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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. Hm. Alright. I'm gonna stick with my guns on this one. I'd prefer to work with people I know, or the submission authors.
  2. I apologize, but um... I don't recognize your name. I've seen you around before, but do I know you? >_< That doesn't sound like a promising proposition. I'll stick with just EnderSlicer12 and I.
  3. Gotcha. I updated the list to reflect your decision. I should prolly mention what types of recording people have as options. Normal - ClassicJoe style. I record the submission by myself. Boring parts are edited out to ensure the quality of the video is as consistent as possible. Stream - I schedule a stream so that you and many others can watch my suffering live. Chat commentary is included in the video. I stream on hitbox, since the chat delay is far less than twitch, but if you can't watch hitbox for some reason, I can stream it on twitch if you want, but do note that there is a lot more chat delay, even when you turn on "remove chat delay" on twitch. In addition, with streams, I can't edit out the boring bits, though, I'll see about editing the video before I put it up on my main youtube account. From there, you can choose who I commentate with... EnderSlicer12 is my little brother, and is available most of the time since he's on summer vacation. He's lame, dorky, and still getting used to doing commentary, but when our powers combine, we are unstoppable! EvilEggoWaffle is my older brother, and is hard to come by due to his work schedule, and he has zero interest in Fire Emblem. He's loud, obnoxious, loves his sex jokes, but damn if his delivery isn't fantastic. He's quotable as hell Mangs is another youtuber, known for his fantastic accent. I might bring him in on submissions anyway if I'm having trouble finding stuff to say. We're pretty comfortable around each other. YOU are the creator of your hack, and thus can join in with me to commentate. However, you'll need a good mic and internet connection. Especially so if we stream the submission live. There are other options, such as French Froodle AKA Seph1212 or MageKnight404, but it's up in the air if they are willing, but feel free to suggest someone else if you like.
  4. I need to figure out whose submissions to do first. I have a few people who want me to stream their submissions, but I promised I'd schedule those a few days in advance so everyone knows what to expect, and I'm anxious to record something right now. DX I need to go check who else said I could just do a normal recording. >.< EDIT: Once again, I have updated the submission list to show what the recording conditions are. So far, I've only confirmed what three of the authors want. I'll have to ask around to see what the rest want.
  5. Yeah... I wanted to announce Ragefest V's deadline soon, but I'm actually VERY afraid that I won't be able to finish all of IV's submissions before then. >_< Maybe I should give Ragefest V a longer deadline... Oh, and by the way, Ash and Ciraxis sent their submission. Just need to wait for PwnageKirby.
  6. Ahhh~ Finally back home. I gotta announce the good news before Crazy Colors comes to my house. @Wayward Winds: And yeah. FELover3 didn't join this time. He was dealing with real life stuff. @MrNight48: I mean, if it's the same exact submission in new game plus, but just harder, I don't think I have much of a reason to play NG+
  7. PwnageKirby still hasn't submitted her submission yet.
  8. Thank you Alusq. I fixed it. @FdRstar: Now we have 13 submissions. EDIT: For the official Ragefest IV Listing, go here: http://markyjoe1990.elementfx.com/?page=ragefestivlisting
  9. Alright, so as of right now. I'm counting a total of thirteen Ragefest submissions. Here's the list. If I'm missing any, let me know. Name Author Emblem Warriors Ephraim225 Lyn's Revenge SuperSonic1212 MoneyFest MrNight48 Ragefest Revengeance HeyItsKyo Money Man's Last Stand Pwntagonist Array Of Randomness BladeHero22 Arrow In The Wind Baldrick EnderSlicer's Escape RandomSwordmaster Marc's Precious FdRstar Angel Of Darkness Lord Wolfram DISTORTION DH_Ninja Tale Of Purt Avraxas Trapped In Painful Places AlusqI was hoping that no one knew how many submissions were sent to me, but for the sake of safety, I'm posting this here. I am very paranoid about missing a submission, as well as playing outdated versions.Anyway yeah. Holy shit, everyone. Thirteen submissions. Thirteen fucking submissions! And not only that, but we should be getting more in soon because I gave people an extra bit of time to finish up.
  10. Jesus christ. Holy shit. So many messages!! There are WAY more entries than I thought. Oh my god. I'll need to seriously count the number, because this is insane!
  11. Do it any way you like, Avraxas. ... Now, it's worth noting that quite a few people sent me submissions that they ended up updating after sending it to me initially. I wanna make sure I have the most up to date version of everyone's hack, so at some point, I'm gonna, like, run a test or something. I dunno, I'll figure something out. There were only about three that were updated and whatnot.
  12. That's gonna be difficult. On average, Ragefest III had the highest quality submissions.
  13. Yeah um... I received a bunch more messages recently. Ragefest IV is roughly twice the size of Ragefest III.
  14. Oh? Well that's a pleasant surprise. That would make yours the eighth submission. Good luck on finishing it. What I usually do when I wanna be productive is put on a noise canceling headset and play music. Really helps me immerse myself in my work.
  15. Popping in to thank Klok for posting part 2. Not sure what submission I'm gonna do next... I'll need time to prepare for Lumamaster's submission since I have work tomorrow and possibly the day after, and I want it to be done on a day off when I'm least stressed. In the mean time, I can try other people's submissions, but the work and stress factor still applies.
  16. I announced the contest on the 20th of April, making the deadline July 20th. The week long extension goes to the 27th. You have until July 27th, 11:59 PM EST to submit it. If you are very close to finishing it though, I might give you a tiny bit more time. I'm sure no one's gonna complain about getting an extra submission for the contest.
  17. I recorded all of Emblem Warriors in one session. It's just a matter of editing. As for the next submission I'll be playing... That's a secret.
  18. Oh, I should prolly mention that I decided to compromise. I decided to upload the part of the footage that has few cutscenes and commentary as its own segment. It has interesting gameplay stuff, and without it, we wouldn't get to see how I deal with Erk and Sain's situations. This should give us the best of both worlds. Phew... I'm starting to realize that taking short breaks to clear my mind helps a lot. I've been so obsessed with getting these up as quickly as possible, and at the highest possible quality, that it's actually becoming a detriment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgv9wmgvXOI
  19. Oh. This just in. I now have 6 Ragefest submissions to play! Assuming none of them get disqualified, this will be the longest Ragefest in the series! There's more to come too~ Also, regarding Emblem Warriors. I'm thinking of just skipping straight to the part where my commentary and the hack gets interesting again instead of doing post-production. I might also throw in a tiny montage of stuff that happened prior to that point as well, but yeah... Seems like the best option now that I think about it.
  20. Since I've decided to not work on Part 2 of Emblem Warriors today (To help me clear my mind on what I want to do with it), I'm gonna try my best to figure out how Ragefest is linked canonically. So... *awkward transition* Serra's been seen in a lot of Ragefest hacks. It started with Matthew's Nightmare. This hack practically made Serra synonymous with the series. Post-Matthew's Nightmare saw many submissions with Serra in it, sometimes more than one Serra. Assuming Ragefest has a canon, we can assume that in hopes of making me rage further, Serra was kidnapped and cloned. Take note that at the end of Matthew's Nightmare, Matthew used a sleep staff on Serra. If you have a callous mind, perhaps Matthew sold her off to scientists so they could find more devious ways to harness her power. Poor serra is unaware though, since she's asleep, and trapped inside her own dream. And thus, in Bullet Hell Madness, as well as Vaati's Revenge, we see multiple Serras. Another reoccuring character is the Money Man. We know his origin story. Just some dude from Pherae that unceremoniously tells you the importance of finances. But let's look at The Corruption Of Roy. When Lilina fights Roy, Roy tells Lilina that because of her poor rulership, the economy suffered. Perhaps this decaying financial situation spread to the Money Man back in Pherae, and as a result, all those awesome weapons he hung up on his wall rusted, and he was no longer able to defend against the increased criminal activity. The same scientists who cloned Serra came his way, and - seeing no other way to make quick cash to buy brand new weapons - the money man accepted. So perhaps the money man and serra know each other... Now, let's think about Generic War and it's relation with F. EXE. Obviously, Klok makes an appearance in both. Klok is the main antagonist of Generic War, provoking an attack from the forces of Markyjoe and ultimately succumbing to my overpowered stats. One of his friends betray him, and that's where F. EXE comes in. Klok is brought to Archibald, who orders Klok to be demoted and enlisted as a frontline shaman... with a nosferatu tome that makes him feel the pain of the enemies, showing Klok first hand the pain his evil deeds have wrought. With that in mind... perhaps next time we see Klok, he will be a born again christian revoking his ways and joining the forces of good. Ah, how could I forget Archibald? Maze of The Troll King, and F. EXE... alright, I need to stop making the "clone" excuse, and Archibald seems too well off to really want to be cloned. Uh... let's just assume the ones in Maze Of The Troll King were illusions. Traps created by the troll king himself, Camtech, to piss off Markyjoe - still freshly salty from his debate with Arch back when he LP'd Elibian Nights. Or, perhaps they were hallucinations from Markyjoe himself, going delirious from the mundanity of the maze. ... Oh wait, I wasn't in MOTTK. Sigurd was. Okay, well maybe I was cosplaying... God dammit. Okay, I think I'm done thinking this over for now. Maybe later, I'll have more stuff to say on the matter, but... hmm... this kinda makes me want to propose a Ragefest compilation hack. One that's a multi-chapter hack that ties all this together, or at the very least serves as an hommage to the contest. *Shrug* TL;DR: I'm thinking way too hard about this shit.
  21. Oy. Alright everyone, I have a confession to make. Throughout the rest of this submission, my commentary is more or less non existent. And the rest of the submission is more of the same until we defeat the boss. I'm kind of unsure how to edit this. I'm thinking of possibly giving it the post-production commentary treatment until we get to the interesting stuff. What do you guys think?
  22. Yeah. While I was playing the submission, I kept thinking to myself "This is gonna be influential..." Ephraim doesn't make submissions with the best presentation, but hell if he isn't inventive and clever.
  23. IT BEGINS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H_hE49ivFU
  24. I decided to forget about doing the ragefest theme and just use the old one. Saved me a lot of headaches. Anyway, I've more or less finished the first part of the first submission. Should be up in a few hours.
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