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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. After speaking with Golden Warrior, PwnageKirby, FELover3, Ephraim225, I've concluded that the deadline will be extended. The new deadline is 4/07/2012 However, FELover3 believes that for the sake of fairness, I should mention the slight disadvantage he and Ephraim225 have since they were not given extra time to polish up their submissions (Fix text skips and whatnot). I'll probably mention this in some of the ragefest videos.
  2. I have a problem. In my chapter, multiple characters are recruitable, but if I reset and resume, or turn off the game, turn it back on, THEN resume, the character recruitment event ID is reset, preventing the character from being usable in the later half of the character. This is for my ragefest submission by the way. Events: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/35795576/Ragefest.txt
  3. Sorry. I noticed that I pretty much got away with updating my submission, while pwnagekirby wasn't even gonna get to submit hers until I spoke up. I entered to win, but I want it to be on fair terms.
  4. Before I LP any further submissions, we need to figure out how we're going to fix this. I can choose to enforce the deadline, which would mean that version 1.0 of my submission would have to be LPed instead of 1.1. GoldenWarrior's submission would have to be played on the latest version that made it before the deadline, and pwnagekirby's submission would have to wait until ragefest 4. On the other hand, if I choose to give people more time, the people whose submissions I've already LPed will be screwed, since they've already had their submissions LPed, so further changes would be redundant. I want to talk this over with FELover3 and Ephraim225, since I've LPed their submissions, so they're going to be at a slight disadvantage. I'll also want PwnageKirby and GoldenWarrior, since this effects them as well.
  5. I thought about this for a while, and... to be fair, although I submitted my hack on the deadline, the person I wanted to LP my submission hasn't done so yet, so I capitalized on this and added more stuff to my submission... Additionally, I told pwnagekirby sometime back on SoS that I don't really care when he submits it, so long as he gets it in when the contest is still going. I also gave GoldenWarrior time to fix his submission, since he apparently gave me one that was glitchy. Though, like me, he submitted his on time. Basically what I'm trying to say is that if we're not going to allow people to fix up their submissions before they are LPed, we might as well disqualify me and GoldenWarrior, or at the very least not accept the updated versions of our submissions.
  6. I always feel very guilty pestering people when it comes to something that will ultimately benefit me (With views and popularity in this case).
  7. About that... I'm having second thoughts about making Ragefest 4 the last ragefest. I think I was just depressed at the time I said that to whomever I said that to.
  8. I think you may be asking a bit much. DX If you can get your submission in soon, I'll still accept it into the contest, but I'd prefer that your submission is complete before I LP it.
  9. I usually just edit and upload the footage when I feel like it. No real pattern or schedule.
  10. >.>' A friend once told me that I have the social awareness of a cashew. I don't deny this.
  11. I'm afraid I lack the ability t wipe my memories. ... What's "That guy right now"?
  12. How would I troll myself? If I were to LP my own submission, I'd know where everything is, so my reactions would be underwhelming at best. It's better that someone unaware of the traps in the hack LP it since their reactions would be hilarious to watch. Afterall, the reactions are the best part of watching a ragefest submission, no?
  13. I... don't know. My plan was to have a specific person (You likely know who I am referring to) record a playthrough of the hack (With commentary of course, and preferably with a co-host, since this person isn't as good without a co-host to bounce off of), then upload it, and then I would promote the video with the montage I mentioned in my previous post. I didn't really plan for if multiple people do it, and I want to promote only the people I think did a good job with the commentary. The person I chose is someone I trust will satisfy my expectations.
  14. It was mediocre. I'm going to have someone else record a playthrough of my entry. When s/he uploads it, I'll make a short montage of their video, upload it to my channel, and at the end of the montage, put some text that says "See the whole thing on [insert name here]'s channel!" and provide a link.
  15. I finished recording Ephraim225's submission. He joins as a co-commentator. The submission was... pretty underwhelming. It has the same problems Ephraim225's previous submission had: Oversized map, improper utilization of fourth wall jokes and outside references, and scatterbrained level design. However it's inferior to his previous submission in that while Ephraim225's Ragefest 2 submission had quite a lot of content, traps, and decent challenge, this one does not. it feels like Ephraim used as many jokes as he could possibly think of for Ragefest 2, only to realize he was running low by the time Ragefest 3 came around. I commend his efforts to participate in Ragefest for the third time (He's been in every Ragefest so far), but I can't help but feel a little disappointed due to expecting a submission even better than his Ragefest 2 submission. To be fair however, he did manage to come up with some good jokes and creative ideas in this one. I won't spoil any, but in the video, there is a specific joke that made me nearly bust a gut, and a specific... thing that made me go "Wow, that's ingenius" At the very least, I enjoyed his submission more than FELover3's... but unlike FELover3's, I can't picture Ephraim225 winning any awards. FELover3 might get the sadist and jester award since his humor and sadism are top notch, but Ephraim225's kind pales in comparison in both of those departments, and while it's map design is better, and the challenge more genuine, it has some VERY tough competition for the Artist and Strategist awards, and it's plot is so paper thin that it has no chance at the writer award. It won't likely win the overall best award because, again, it has some VERY tough competition.
  16. Ragefest 3 has a total of 6 submissions; Just as many as Ragefest 1.
  17. There's been an update on the Ragefest awards. I changed Ragefest Winner's conditions to "overall best" instead of being a combination of the Jester and Sadist award.
  18. Wooo~ Thanks to your hint, I found it. EDIT: Fuck, the link is broken
  19. You don't need to remake it. I'm kinda hoping that someone out there still has your submission... or did you not distribute it?
  20. Speaking of which, I think now is an appropriate time to mention this as any, but I want to make a "Ragefest Package" that consists of all entries from the first contest (Possibly including Hithere1's submission). I'll also do this for the second ragefest and third if I can manage it. The biggest problem is that I need all the patches.
  21. Ragefest 3 has begun. (By the way the deadline is the 24th and may still be extended)
  22. Yeah. I might buy myself a new laptop, since I have an adequate amount of money. Though, I could also get my old one fixed, but eh. Dunno.
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