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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. It's right here~ Will it be making a return? Most likely. A couple of people have already asked me for it.
  2. XD Thanks. FELover3 really knows how to push the right buttons
  3. This is the official Ragefest IV announcement thread. Let's get straight to the deets, shall we? What is Ragefest? It is a Fire Emblem chapter design contest. The goal is to make a chapter in one of the Fire Emblem games (Or FE game-making engines) that is rage inducingly hard, and gut bustingly funny. How is the winner decided? I will record a playthrough of each Ragefest submission with live commentary. The submission creator may decide how I should record it:Solo live commentary (default) Co-commentary with creator Co-commentary with whomever I choose Live stream with chat interaction (Chat will be visible) After each recording is posted up on youtube, I will post a final video asking for votes. The votes submitted in the comments determine the winner. The following are the awards each voter can decide on. All of which are optional. Jester Award: Funniest submission Sadist Award: Most agonizing submission Strategist Award: Most challenging submission (As in, difficult but fair, and creative.) Artist Award: Submission with the best aesthetics Ragefest Award: Best overall submission. This decides the winner. What are the rules?Must be a ROM hack of a pre-existing Fire Emblem game, or be made in FEXP or FEXNA. Must have a custom map and custom events. One chapter only. Chaining multiple maps together is allowed however. Maps and chapters intended for or are in use by other hacks or other related creations should not be used as submissions. (Thanks for the tip, Leafeon!) No Arenas. No Fog of War vision below 3 spaces. If it's Thracia fog, vision must be at least 5 spaces.A torch or thief must be provided/accessible before or within the first three turns of Fog of War. Excessive luck is prohibited. Excessive crypticness is prohibited. Must be beatable with 3 save states maximum. Any advice?Make your trolling swift and merciless. Analyze the player's expected path. Place enemies and time events based on the expected route and pace. Make your own jokes. References are fine, but they won't beat the original joke. Unless of course you put a hilarious new spin on it. Your top priority should be the design and writing. Pretty graphics and maps mean little in the grand scheme of things. Just look at who won Ragefest 3.Take that as inspiration. Don't be afraid if you are new to FE hacking. Your wit and sadism matter more than your technical or artistic skill. Get feedback and playtesters. I have a sub-forum dedicated to this purpose. What's the deadline? The deadline for all Ragefest submissions is July 20th. You may ask for a week-long extension, but only if you started work on your submission after this announcement. I don't know how to make a chapter in Fire Emblem! Don't worry. There are plenty of people who are willing to help you out. Just ask in the thread. People will link you to tools and tutorials, or you can go on my website to find most of the essentials. If you're having trouble finding help, I'll help you personally if you sign up on my forums and post a thread in "Hacking assistance". If you don't get a reply from me after about a day, e-mail me at <script cf-hash='f9e31' type="text/javascript"> /* */</script>. Are you gonna be a jerk like your were in Ragefest 3? I look back at Ragefest 3 with much regret. On average, it had the best submissions, but my videos were poorly edited, and I showed very little enthusiasm over a series that has more or less been my biggest viewership triumph. I promise you, things will be different this time. PS: I want to apologize to Klokinator especially. I forgot to update my version of his submission, so I ended up recording the wrong version and misrepresenting it as a result. This won't happen again. I have suggestions/questions! Great! Post it in the thread and let me know what you've got to say. I want this Ragefest to be the best, so any feedback I get is precious.
  4. Shiny, if you wanna show them anything from the project that belongs to me, go right ahead.
  5. And with this, we are finally done with Midnight Sun. FINALLY. This was the best FE hack I've ever played. Thumbs up to Alfred for making it, and let's hope he finishes it. And uh... just so no one gets the wrong idea, I was joking when I said "To all the other hacks I played, you can go fuck yourselves." I was just trying to be funny. Most of the hacks I've played are middling, but rarely ever BAD. ... Also, why is Kyuby my member card? EDIT: Must be an april fools thing.
  6. Instead of replying to The Corruption Of Roy, I'd rather reply to this instead. I don't think I can comment on TCoR without getting frustrated. The Corruption Of Roy was NOT leagues better than the... Okay, maybe it was. Despite my hatred of it, I do go back and replay it every once and a while. Anyway... The Chronicles Of Lussaria is sort of a Fire Mumblem, but I've started to just call them separate things. ...There is A LOT to say about this hack. This hack started when I was at an absurd level of productivity (I had tons of momentum after The Corruption Of Roy), when I was finally sick of the FE hacking community, and wanted to prove to everyone what a GOOD hack was. I have around 30 maps that are either unused, or got scrapped in favor of newer, improved ones, and I've rewritten the story at least 3 times. Also, while my other hacks either had either few or no one to give me feedback/critique, having a Dev team full of people helped me greatly in polishing the living hell out of it. I wanted to make sure this hack blew everyone's god damn mind. So. This is perhaps the one hack I've made besides The Corruption Of Roy that I've taken 100% seriously. Though, while The Corruption Of Roy was an utterly misguided attempt at grim story writing, this is way more in-character for me. A relatively light hearted/simple plot with a focus on the characters. This is the kind of writing I enjoy most. Speaking of writing, after my hubris wore off, I was VERY quick to dismiss The Corruption Of Roy's plot, and was painfully aware of my poor writing skills. My mother - who is a published writer - along with my Dev team, and a few friends who are very learned in story writing, greatly helped with bringing my writing skills up to snuff. I'm very certain that if I had finished this project, it would have been one of the best hacks out there. But alas... so many things happened that eventually made me stop. 1) Depression and extremely low self esteem. I felt utterly guilty using any contributions I got, feeling I didn't deserve them. Whether people cared if I finished or not, my own delusions told me that anyone who contributed wanted to see this hack finished. I got so many nice things for this hack, and if I didn't make progress when I wanted to, I'd go into withdrawal. I also deluded myself into thinking everyone in the community hated me. Y'know, despite me having five thousand subscribers, a couple of very loyal fans who care about my well being, and the consistent praise the hack got. 2) My motivation was kind of skewed. Luis wasn't around to be a shoulder for me to lean on, and I was no longer friends with BuringPenitentEngine. I had no one that I wanted to be my LP guinea pig. Instead, I used my resentment of the community to drive me, and that's not a healthy motivation, especially when you eventually realize that you have been away from it for a while, and suspect things might have changed to make your criticisms irrelevant. 3) I didn't know what I wanted from the story. Similar to Fire Mumblem Episode 5 and The Corruption Of Roy, I attempted to do something silly at first, but my desire to make something serious was becoming more prominent. At this point, I was fully aware that trying to do two things at once was bad, so I prevented the writing here from having tonal whiplash. However, my desire to make something serious and heart wrenching haunted me for most of this hack's production. 4) Any criticism I got, no matter how minor, was discouraging. As a perfectionist, I have unrealistically high expectations for myself. One dude mentioned the rail-roady design of the game, and while I was initially dismissive of it at first, I realized that he was right and that I'd have to redesign the levels to be more free. There was also Cedar Nyx, who mentioned in a rewriting (More up to date than the one you are playing) that Feltyn's character wasn't consistent. Nevermind that both these people otherwise thought the hack was amazing, the negatives I made mountains out of mole hills with. Again, very unhealthy. 5) Midnight Sun happened. I had always been interested in Midnight Sun even BEFORE it "got good", but when it actually HAPPENED, I was left speechless. This was a hack with everything I ever wanted. Female shaman protagonist? Check. Focus on characters and psychology? Check. Well thought out and concise level design? Check. Chicks with really long hair? Check. With Midnight Sun, my desire to make Chronicles Of Lussaria waned. In the end, my heart just wasn't in it anymore and I gave up. So here I am now, with what seems to be a mental block against FE hacking, utterly unsatisfied with my legacy. I don't know when I'll actually get to replying directly to the LP, but lately I've been a bit busy. I WILL say however that if you thought Fire Mumblem: Revised Edition had tons of unfinished content, Chronicles Of Lussaria's unfinished content could EASILY make an entire hack, going by number of maps alone.
  7. Hm... I somewhat disagree with your point about the story, TheMoniker, but we'll get into that when I make my replies. Uh... also. You should prolly skip Project Shoeshine. There is nothing noteworthy about it.
  8. That's because MK404 never LP'd it... I asked AstraLunaSol to LP it. When he did, he skipped through text a lot and never got around to finishing it. You should watch Ephraim225's playthrough instead, since it's actually complete.
  9. Let's get that winning run done, shall we? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNRSznn3dDA All that's left is the ending scene and interlude. Both done in the same video, and with mah boy Alfred in toe. It will be ready soon.
  10. If a prophet told you that the world was going to be awash in blood, and your child was the one who would save the world, I'm pretty sure any father would be terrified as all hell and try to make sure their son had what it takes. Either that, or they would try to prevent fate, or not believe it, but Athos is a centuries old mystical wizard, and near the end of FE7, there were signs of Bern ready to go to war. I think Eliwood would take the hint. With that in mind, I think not only would Eliwood be hard on Roy, but everyone else as well, but for different reasons. Eliwood would do it because of his fears regarding the prophecy, and believing it his duty to make sure his son saves the world. Everyone else would be hard on Roy because... well, his father's this naturally talented, charming, romantic fellow and Roy's this short, dorky, socially awkward guy with a perfectionist complex, and whom things don't really seem to come naturally to. And then finally Roy fulfills his destiny, and everything he was trained for is no longer useful. Imagine what all of this does to a kid his age. That CAN'T be healthy. That is what fascinates me about Roy. There is so much potential for deconstructing and analyzing him. That was the inspiration for The Corruption Of Roy. The problem is, while I feel my story ideas are great on paper, I am not a good enough writer to make it believable. In the right hands, this would have been amazing, but ya got me instead.
  11. I don't think anyone would believe such a story. FE7 itself said that no one would, and that's why Eliwood, Lyn, and Hector canonically did not try to inform anyone besides a select few like Uther, who is related to Hector and is more likely to believe it even if it sounds ridiculous. For that reason, I don't think it's a plothole. EDIT: Then again... if multiple people say the story is true, and are not from the same country... Ehhh... FE7 had a million plotholes itself. So yeah, I guess it is a plothole, but I was workin' with swiss cheese to begin with.
  12. Revised Edition Final Replies. I hope you guys are ready for one hell of a big post.
  13. It's been a while since I last posted. My apologies. I hadn't mustered the will to until now. Fire Mumblem: Revised Edition, Episode 2.
  14. And finally, we have reached Chapter 8... Part 1. Enjoy the special thumbnail for this one. I did it in, like, 50 seconds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3x2IItLE8U8
  15. Fire Mumblem: Revised Edition Episode 1 replies! Looking forward to Episode 2!
  16. God damn, I really need to catch up, don't I? I wasn't actually gonna mention it, but yeah... I'm into some weird stuff. Though. I wasn't just being self indulgent with having Sophia eat Karel. I was trying to think of something really preposterous and that's just what came to mind.
  17. We've got chapter 7 part 2 now, in post-production commentary, but if you want to view the live version, the video provides an annotation link near the start. Also, I have an outro song whooo~ (it starts at 18:18) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjRAWk6yvpA
  18. Man, I really needed that break. I think I've come back into FE Hack reviewing with a different attitude. Behold. NEW PARTS!! (Also I forgot to link to Chapter 6, didn't I...?) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qVX7vS3Je0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7JJ7X-fi24 Yeah. So just to be clear, I've mellowed out a bit ever since I took that long break, so I'll probably be more positive overall in my videos. I'm also gonna be separating whole chapters into parts. I feel that if I commit to less footage per video, I'll record and upload more footage overall. Plus I think my commentary will dry up less frequently (though, I always edit those parts out anyway).
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