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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. As much as I love the intro to Trapped In Painful Places, I'd... uh... like you guys to reserve judgement until the end of the submission. There's still some great stuff in part 2, but um... let's just say it kind of makes the overall quality of the submission's gameplay... much, much lower. >_<
  2. I managed to cut an hour and 18 minutes worth of footage down to 37 minutes. All that needs doing now is the rendering... This is ONLY for Part 1 of the map, mind you. We still have roughly forty minutes of footage left to edit. I'm pretty happy with this end result though, and I have a little deleted scene that will be uploaded as Part 1a, or Part X... or something. It features a surprise guest appearance.
  3. Managed to get the video under 40 minutes. Now let's see if I can cut it down further... I think even if I can't, this is an acceptable video length. We should be getting Part 1 of Trapped In Painful Places up today.
  4. I use avisynth for editing, and Virtual Dub + SCFH DSF for recording... I'm not going to say Avisynth is superior to an actual video editing program, but basically, it's a scripting language. You write instructions on what to do with the footage, run it through virtual dub, then render it. Since you're writing the edits in notepad, there's no risk of crashing or losing footage, and it's actually super efficient. Really, what's making it take so long for me to edit the bloody video (Which is now at 54 minutes JUST for Part 1) is that the submission DOES NOT lend itself well to being recorded blind. It's designed in such a way that every move you make has purpose and can completely change the outcome of the map. Doing actions A and B will put you in situation C, and actions D and E put you in situation F. It's not like most submissions where I just need to make minor adjustments to my strategy. In this hack, the winning strategy for part 1 that allows me to beat part 2 is COMPLETELY different from the initial strategy I used to beat part 1 for the first time. I have to somehow show my learning process, my blind reactions, the occasional amusing line here and there, my first victory in part 1, show each step I did differently to get further, then I have to show what I did differently in part 1 that allows me to beat part 2. At the same time, I have to show consistent amounts of progress, AND I want to make the footage a reasonable length so that it remains interesting throughout, and is fun to go back to and rewatch every now and then unlike, say, Marc's Special Day, which in hindsight has a buttload of clips I feel I should have scrapped, making it a situation where I'm constantly skipping ahead to see the good parts. With this whole bloody essay I wrote up, I hope you can imagine what a nightmare it is to edit this thing. ... With that said, I'm heading to bed. Perhaps tomorrow, I will have a clear mind and know better how to approach this. That's what happened with Emblem Warriors.
  5. I understand that, but I really don't like holding these off for long. I know there are people eagerly waiting for these, and I'm eager to get them done and stop worrying about it... Man. I really, really hope the other submissions aren't this much of an editing nightmare. That's the true ragey part of this submission.
  6. Uuuuuugh. 52 minutes and I haven't even gotten to the part 2 footage... Yeah, this needs to be edited further down. I don't think I'll have the video up tonight, guys. I'm sorry.
  7. This editing is going by smoother than I thought. Most of those 20 clips are just a few seconds long and meant for me to show something in the submission. Also, I'm gonna be a bit more lenient with the editing this time, since I'm more talkative this time around, and it's really hard to see exactly how the submission plays without showing the gameplay for extended periods of time.
  8. Alright. Time to edit... Hopefully, I can get part one up today.
  9. People still don't know who my waifu is? It's Reisen, NOT Sophia. As for my inactivity towards uploading and posting in this thread... 1) Alusq's submission took an entire day to record. This is including the two breaks I took in between sessions, and it happened even despite the fact that I resigned myself to save stating like crazy on it. 2) I have a part time job as a cashier getting paid minimum wage. 3) I am exhausted from the experience of the submission, and need time to contemplate how I will edit the footage so that it is concise, while also giving the viewer all the information they need, my blind reactions, and other amusing parts of the footage. 4) I am also trying to get work done on my fire emblem back, Chronicles of Lussaria. So yeah. That is why delays are happening. Also, regarding Marc's precious... I actually did think it would reference some kind of lord of the rings thing. As for what submission I will record next... I am interested in Title Here next, but I really should get to streaming EnderSlicer's Escape soon too. We'll see what I feel later on, I guess.
  10. Alright. So... I want to be clear on something here. Unlocking this thread and announcing that I am working on this hack again was either a major mistake, or a minor correct choice. I don't know why I chose to do this. It was just an urge or gut feeling, I guess, but I am painfully aware that I don't function well when I feel like I'm under scrutiny. I've made amazing progress in the past few days. If that suddenly halts, I'm going to assume that having this thread open again might be the reason and I'll wipe this thread off the face of the earth. Then I'll go back into hiding and either release a new update when I've made a couple chapters of progress, or when I've completed the hack entirely. I don't know which, but right now, I'm feeling confident that I can complete this hack. So... I guess that's all I want to say. I'm not gonna make promises on a date for the next release. I don't promise to finish this hack, and I don't want to get anyone's hopes up. The only thing I want is to make progress so I can feel satisfied that I realized my vision for a hack. ... Eh... Perhaps this wasn't a good idea, but we'll see. Currently, Chapter 2 is very close to completion. All that's left is to write the cutscenes. If you're wondering why I've only made one chapter of progress... it's because I've completely overhauled the cutscenes and dialogues for the previous chapters, rebalanced everything, implemented some new mechanics, and a bunch of other stuff that I don't really care to mention. From here, chapter progress should go by pretty smoothly. At least in theory.
  11. I haven't read through the entire thread, but I wanna know. Are there plans for the randomizer to generate seeds?
  12. I dunno if I'm gonna edit the footage today. I'm still pretty exhausted, especially after being woken up prematurely to clean up a flood that happened downstairs in my house. Just so you guys know though, the footage shall be glorious.
  13. Well. I finished the submission... It took me the entire day to beat it, including the two breaks I took in between. Alusq, if you want, I can tell you my opinion, either in PM, or here, or in the video. ... I'm exhausted.
  14. I hate to say this, but I don't think I'll be able to record this whole submission in one day...
  15. *reaches hand out from the darkness* G-guys... help...!! This submission is-- *pulled back into the darkness*
  16. Alright everyone. I'M GOIN' IN *Fires up "Trapped In Painful Places" by Alusq*
  17. Yeah. I think I'm gonna do Alusq's next. I need to stop procrastinating out of fear and just DO IT. #YOLO
  18. I have two days off, so I will see about recording another submission, but... I am gonna be honest. I feel pretty overwhelmed by the shear number of submissions, and with people making random updates and fixes, I am worried about causing another generic war situation.
  19. Yeah, I understand. I think I'm just gonna go with my gut feeling for co-commentary.
  20. Well I mean... There have only been three ragefests until now, which means you can only have three winners. I think we should base the argument more on ragefests that were received well rather than the ones that explicitly won. With that in mind, Maze Of The Troll King got second in Ragefest 1, not to mention spawned the "ARCHIBAAAAAAALD!!!" thing, and in Ragefest 3, we got Bullet Hell Madness, which was uploaded as a co-commentary after complaints that the non-blind run wasn't as enjoyable as the blind co-commentary. In fact... I believe it was you Klok who said the co-commentary was better. That's not to say you're not allowed to change your mind, but uh... yeah, that was a thing. I also felt the Morph's Last Stand, while not a great submission, was more entertaining to watch once I brought Seph1212/FrenchFroodle in. Him and I seemed to be on similar wavelengths when we co-commentated. Marc's Special day also had co-commentary near the end, but now I'm splitting hairs. Now with that said... I look back to Bullet Hell Madness and I recall being a bit nicer than I would have naturally been. In my mind, I was comparing it to Rondo Of Madness, but I restrained myself cause Ephraim was right there, and I didn't wanna make things awkward. So I don't think Klok is wrong when he says there is some restraint involved. ... *sigh* And in addition to that, there have been numerous opportunities where I co-commentate with someone who isn't used to commentating and things are decidedly stiff between us. So yeah, I guess what I'm trying to say with all this is that I think there are only a few people who can really augment the commentary in any way, and those who are interested in commentating with me should first consider their experience first. But then there are people who think they are good, but aren't... And that HAS happened before. And that puts me in an awkward spot... Uuuuugh. Y'know what? It probably makes more sense if I stick to solo commentary, and only do co-commentary if I think it's appropriate (like with Morph's Last Stand), and with people whom I am comfortable with. My end-game is to make great videos, and unfortunately, that could mean telling people they can't join me.
  21. Noted. I updated the master job li- I mean, the Ragefest IV Listing.
  22. Yes. All Ragefest streams will go up on my main youtube channel. I'll see about editing them first to remove any boring parts, but I can't guarantee. Also, I'm just gonna leave this here for those of you concerned about watching my older streams: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS6futhEsP1_nEukXpDQqUA @Klok: I don't know when I'll be announcing Ragefest V anymore, considering the shear number of submissions.
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