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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. I'm... not too bothered, I guess. I decided that for now, I'm gonna make my videos unlisted. That way, people can still watch any of my videos they want. I'm pretty sure unlisted stuff doesn't get detected by Nintendo's thought police, so this should be fine. The drawback is that people will have to either use my website for this, or rely on me or someone else linking to videos. ... So yeah, I guess now's the most appropriate time to advertise my website: http://markyjoe1990.elementfx.com I'm prolly still gonna record and upload ragefest videos under the assumption that this will cool over, but uh... yeah. I guess if it doesn't, Ragefest is gonna go in cognito.
  2. My theory is that Nintendo's behind the times and don't understand the current gaming market. They did this last time with videos showing off their games, and the backlash gave 'em cold feet. I'm assuming that they might face similar backlash here. Or at least, I hope there is, otherwise they aren't gonna let me do FE hack videos anymore. So for the time being, I'm considering making all my videos private so I don't get any messages or warnings.
  3. http://www.destructoid.com/nintendo-s-cracking-down-on-speedrunning-and-rom-hacking-videos-310152.phtml ... Well this is a problem. I'm thinking I should make my channel private until this cools over. Any suggestions?
  4. Gggaaaaaahhhh DX Oh! That reminds me. I wanted to tell you guys that for the next submission or a later one, I'm planning on getting drunk for the first time.
  5. Damn, that's a hard one to pass up. DX I actually wanted your submission to be done soon since I recall you stating your concerns earlier, and I wanted to uh... I guess give you reason to not be concerned. THAT SAID... I'm not guaranteeing that yours is next!
  6. I probably should have made it more clear. Quite a few people were fooled by it.
  7. The one you got is an outdated version. Not sure how you got a hold of it, nor do I understand why you posted it considering it's not the version I wanted people to see. EDIT: Looks like you deleted it. Thanks~
  8. Yo guys. I've got a pleasant surprise for y'all. [spoiler=Ragefest V Submission List]
  9. Oh, speaking of which, I'm curious. What submissions do you guys wanna see me play next? Disclaimer: I'm not promising to pay attention to the list. This is just curiosity.
  10. I think you have it in reverse. I actually expect submissions like this to have some easy strat that allows me to trivialize it. After all, Hacks with this kind of shoddy presentation tend to have shoddy balancing as well. I spoke to the guy while I was foaming in the mouth playing the submission. As it turns out, he predicted I would do such a thing and deliberately went out of his way to remove any trivializing elements from the chapter. He also mentioned that my strategy was more or less close to what he intended the player to do. It kinda made me think maybe the guy had his hack playtested extensively. I mean, it's hard for me to say for sure, but the impression I got from the conversation was that most of the resulting submission was what SuperSonic intended it to be. And y'know what? It makes me feel kinda weird. I feel like I'm not allowed to like it. Yet, at the same time, I can't help but feel utterly impressed at what it accomplished.
  11. I forgot to link to part 2, so here it is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_OZ7W1LEd8 Also, part 3 is finally up! We're done with Lyn's Revenge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG4ntXoHVXY Yeah, so hopefully this video helps shine light on what the submission actually expects of you. The submission LOOKS derpy and dumb, so I figured it was broken/unbeatable or easy to trivialize, but it turned out that none of those were true and the winning strategy is pretty involved. If you're still not convinced by Mangs and I (Fun fact: I didn't know his opinion until he said it in the video), I invite y'all to play the hack yourselves. With all that said, we've got 3 submissions down! 12 left to go.
  12. Yeah, I'm kind of impressed at how much thought he put into it. Oh, by the way, I found out I have 15 more minutes of footage with Mangs. I thought I forgot to record it, but... yeah, Evil Eggo Waffle makes an appearance in it too, so we finally got the crossover of the century. With that in mind, I've changed my mind. I'm gonna edit the footage. I'm pretty sure there's stuff that needs to get removed if I want this to be a reasonable amount of time.
  13. I actually don't think the submission is bad. I think aside from the unintuitive stuff and the two strictly luck based scenarios it has, it didn't really do much wrong. Yeah, the map looks shoddy, but I don't care much about aesthetics anyway, and the shoddiness compliments the audaciously dumb humor. That, and the challenge is legit. I tried many times to trivialize the bloody thing until I realized you just simply can't (Or at least, I stopped trying to), and you gotta take it seriously if you want to win. So yeah... I mean, I dunno if people are gonna agree with me or not, but hopefully when part 3 comes up, people will at least understand exactly how involved the winning strategy is.
  14. Okay, so... The part with Mangs and I commentating is actually only 20 minutes long and our commentary stays pretty interesting throughout, so I might just upload it, unedited as part 2 and then the winning run + ending cutscene w/ SuperSonic1212 will be Part 3. That good with you guys?
  15. I need to edit and render the footage before I start uploading. It's gonna be a while no matter what.
  16. Good news everyone. I finally got around to finishing SuperSonic's submission. And uh... I know this is gonna sound crazy, but I felt very satisfied beating it. It's pretty luck based though, and some thing are really unclear, but the actual winning strategy takes a lot of skill to pull off, and despite my efforts, I wasn't able to find a way to trivialize the chapter. You HAVE to meet it on its own terms. I dunno how many people will agree with me, but to drive my point home, I'm gonna record a full winning run of the submission just so you guys know what is being expected of the player. I'd also like to apologize to Mangs fans. I got forty minutes of footage with him, but the last part I did without him cause I thought he was busy and stuff. Instead however, you get the creator himself joining me for the winning blow and ending cutscene.
  17. Mm... Yes, I apologize, but I didn't get around to recording the submission. I'm... not going to sugarcoat it, I've been pretty stressed lately, and I really don't want that to translate through the commentary. So I've been taking my time as suggested.
  18. Part 2 hasn't been recorded yet. I have tomorrow and the day after off from work, so I might put aside time to finish it.
  19. It mainly took longer to render because Virtual dub would just... stop rendering it. I literally left it for over seven hours, and it still made absolutely no progress. And that's why we still don't have the bloody thing. I'm pretty angry about it. Though, seeing how people are reacting to the sound of the video, I guess this is just me being perfectionistic and going beyond what is necessary... It drives me kinda nuts when my videos don't end up EXACTLY how I want them.
  20. Wallace has no weapon ranks. He can't use anything. Edit: Alusq's Part 2 is here.
  21. Alright, here's the mono version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl4P5tOyeH0 Enjoy! And stuff.
  22. I don't quite understand the question, but uh... Basically, I played the submission and screen shared it with Mangs over skype, and we both did the commentary live together. There are only a few moments where we end up accidentally interupting each other, but in the mono version, it can be a little difficult to separate the two voices and clearly absorb what one is saying, depending on the ears listening. To solve this issue, I wanted to upload the stereo version, but Mangs told me it was a bad idea since it can cause some people headaches and whatnot, and the mono version is still easy enough to listen to despite the occasional interruptions. That's kinda why I came here asking what you all thought. My compromise is that I'm just going to upload both versions and allow the viewers to choose between them. EDIT: Unfortunately, the stereo version is becoming a pain to render...
  23. Alright. Question, everyone. When co-commentaries happen, occasionally they speak at the same time, usually on accident. I'm rendering a stereo version of the video that mixes me slightly left and Mangs slightly right so you can listen to whomever you want, however, it's taking longer than expected to render. Do you guys want the mono version NOW, or would you prefer your first watch to be the stereo version?
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