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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. Since I'm bored and have time. I'm gonna see about getting the video up on youtube today. Question for y'all. The raw footage is only 32 minutes and I think it's pretty good to watch. Do you want me to upload what I have, or take some time finding stuff to edit out?
  2. I'm prolly gonna stick with the tunes I currently have, and perhaps use this as its own separate video as the start of the Ragefest IV playlist or something. It's too long otherwise.
  3. Since you asked... Part 1: Huuuuuuuuuuuuu huuuu huuu huuu... huuu huuu na na na na na naaa na naaa na na naa... naaaa naa... na na na naaa na naa naa naaaa naaa na na naaaa na naaa naaaaa naaaa... na na na naaaa naaaaa naaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Part 2: Did you ever have the urge to see the whole world burn? Or maybe you just want to see a grown man squirm? Ragefest is here today! (It's a contest built upon that concept) Ragefest is here today! (So get that inner sadist out of yourself) Out of yourself! Out of yourself... Out of yourself... Part 3: I started this contest to entertain my viewers. (entertain my viewers) But it seems the plan backfired. It's now an endless skewer. (Served with barbeque sauce) There's just too many contestants now, the whole world, they've wrapped (Take my word, that's a lot) This curse will never end... I've never felt so... Trapped. Please... I'm begging you... Get me out of here! (Insane laughter from Matthew's Nightmare) Do anything! Take my hand! I know you can do it! ("ARCHIBAAAAALD!" from Maze Of The Troll King) I can't reach! Please, do something! ("I want it to end...! AAAAAAHHH!!" From Marc's Special Day) What can you do...? It's no use... I'm trapped... Forever.
  4. Hey everyone! Guess what I did? In addition, I finally did some recording. I decided to bring Mangs for this one because... unfortunately, the roughly ten-minute solo footage I did got eaten. Having a co-commentator allows us to have blind reactions despite this. Hopefully you'll all enjoy it. Since he's in the first part, I intend to bring him for the rest of this hack as well.
  5. I'm sure I'll get to this at some point. It would be a disservice NOT to.
  6. Klok. We've got 15 contestants. They each made one submission. Conversely, I'm a single person, and I'm recording and editing 15 submissions. I'm not gonna claim that I work harder than they did - since I didn't count every single minute that went by - but I don't think you know exactly how much effort is being put out on both ends, and I feel like you're treating whatever gap there is like it's bigger than it actually is. Since I've both made a submission myself, as well as a bunch of other hacks, and recorded three contests worth of submissions, I think I have a pretty good idea of what kind of work is being put out on both ends. And with that said, I don't think keeping score on who is working harder is the correct thing to do. And with that... I think I should remind you that, as I stated before, I decided to modify the rules of Ragefest out of appreciation for Alusq's work, and I did my best to present it as well as possible in the video, and as much as I get mad at my fans over silly things, I've several times in the past sat down with them over skype to help them learn FE hacking, or to just talk and break the ice, or tell people to thumbs up their comments if I think they are really good, or whatever else. I also made my website as a convenience for both me and my fans, and I talk with them all the time on my own forums. I don't think you can claim you know exactly what my relationship with my fans is, since you and I don't talk, and you're not me. So yeah. Please stop. I've spent the whole day thinking about this whole thing. I'm set in my decision, and I just want things to go back to the way they were.
  7. I'm undecided. I considered announcing Ragefest V sooner rather than later, but I think with how things are going at the moment, I'm gonna hold off on it, or maybe even choose not to do it at all. I do think I should try a new contest that focuses more on conventional design, but I dunno how interested people will be. Honestly, I think when Ragefest IV is done, I'll be happy with just going back to the way things were before. ... Alright, so, I know I'm walking on egg shells, but I want to address what happened earlier, and hopefully, people will understand and we can continue discussion without the high levels of salt. Alright. *Sigh* Here goes. First. Let's talk about what exactly I'm doing regarding the whole "cheating" thing. I have cheated in every Ragefest, whether it be save states, RNG rigging, or changing stats. However, I have always used these as last resorts, and I still intend to use it as such. When I play a submission and fail, I always want to believe that I'm missing something. The only exception to this rule is that sometimes I'll use save states so I don't have to redo an entire segment of a chapter. I don't think it's a good idea for me to avoid cheating if it means I end up with a bunch of unwatchable footage that's just gonna get edited out anyway. I'm not sure if y'all know, but when I've been at something for long enough, I stop raging and just get really quiet. I don't rage, I just resign myself to what the game expects of me and calmly work my way through the submission until we get to new content. I think cheating so that I'm still mentally chipper enough to enjoy the submission and present it in a way that is favorable is beneficial to everyone. It saves me time, allows me to provide better commentary, and the video comes out quicker, with no quality loss. The flaw in this is that maybe the tedium of replaying stuff will give us the rare case of CrazyJoe, but that's a strict maybe. Matthew's Nightmare got me in that state, and I still save scummed to high heaven on that one, so I believe that ultimately, this is a smart gamble. Secondly, let's talk about the money thing... which is related to the previous subject I addressed. I think people took this a bit out of proportion. I'm not saying "I'm only in it for the money" or whatever. I just listed that as another reason why I don't think I should let myself handle tedium and monotony for extended periods of time. If I cared so much about the money, I wouldn't bother making youtube videos, since I don't make a lot. I make videos because I enjoy doing it. And cause I'm very lonely, and need comments to validate my worth as a human being. I think if money were taken out of the equation, I'd still make videos. I'd prolly be sad about it for a bit, since it's nice to have, but I like yapping my mouth off and looking at those delicious comments too much to stay away for long. I definitely think I shouldn't have mentioned money in the first place, but I also don't think making accusations based on a couple brashly placed words is beneficial to anyone. Thirdly, let's talk about the comments I made about Alusq's submission... Most of my negativity was directed towards Part 2. I still stand by my stance that it is a good submission. It's unfortunate that Part 2 took such a toll on me that I ended up mentioning it a bunch of times here, but really, if a couple numbers were tweaked here and there, and perhaps a couple other issues were fixed, it'd be perfectly fine. Knowing that, I made an effort to present Part 2 in a way that acknowledges its flaws, but doesn't leave a hugely negative impression. If y'all had seen the live footage, I think the lasting impression would have been a lot worse, and I wanted to avoid that. I proposed modifying the rules for Ragefest because I think Alusq and others should get the recognition they deserve if they made a great effort, and not get their entire submission dismissed just because they breached one or two rules, which - might I add - was stated as "might" in the video, and not "definitely". Perhaps I made it sound like it was going to happen, but I'm not against changing my mind, and I'm still discussing it with people. I understand that not a whole lot of people brought up these issues, but I think it's still important that they be addressed. I want people to enjoy the contest. Hopefully when I post this, we can all feel better about the situation. I'm sorry that I offended some of you.
  8. The current awards are in the first post, but they are likely be changed soon. For the time being, Klok's post is more accurate.
  9. Right now. The plan is to just take some time to enjoy myself, and move on to the next submission when I think I'm ready. I might do more FE3 stuff for the time being, or something else, but we'll see how I'm feeling over time.
  10. Alright. You've made your point. I'm sorry for being such a salty sam. I'm... gonna take a break from all this though. Maybe when I'm less upset over how the past week has went, I'll be better prepared to say something, but for now, I seriously need to do something other than Ragefest for a bit. As much as I want to get these videos out quickly so people don't have to wait a long time, it's clear that based on how I'm behaving, I'm just not ready to continue recording yet. I'm sorry for being a jerk, and I'm sorry for the delays.
  11. Uuuuuuuugh. Trent, all I'm saying is that if things get too tedious and unfair, and clearly wouldn't make good video footage, I'm gonna cheat through it. Quit making a mountain of a mole hill.
  12. Admirable, but I can make people happy with my other videos as well. I don't need a Ragefest to accomplish that. =\ Not to mention, I'm just one youtuber. Out of millions. If I don't make people happy, they'll find someone else who will. And if not, there are millions of other forms of entertainment that they can find.
  13. I work a cashier job at a discount store. Every tuesday, I have to spend four or more hours unloading a truck in a sweaty hot, smelly, and unsanitary back room. It sucks, but at least I get paid to do it, even if it's minimum wage. With Alusq's submission, I spent about ten hours playing and recording the submission, and then for the next five days, I spent editing the footage, having absolutely zero fun doing it, and no doubt getting little cash for the work I put in. This isn't conceited. It's showing some bloody self respect. Money wouldn't have crossed my mind if I at least enjoyed myself, but since I didn't, I'm thinking in pragmatic terms such as "What was gained from doing all of this?"
  14. Okay, so I spent, like, an hour trying to write something up, only to realize that I have no new ideas on the matter. I'll probably just stick to the suggestions given, with some modifications. Like... Well, actually, I wanna talk about something. The Sadist Award. We've had four Ragefests, and I've come to the realization that it's just as effective to just make an obnoxiously large map and giving our units 1-move as it is to put actual effort into making me mad, and I think the award should be revised in some way. I also realized that... Marc's Special Day kinda shoulda been disqualified from Ragefest 3 because it's even more cryptic to beat than Maze Of The Troll King. And uh... yeah, it's also the shining example of how the Sadist Award encourages people to just make me deal with blatantly effortless tedium. I don't want Ragefest to become a bloody chore. I want to look forward to it, and after Alusq's submission, I'm all but willing to just cheat my way through any submission that goes too far like the good old days. I don't get paid enough by my partnership to make menial stuff like this worthwhile, and I want to have time to work on other shit in my day, like Chronicles Of Lussaria, or my FE3 playthrough, instead of wasting six days playing, recording, and editing a submission. It's just not worth it for me to deal with this kind of thing. I dunno. Like. My enthusiasm got wrecked something fierce once I realized that people can just do that and still be praised for their work.
  15. If I wasn't so bloody tired from the six days I spent playing, recording, and editing Sqawl's submission, and it wasn't so late, I would add more on to this, but I think y'all know what you're talking about. Though, seeing Klok and everyone else's sea of suggestions really makes me realize how much updating Ragefest still needs to do before it becomes a... uh... what's the contest equivalent of a "First World Country?" ... Bah, I'm so tired... and my head hurts...
  16. FINALLY. I'M FREE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaTdrn92-yE Right. So... I think I'm gonna disqualify the submission, BUT still make it eligible for certain awards. The submission has too much effort in it to not be recognized just cause Part 2 ended up being such a train wreck. GhastStation and I have been talking about revising the rules for Ragefest. What we're currently set on, is that disqualified submissions should be ineligible for the Strategist and Ragefest (Overall) reward, but still be eligible for the Artist, Jester, and Sadist award. In addition, we think that some awards, such as the Strategist Award, should be determined by a select few judges rather than through popularity, since most people aren't going to notice gameplay intricacies. We're also considering splitting the "Overall/Ragefest Award" into a "Popularity Award" and "Overall Award". The former being decided by the masses, the latter being determined by the selected judges. What do y'all think?
  17. Sorry guys. More delays. Had to rewrite some of my script and such. Also had to fix, like, a million bloody errors.
  18. Guys, I don't think you understand what I mean when I say the footage is bad. I'm not trying to imply that this submission trolled me so hard that I was rendered a mumbling mess. I'm saying that this submission might actually get disqualified because of its design oversights. I'll explain more in the video, but for now, please be patient.
  19. Alright... So... the final part of "Trapped In Painful Places" is rendering as we speak. I decided to start by showing the few good parts of the footage, then I show the winning run with post-production commentary. I did the best I could, everyone.
  20. I might change my mind in the future, but for now, I'm sticking to my guns. I'm sure it's great though. Out of all the contestants, I think Pwnage knows the most about what I'm looking for in the contest. She's around me all the time. DX
  21. Yeah, PwnageKirby's submission didn't establish my canon class. It's been that way since the original Fire Mumblem.
  22. I'm almost done editing it. I might make this a part 3er
  23. Alright guys... I've come across a tough decision, and I want to know your input. I have to be straight up about this... Part 2 of the submission is bad. Like. Colossally bad. I don't know if massive editing and cutting is really gonna make the footage watchable, and I'm considering doing post production commentary on it. What do you guys think I should do?
  24. By the way, regarding the special guest appearance... I made it a deleted scene. Hilarity ensues something fierce here as we see who the true winner of Ragefest will be. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0Xe2mquY2U
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