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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. What you're saying is that with the Killer Axe, the player has to work around Shigeid's lack of a reliable axe (Until the tomahawk in part 2), which adds challenge? I suppose that works. If you do the first few turns a specific way (IE: My LTC Run), the RNs will always make Sophia a lot faster than she would statistically be on average, but without the extra magic to allow Lilina to land killing blows on the enemies, so it really boils down to getting that +1 magic on either one of them. I don't particularly like the idea of luck deciding a character's usefulness, so I think if I update this hack, I'm still going to add that +1 magic to Lilina's bases.
  2. Are you sure that's correct? I remember being very frustrated when I weakened the archer at the bottom of part 1 with Sophia, and trying to finish him off with Lilina only the realize that Lilina was exactly one point of magic away from killing the dude. If I upped her magic up by just one, I think that would do wonders for her. I disagree. - Shigeid's killer axe needs to be replaced with an iron axe. He runs the risk of too many accidental critical hits in part 2, which tend to result in him sweeping through enemies on enemy phase until one manages to kill him. It's overall detrimental. - Shigeid needs a speed boost. He's already pretty fast as it is, but not as fast as I wanted, so he comes up heavily short unless you put serious training into him. - Fir needs a slight buff in her durability and her strength. - Lilina needs +1 magic and should be halfway to B rank on anima tomes. - Sophia needs a nerf. She's just way too useful. It's understandable in part 1 since she's available the entire time and arguably your only competent fighter for most of it, but she never slows down in usefulness. Units should be well balanced, yet Sophia's clearly the best unit in the hack. - While it's not needed, I want to give Cath a boost in her growths so that training her up is at least a viable option. - Wendy's a goddess, but I feel she needs a beef in base stats and a nerf in growths. - Clarine's fine the way she is.
  3. You're not obligated to make the hack funny or hard.
  4. I'm expecting at least fifty billion "ARCHIBAAAAAALD" references. Don't disappoint me. Please do. I only said that to sound cool and dramatic.
  5. Ragefest IV: Trolls & Tribulations Work Flow The goal is to make a single-chapter hack in either Fire Emblem 6, 7, 8, or FEXP. After your hack is created, send it to MarkyJoe1990. He will then do a blind play through of your hack with commentary. After MarkyJoe1990 has played through all of the hacks, he will create a video where the audience will vote on the hacks based on how rage inducing, funny, and creative the submissions were. After the voting ends, rankings will be decided based on the votes, and the contest ends. Deadlines Deadlines will be handled very differently this time around. There will be no "definite" deadline. Instead, each contestant will have one month to make progress on their hack. By the end of each month, the contestant must show that they've made significant progress on their submission. If they do, their personal deadline will be extended to another month, which can be extended one more time given that they show significant progress again. When at least 5 submissions have made it into the contest, MarkyJoe1990 will begin recording submissions. While he is recording each submissions, additional submissions will be accepted if they are submitted before MarkyJoe1990 finishes recording the other submissions. You will not be given an extension unless you have made significant progress. Remember this. Rules - Custom events are required for your chapter. - Designing your chapter to require excessive luck is not allowed. - Arenas are banned. - Fog of War with vision distance less than 3 requires an easy and early to obtain torch or unit with vision distance bonus (Thief vision). - Fire Emblem 5 styled Fog of War with vision distance less than 5 requires an easy and early to obtain torch or unit with vision distance bonus (Thief vision). - You must be able to beat your hack with 3 save states or less. Guidelines - Do not pad the length your submission. Ideally, trolling MarkyJoe1990 should be done swiftly and painfully. A short, but compact chapter will likely have greater impact. Unless you can make your chapter feel grand and epic instead of morbidly obese, do not attempt to make your chapter large and long. - Do not reference other Ragefest submissions. This will never make me laugh. The only exception I found was when Ephraim225 referenced Nintelord Saga in his Ragefest 2 submission, and Nintenlord Saga isn't even a ragefest submission itself. You are not going to win over any voters for this. - Memes are hatred. Unless the entire point of your submission is to piss me off by abusing memes (Which would actually be an interesting idea), avoid using memes. PLEASE. Dear god. Awards In the voting part of the contest, voters will decide which submissions earned which of the following awards. Douchebag Award - Most sadistic hack. This should be given to hacks that successfully extracted frequent, powerful negative reactions from MarkyJoe1990. A perfect example is FELover's "Marc's Special Day". Jester Award - Funniest hack. Great example would be Cedar Nyx's "Matthew's Nightmare". Artist Award - Best map design. Maps that are intricate and detailed should be given this. Great example would be Klokinator's "Generic War". Imaginative Award - Most creative hack. This goes to hacks that are extremely inventive in how they challenge/torture the player. A good example is Ephraim225's "Bullet Hell Madness", or Blazer's "Prisoner of Darkness". Ragefest Award - Your personal favorite submission. Resources If you wish to join Ragefest, but don't know how to Fire Emblem Hack, here are some links to various tutorials and tools to guide you in the right direction. Essential Tools Nightmare and the Fire Emblem GBA Nightmare Modules Nintenlord's Event Assembler Tiled and Nintenlord's Tiled Map Inserter w/ Tilesets Obviam's FEditor Adv HxD Hex Editor GBA Graphics Editor Tutorials Blazer's Ultimate Tutorial Klokinator's FEXP Tutorial MarkyJoe1990's Tiled Tutorial Blazer's FEditor Adv Tutorial Other Resources Zahlman's Song Editor and... MarioBros' FE7 Native Instrument Map NOTE: Consider MarkyJoe1990's GBA Compatible Music Compositions or Agro's GBA Compatible DS Fire Emblem Music Ports if you use these. If you need help on something not listed here, try looking around Serenes Forest and FEShrine. If you feel I should list other tools, tutorials and resources here, feel free to let me know.
  6. The guidelines are there to help give an idea as to what people should do and not do. ...I really need to announce Ragefest IV soon. Speaking of which, there's been a change of plans. I think I'm gonna do what I usually do for Ragefests and post an official thread on all the Fire Emblem boards I go to. I wanted to make it exclusive to the Emblem Brigade, but they haven't advanced as much in FE hacking as I hoped, and I think that it would hurt the contest as a whole to limit discussion to one forum. Also, I'm NOT going to enter my own contest this time. It caused way too many complications, and there aren't enough good/reliable LPers interested in my submission for me to think it's worth it. I doubt anyone sees that as a big loss though.
  7. The Bolting is useful if you want to kill Hujix without first depleting his berserk staff (Bolting has MUCH lower weight, so Lilina CAN double with it, given her enormous speed growth), which would probably save you a lot of time since getting the restore staff to combat his berserk is extremely tedious. It's also good for weakening Roy, since confronting him directly is a really bad idea. But honestly, both of those jobs can be done by other units (Albeit MUCH less efficiently), none of which you have to give favoritism to. To kill Hujix, first get the Restore Staff and waste his Berserks. Next, place anyone with enough health and resistance and with a two-range weapon into the range of Hujix. Hujix will attack and get two-hit killed. As for Roy, weaken him with as many indirect attacks as you can, then finish him off with Shigeid's Swordslayer. If trained, Lilina will become much faster than Sophia, and with an enormous abundance of Luck to further augment her dodging, but it's overall not worth it. Even with her enormous EXP gain, she takes too long to enter "redemption" territory, and even when she's at level 20, her HP and defense are horrible to the point that she might still get one-hit killed by nearly everything in Part 2. He appears on Turn 38. He takes about 3 turns, give or take, to make it to your group, so you have about 41 ~ 42 turns to complete Part 1. I was able to complete Part 1 in 34 turns. With an efficient strategy, you should be able to beat the chapter without ever seeing him. That's probably the only practical way to combat Damas. Even on new game plus, he and his harem are still powerful enough to be a threat to a fully leveled Sophia.
  8. Welp. There currently exists no good blind LP of my submission, so instead, I'm gonna post my playthrough of my submission, as well as Ephraim225's, since his is the only other good LP of the submission so far. Neither of our runs are blind, however, Ephraim shows off most of (If not, all) the traps in his version while in mine, I perform a Low Turn Count run while showing off as much of the dialogue as I can, providing my personal insight and critique (When it comes to criticism, I take no prisoners. With my own work, this applies ESPECIALLY so). For mine, only part 1 is up. Ephraim's playthrough is entirely finished. My playthrough [part 1]: Ephraim's:
  9. Joining my own contest caused way too many complications. I just can't depend on other people to do my submission. So no.
  10. Once I start recording submissions, you have to finish and submit yours before I complete all the other submissions.
  11. You have one month, but you can gain two additional months if you show significant progress. That means 3 months.
  12. HOLY SHIT. AM I ACTUALLY GOING TO START THIS CONTEST? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS??? (Psst, click the link) I do apologize if this is necroposting
  13. Y'know how ambush spawning works? You use a TURN code and set it so it activates at the end of player phase and before enemy phase. Now, remember how when all enemies on the screen are gone, enemy phase is completely gone, and it just keeps cycling to player phase? By setting all units as ally units with that TURN code, you eliminate enemy phase. Then by using another TURN code set to activate before the next player phase, you can set the appropriate team to act. If you look at the code, I made a turn event that activates on turn 1 through 999, and another code that activates on turn 2 through 999. One of them sets all units to ally, while the other checks to see if event ID 0x04 is active. If it is, then it sets it off and sets one side to ally and the other enemy. If it isn't active, it sets it on, and does vice versa with the units. With this method, each team can have their own player phase theme. EDIT: Y'know what? I should probably put all this info in the event code file to help explain how it all works. EDIT 2: Updated it. The events should have adequate explanations now.
  14. I'd think most Co-op ideas would be completely redundant since you could easily get the same effect by handing the controller to a friend and telling him/her what to do. Though, if you severed communication, that would certainly make things interesting.
  15. Come to think of it. Defense missions may be the only kind of scenario that would work due to no possible way to get a stalemate.
  16. You mean like for example a Defense mission where one team defends and the other tries to seize the throne?
  17. Work-arounds can be made. I know there's a LogMeIn program that would allow you to play online with other people for one, and if you don't want to do that, you can give the other person the same ROM, and, when you finish your turn, you can savestate and send them the savestate to allow them to make their move, and so on and so forth. As for knowing what they're planning? Unless they think out loud, the only thing you're seeing are their characters moving around. I doubt that's going to give enormous insight on their strategy. It doesn't seem like a very big drawback. Plus the whole "savestate" method I mentioned earlier could revert that problem, though, you wouldn't see any of the actions they preformed on their turn.
  18. I imagine that one could create multiple maps, and create a Hub like Elibean Nights to allow the players to select the map to fight on. Using event coding, or maybe a class choosing hub, they would decide the classes for their teams, how many characters they would have, etc. There would also be a separate chapter for buying items and weapons to prepare their team, then after that, the actual chapter would start where they would fight. I'm sure there's much more ideas that can be added to this. Heck, maybe in the future, an actual "Base Patch" could be made for people to make their own custom maps off of.
  19. Behold! Download the patch and the event code here.
  20. This is something I've thought about for a while, and I'm pretty sure that this can easily be achieved with event coding. I haven't tested it however, so for all I know, it could be impossible. Anyways, here's how I think it would be done. There are two sides. Side A and Side B. For the sake of clarity, Side A will have a Lord, a Cavalier, and a Knight, whereas side B will have a Lord, Mage, and Shaman. On Turn 1, Side A would be set to Ally, giving the player control of them. Side B would be set as enemies, with AI that does absolutely nothing. When Side A finishes their phase, Enemy phase goes and nothing happens, but then a Turn event would switch alliances (Before Turn 2). Side A would now be enemies with AI that does nothing, and Side B would be the allies, allowing player 2 to perform his or her actions. When his/her turn ends, enemy phase goes by, and the team alliances are switched once again. Using this kind of event coding, I think it would be possible to emulate the effect of the Wifi battles in FE11, minus any possible limitations. I haven't tried coding this myself, but I'm certain it is possible. I hope I managed to pique some interests with this. EDIT: Proof of Concept Download the patch and event code here.
  21. Holy cow. I never thought Super Mario Galaxy hacking would come, and so quickly no less! I get the impression that Wii games are really easy to modify.
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