it.
  16. Well, we wouldn't be able to see each other's screens, so we'd only have each others' word to go by. Meaning, we could lead each other into traps if we're good enough at lying.
  17. I recently got a very interesting suggestion. Mrbrkill of YouTube suggested that I try being more competitive in Ragefest; I should race someone to see who can finish a submission first. It'd be like a split screen thing, where me and my opponent would talk to each other on skype. Honestly, it sounds like a pretty interesting idea. What do you all think?
  18. Well, one of the instruments got converted to a square wave. Probably because it was an instrument that the native instrument map doesn't actually have. If you remove that one instrument, it would probably sound better than it currently does when inserted. Aside from that, I can't really say I prefer one or the other.
  19. Here ya go. I don't know why the tempo is raised, but it is.
  20. Yeah, go ahead. I'm quite excited to see what you and your bros/sisses come up with.
  21. Updated first post to link to the song in the "other" section of Julie's Theme.
  22. Open your ROM with HxD. open the Native Instrument Map with HxD as well. On the Native Instrument tab, hit ctrl + A to select all of it, then ctrl + C to copy all of it. Then, in the offset of your choice (I use 00DA0000), hit ctrl + B to paste all of the native instrument map into your ROM (Do not use ctrl + V, since this is paste insert. ctrl + B is paste overwrite). Then, using Zahlman's Song Editor: Open [Name of your rom. Do not include extension] Convert -l0 [Offset of native instrument map] [Name of your midi. Do not include extension] burn 0x69d738 (Replaces Inescapable Fate. If you want to replace a different song, you'll have to find it's offset using sappy) close test Mine looks like this when I insert it Open RE convert -l0 0xDA0000 JT burn 0x69d738 close test RE is the name of the ROM I use, which is my ragefest submission. -l0 is the looping point of the song, measured by "bars". Since mine is 0, it starts at the beginning of the song. 0xDA0000 is the offset I put the native instrument map JT is the MIDI of Julie's Theme EDIT: Fixed the crediting issue.
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