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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. Okay. seriously Hithere1, did you even try this time around? Your submission, as far as I'm concerned, is completely unwinnable. Did you actually play this to see if you could beat it yourself? Why the hell do I have to deal with BOLTING SAGES THAT KILL MY UNITS IN TWO HITS when I can barely get even ONE of my units (Whom all have shitty stats and growths) to level 10 before a hero with brave weapons shows up?
  2. Actually FELover3... you might win Ragefest 3. Like, you actually have something of a chance. DX My best friend Luizprower even intends to vote for you unless I somehow amaze him with my submission. You made him laugh really hard.
  3. While I don't want to LP boring submissions, I feel it's unfair to the person who made it. Submissions can take a while to make. It's painful to put time into something only for it to be given the boot. On the other hand, it really gets in the way of my enjoyment if a submission is particularly bad... I'm gonna try and figure this out.
  4. Yeah, I noticed. It's a bit more convenient. But only yours had it. Yours was also significantly less frustrating in general because I didn't die nearly as much. And you're right, but while your savestate feature is far from slow, you still have to go back to the main menu just to access it. I prefer having it at the press of a button. Plus, I sometimes like having multiple savestates in case I end up savestating into an unwinnable scenerio, or something else happens.
  5. Look at the post above yours. I explained that I can do this, but it's very tedious and inconvenient. Edit: Looks like you found it.
  6. With all of it's amazing versatility, I still think it's not worth putting up with the engine's slowness, clunkiness, and lack of savestates. I can back up my suspends to slightly cover up the savestate problem, but it requires me to make a copy of my suspends and then rename those copies to "suspend" when I want to use them. Then I have to go back to the title screen and load the suspend, which is tedious and way less convenient than simply pressing the "load savestate" button on my emulator. It's also hard to keep track of which suspends do what. It's a chore, and it makes it hard for me to maintain my commentary mindset. Also, take note that these problems tend to lead me into procrastinating on FEXP submissions a lot because of how little fun have I have actually playing them. PwnageKirby's submission, while possessing a really interesting gimmick, took memorization to the most ridiculous extreme. This, along with the engine's already existing problems, made every session very boring for me, effectively ruining my enthusiasm and commentary.
  7. If nothing else, ROMs are better optimized and don't have clunky controls and tons of annoying glitches. I'd go as far as to say ROM hacks, while not very friendly to make, are a lot friendlier to play. That said, I really don't like FEXP, and I don't really feel it should have a place in this contest.
  8. The new Fire Emblem Universe is gonna need all the help it can get for a good launch. Seeing how I'm going to be the guy running FEU, I have a pretty darn big reason to exclusify Ragefest 4's thread to there.
  9. At the time of writing, we are nearing the end of Ragefest 3 (Albeit rather slowly). As such, I've been contemplating on various things surrounding Ragefest 4. Will there be a Ragefest 4? I have tons of free time, but even on busy days, I can always make time for myself to do all the things I enjoy, but the keyword here is "enjoy". Maybe this is my depression speaking, but my passion for the contest has dwindled over time, and I don't really know why. Perhaps my patience and tolerance for bullshit has gotten worse, or perhaps the hacks have simply stepped up their troll game since the beginning of the series, making it hard to muscle through them, but I've started to become very irritable in my Ragefest videos, and it's not the good kind either; it's the bitchy, petty kind that annoys rather than entertains. People will likely disagree with me on this and be like "OH BUT MARC, YOUR PETTY BITCHING IS GREAT AND I LOVE YOU. NOW MAKE ME A SANDWICH", but I've never really taken other people's opinions of my videos seriously in the first place, because I find it hard to believe my videos are perfect by any means, and tend to become angry when I'm rained with praise (And even then, I sometimes don't take criticism well either). On the other hand, I know a lot of people didn't finish their submissions in time for Ragefest 3, and I really do want them to have their chance to shine, especially since some of the people who didn't make it were people I know to be quite accomplished hackers. I could easily just NOT have a contest and LP their finished submission anyway, but some people entered to win (Like people SHOULD be doing in this contest), which means their primary motivation for making a submission in the first place would be gone. So to answer this question, I don't know. Where is the Ragefest 4 thread going to be? When Norodo and I launch the new Fire Emblem Universe forums, the thread will exclusively be there. Some of you will likely be mad about this, and you're entitled to whine all you want, but this is not something I intend to budge on. That said, you don't need to be a member of that forum to give a submission. You can PM the submission to me on Serenes Forest, The Emblem Brigade, Shrine of Seals, The Fire Emblem Shrine, and the Fire Emblem cafe. You can also e-mail it to me through my e-mail account, which is markyjoe1990@gmail.com, or contact me on YouTube and send it from there. For forums I go to that aren't Fire Emblem Universe, I will leave a reply in the Ragefest 3 thread of that corresponding forum to notify people when Ragefest 4 has started. Will the rules/goals be changed? I don't know. While I like giving people as much freedom to design their submission any way they like, there's nothing I hate more than recording a submission and ending the footage with absolutely no progress. It's the most demotivating feeling ever, and it's the reason why I put off PwnageKirby's submission for so long. I feared that I would end the video accomplishing nothing. It made me realize that with how the rules are now, people can make a non-luck based chapter that is still extremely unpleasant to play, which may effect the speed at which I upload submissions and may be effecting my attitude towards the contest in general. This hurts everybody. So I may change the rules for Ragefest 4 - particularly the save state limit rule (I usually break it anyway) - to dull the level of frustration I receive from submissions. Additionally, Ragefest 3 was very enlightening on the potential of FEXP vs. ROM Hacking, which is to say that FEXP is laggy, has clunky controls, constantly crashes (CONSTANTLY), and has no save state function. It also has enormous unfair advantages such as MP3 compatibility, an easy-to-learn coding language, which can be used to mess with the player in interesting ways, and having more space for stuff in general. Personally, I hate FEXP, and it's annoying and inconvenient for me to record on it, but I understand a lot of people like it's friendlier approach to things than ROM hacking, and it's absence would greatly lower the potential of some really interesting mindfucks. Regardless, I'm debating on whether I want to ban FEXP, make a category of FEXP submissions that will be judged separately from ROM hacks, or simply continue things as they were in Ragefest 3. When the new Fire Emblem Universe comes around, ROM Hacking will be a lot friendlier to approach than previously, so perhaps FEXP won't be needed at all. It all depends on how things rolls out. Anything else, Markyjoe? I feel I should let people know that a lot of Ragefest submissions have enormous pacing issues (Ephraim225's RF3 submission), or major exploits that trivialize them (Klokinator's RF3 Submission). Both of these things make the submission really tedious to play, and makes it hard for me to maintain my interest. It also makes me have to do a lot of editing post-production, which, again, factors into how long it takes for me to upload submissions (Ephraim225's submission especially was an editing mess and was yet another reason why Ragefest 3 had so many uploading delays). I also feel people should put more effort into the stories of their submissions. I know the point of the contest is to make a funny chapter, but you can still make an interesting story without compromising humor. A good story can do a lot of good for your submission. Cedar Nyx's submission wouldn't have been nearly as successful if it didn't have it's flawed, but entertaining story. And with that, I bid y'all farewell. Discussion is encouraged.
  10. Only two parts have been uploaded so far. Honestly, it's not as hard as I initially thought. Once you get past the first few turns, it's essentially a bait 'n switch fest. Though, I could be proven wrong later on in the chapter. I don't think I'd consider it the hardest submission in the contest, but I commend pwnagekirby. She clearly put a lot of thought into it.
  11. How's about we drop this? I don't want my topic being derailed.
  12. I can forgive terrible portraits, and I don't really care if ASM hacking is used. I just want good level design and an interesting story. Besides, even if you know ASM, it won't matter unless you use it effectively. I'll use a non-asm example with Ephraim225's Ragefest 3 submission. It had a very interesting idea, spellcards. This could've been utilized in amazing ways that the player would have to prepare for, but with how underexploited it is, it quickly becomes an after thought, with the only card of note being the "evil berserk" card. It's the only one I made any preparation for, and the reason why it needs preparation in the first place is because turning your main unit into an enemy unit is just intrinsically very dangerous. The card didn't need to be utilized effectively because it's so dangerous on concept alone.
  13. Assuming Hithere1 still wants his submission to be in the contest, it's his. If not, we're waiting for my submission to be LPed. He seemed really inconfident about it.
  14. I've been thinking about this. If the person I asked to LP it can't, or doesn't want to, I might let anyone and everyone LP it and link to every LP of it so people can see it with different perspectives.
  15. PwnageKirby's Submission Part 2 is finally up http://markyjoe1990.herobo.com/videos/?page=rf3
  16. Oh hey, an FE7 balance patch. I don't know how experienced Furetchen is with balancing or anything for that matter, but it looks like he's being well received. I'll definitely give this a look when it's released. Now if only we could get that guy trying to balance FE6 to finish his project... *Dreams of having a usable Sophia*
  17. I forgot to add the latest ragefest entries here... Klokinator's Submission: PwnageKirby's Submission:
  18. Removed the non-blind footage of Ephraim225's submission and replaced it with the blind co-commentary version.
  19. Finally got more Ragefest stuff uploaded. This time, Ephraim225's submission (Part 1) Video removed EDIT: Removed video. Replacing it with the original blind footage.
  20. Probably. Aesthetically speaking, the map design is top notch.
  21. I took a peek at the map (Skipped the cutscenes) to see what I was in for, then closed the window and cowered in a corner. You still have time before I muster up the courage to play it.
  22. I tried event IDs 0x2C, 0x60, 0x10, and 0xFF. None of them fixed the problem.
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