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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. I don't have a hidden list. I named all of those things off the top of my head. Make sure you write them down. You have asked me numerous times to be in a commentary. You have also asked me numerous times for help on event hacking. Your LPs aren't an argument in your favor, since they show your lack of competence with editing equipment (Your game-audio is too damn loud to hear you). ... Or a stalker. Seriously, you go way farther than any fan should. Lemme rephrase: Your ability to pick up on subtlety is far worse than most people. I'll make a deal with you: I'll let you be in one commentary with me and I'll upload it to youtube (I get to choose the game). If I like how it turned out, I'll consider asking you for more commentaries in the future, but if I dont like how it turns out, I'll remove the video and you have to promise to never ask me for anything again (And if you do, I will block every single account you have). Deal?
  2. I want you to write this down so you don't forget this time. - You're needy, and constantly ask me for stuff, including and not limited to requesting to be in a commentary with me, and asking me to teach you how to hack Fire Emblem. - I see no evidence suggesting you will be a good co-commentator. - You're creepy. You constantly rain me with praise and your comments on my channel or on my serenes profile suggest that you perceive me as some god among men. - Reactions are a key factor in Ragefest videos. You have trouble detecting subtlety, which would suggest that many jokes or bullshit will fly over your head. Sorry if this upsets you, but I don't feel you're suited to double up with me in a commentary. I appreciate that MageKnight404's trying to lighten things up, but I really want to avoid giving BladeHero22 any reason to be mad. Next time he forgets about this though, I'm not going to be so gentle. Based on how you act in the comments of my videos, I think you'd be a perfect fit for a commentator. XD That's not the case. I'm mainly looking for people who will be able to contribute to the co-commentary and make the video more amusing. He has autism, so naturally he has trouble picking up subtle aspects of socialization. Sweet!
  3. I presented that question to remind you of last time you asked to do co-commentary with me. I was also hoping it would ring your memory of the numerous other times I denied you co-commentary. Basically, what I'm saying is for you to stop asking. I made it clear several times already, and I don't want to have to repeat this to you every single time a co-commentary with me is brought up. You should know the answer by now is and will always be no.
  4. I'll answer it with another question: Were you in my commentary of Ephraim225's Ragefest 3 submission? Fair enough.
  5. Do you remember what I said the last time you asked that? I dunno how I feel about that. My past experiences with people playing games while talking to me has almost always resulted in a one-sided conversation. It pretty much defeats the purpose of a co-commentary.
  6. You have two projects you're working on as far as I know, and the last few times I asked you to mic chat with me, you were busy with something. ...In hindsight, I think my paranoia is just blinding my judgement.
  7. They're people who are possible candidates for co-commentaries with me.
  8. BoomSickle2 from youtube?

  9. The person I enlisted to do the submissions says he'll have it recorded on the weekend, so by then, you should be able to upload yours. 'Course, that's assuming he finishes it and uploads all of it by then.
  10. Since people are suggesting co-commentators, let's analyze my options. Hopefully I won't offend anyone in the process. Take note that the reason why I don't do co-commentaries often is because I have social anxiety issues and feel uncomfortable around other people. Real Life Friends Guy (ManBreakFast on youtube) - Has considered doing his own commentaries on Minecraft. Isn't available often. Might be a little meek. Adam (FireKong89 on youtube) - Has a strong aversion towards doing commentaries. Ashwin - Rarely available. Online Friends with decent mics: ChimpMaster657 - Love doing commentaries with him. Has a great commentary personality. Likes to tease me in a brotherly way. Available pretty often. SkillKill107 - Available almost all of the time and has interesting things to say, but has speech issues that might result in people complaining or mocking him. Camtech076 - Availability issues. His internet is unreliable. Assuming he makes a submission, he might be in the commentary for his submission. MageKnight404 - His commentary and mine are like night and day. We also aren't particularly comfortable around each other. We have a sort of wall between us for lack of a better word. Seph1212 - Our commentary is very harmonious, but he's not available often as far as I'm concerned. Kyop16 - Does commentaries on his own channel. Very available, but Fire Emblem isn't his forte, and, outside of his commentaries, he's not very talkative. DrawciaWitch - Female candidate number one. Has the most pleasant voice, but has availability issues, and isn't very talkative. AstraLunaSol - Availability issues. Usually focused on his own matters (Let's Plays, Dream of Five, etc.). Probably makes a better main commentator than a co-commentator. Blazer - I know he has a mic because he sent me wav files. However, I have no idea what I'd expect if he actually agreed to do commentary with me (Which is a fat chance). Cedar Nyx - Female candidate number two. Considering she was the queen of Ragefest 1, it might be interesting. However, I know nothing about how well she commentates. Cevian - Pretty lax guy as far as I'm concerned. I don't know how a commentary with him would turn out though. Ephraim225 - Almost always available, and has pretty good commentary. Has been in every ragefest. EnergyFlux2012 - Probably won't want to do commentary. Furetchen - I'm extremely sensitive when it comes to my waifu Reisen, and I know he hates her and doesn't seem the slightest bit hesitant to show it, so naturally I'm going to be nervous at any mention of Reisen during recordings in case it triggers him. Aside from that, he's a good commentator with limited availability. LuizPrower - I don't like Luis's commentary much, but since I'm his best friend, and love to tease him in a bro way, it would make for some hilarious chemistry. ShadowOfChaos - Probably won't want to do it, and even then, he always seems busy.
  11. That would be horrible. I don't want that much attention from so many people.
  12. EvilEggoWaffle has never played Fire Emblem before (Except once when I left my Game Boy Advance containing Sacred Stones on a table and he took it without asking, then made Eirika attack Lyon like an idiot). I've told him to give the series a chance, but he says that he's already got a ton of games he hasn't finished, and doesn't want to add another one to his list.
  13. Hey guys. Remember how Eliwood and his horse were able to carry a giant sword that was bigger than them? Those were the good old days.
  14. Nope. Instead you're gonna gloat like an arrogant twat. Seriously, STOP.
  15. That is, assuming you develop the skills to make anything resembling a custom chapter before the contest's deadline.
  16. BladeHero22, we get it already. You're gonna troll the living hell out of me. Now stop trying to hype yourself up when you don't even fully know how to make a single chapter.
  17. Update: I've decided that the nature of the contest needs to be changed. What do you mean by this, Marky? Well, random voice in my head, what I mean is that the contest needs to aim to be more about entertaining the viewers. The goal of Ragefest 1 was to make a submission that would troll the living hell out of me. This has been the main focus ever since, but it sometimes doesn't result in an entertaining video. For example, people implement stuff like disabling the options menu (PwnageKirby's submission), which do nothing to make the video more entertaining to watch, and only serve to annoy me. Sometimes, these annoying factors end up ruining my commentary enthusiasm, which really hurts the viewing experience. The contest would be a lot more fun for both me and the viewers if we put greater emphasis on making the submission entertaining. And if something is meant to annoy me, it should be done with the intent of entertaining the viewer (Such as getting an enormous emotional reaction out of me, or introducing a new factor into the submission that makes it more interesting) Does this sound fair?
  18. They're all extremely hard. I can't imagine you having fun with them.

    Also, I was making a hyperbole when I said "fifty billion question marks??????????????"

  19. Fifty billion question marks?????????????????????



    Why do you want them anyway?

  20. If I can find it on my hard drive, I'll send it to you.

  21. Bah. Well I'd feel really bad prying further into this matter, so I'll stop. However, even if we disregard the whole "You can remove my submission if you want" thing, your submission would still be disqualified due to it's immense reliance on luck. This means the only submission left to do is the special submission.
  22. So wait, did you wait until very close to the deadline to work on your project?
  23. Sorry, I meant before the deadline. Did you ask for help during the process of making your submission?
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