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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. I always use pianos for work in progress stuff, then I change the instruments around once I've made enough progress. That said... perhaps using the heavy metal rock out guitars of death right away will help with the inspiration problems... I'm tired as heck right now though, so maybe tomorrow. >_<
  2. I depends if I actually manage to make it or not, but yes, definitely. Right now, I'm sort of struggling with the tune because I'm extremely self conscious of my composition habits. I tend to use similar sounding chord progressions, and when I try to deviate, the song tends to sound bad. I'm trying to avoid those, but then that leaves me with few ideas. What's really annoying is that the bloody tune sounds way too similar to Stone Henge by Spinal Tap. This is what I have so far. Most likely gonna get scrapped... So yeah... I need to really push myself to be more imaginative if I want this theme to stick with people, while also being happy with it myself.
  3. Aye. Thanks, Feraligono! In other news, I've once again delayed on editing the first submission. I'm having trouble finding the best way to edit it so that there is as little fat as possible. That and... I had a tough day at work, a headache, and for some reason, am still kinda sleepy, perhaps because I still managed to get little sleep despite the nap I took yesterday. On top of that, I kind of want to make the Ragefest IV videos have a bit of a better presentation than previous entries. What I mean is... uh... I wanna make a theme song for Ragefest that'll serve as the intro theme for each submission. So yeah. I guess look forward to that.
  4. Oh, you used that one art style I see in a lot of touhou stuff. I think it's called Walfas or something? Either way, that looks pretty good. It follows the description relatively closely, and you managed to capture what my room mostly looks like too. Purple walls... and empty... ;-; I think my only complaint would be Reisen. She doesn't look like she's watching me or anything. I think if she were standing beside me and looking at the scene while laughing, that'd be better. Like what BillyRoflCopter did. And her hair's not ankle length The text you used for the title is pretty awesome. It's all janky and square and easy to read. So yeah, I think I'll use this if you're okay with it. Also, cute Patchouli avatar.
  5. If you're looking for pokemon hacks to play, try Snakewood. I can't vouche for this quality, but it's a finished hack as far as I'm concerned, and it's... um... well, I just think it'd make good LP material.
  6. Oh, I see. =X I'd like to apologize to everyone about not getting the first submission up today. While I was editing the footage, I realized "Holy cow, I'm sleepy", and took a nap. I have work early tomorrow, so I kinda have to go to bed very soon too. So in the place of the submission footage, I'm gonna upload Chapter 10 of FE3 Book 1. After tomorrow's work shift, I have three days off. I'm gonna make it a point to record as many submissions as possible. So far, we have four submissions in total, and we should be getting more soon.
  7. Well I mean... I'd like to point out that Matthew's Nightmare was Cedar Nyx's first hack ever (I think), and that one won Ragefest 1. Yes. I do mean out of all RF submissions ever. Not one comes to mind that uses cheap tricks less than this one. It's not the hardest submission out of all of them, but it's the most fair while still being challenging. I honestly think that once people see it, they'll want to play it themselves.
  8. Just finished the first Ragefest IV submission. It was pretty tough, but I managed to beat it in about 5 tries and only loaded one save state. Some parts really pushed myself to think of some creative strategies. The run wasn't perfect, and I didn't get everything, but this should be satisfactory. Out of all the submissions I've played in this contest so far, I think this one hinges the least on cheap traps and exploits. Almost all of the challenge here is legit, so I'd actually recommend playing it even outside the context of Ragefest. Anyway, let's edit this bad boy! ... Also, do hashtags work on this forum? #FERagefest
  9. Granted. Now go Avraxas! Fulfill your destiny!
  10. Sounds good to me. Unless I misunderstood, this means 12:00 PM EST or earlier will work.
  11. Hm... Well the other submission asked me to do things normal, so I'll do this one live. It'll be a nightmare to edit later, but it'll probably be worth it. I'm off of work on the 22th, 23rd, and 24th. When would be a good time for you during those days (I'm Eastern Standard Time)? For once, I'm gonna schedule this and announce when it'll be happening. GET HYPE... and such.
  12. Second Submission Obtained!EnderSlicer is hyped as hell to co-commentate in this one.
  13. I asked EnderSlicer12 just now, and he's more than enthusiastic to join me for commentary. Oh, do you want this streamed or recorded normally?
  14. Oh my god. A Ragefest submission starring my little brother EnderSlicer12? This is gonna be good~ That's two submissions I've received now!
  15. Open in feditor adv -> save -> close. Try again
  16. Well, I already received a finished submission that is ready to be recorded. And it is by a returning ragefest veteran. I'll see about getting it up as early as tomorrow, but that is unlikely.
  17. Go right ahead. Speaking of which, I'm willing to use multiple images if people give me more than one.
  18. Submit it any way you please. So long as it gets to me. ... And uh... Alright, I wanna say stuff. I've been getting a lot of messages lately asking for the week long extension. Everyone's always so apologetic and stuff, but in truth, I'm happy to give people the extension. The fact that so many people are working on a submission in the first place is great because I've been relatively unaware of how many people are entering the contest this time. And lemme tell ya, with the number of messages I've been getting, I can confirm that there are A LOT of people who are working on something. So, knowing that, I want to thank every one for your support, not just people who are making submissions, but for those who watch them, spread the word, and leave those delicious little comments that make my day all the more noteworthy. You've all done a fantastic job at setting this Ragefest up to be the best one yet. The only thing I regret is that I feel like I didn't try hard enough to support it myself. I posted it on reddit and attempted to popularize the #FERagefest hashtag on twitter, but I think if I posted Ragefest on more forums, including ones that aren't strictly FE related, things would get even bigger. It's gonna be annoying, but when Ragefest V is announced, I'm gonna try harder to make this big. On a side note... God damn, I still don't have a Ragefest banner. >_< I've attempted to get two people for the job. Tres Iques was one of them. She's a very talented touhou artist, but she never seemed to get back to me on doing the art. The other was Alex Suarez, who had to get some surgery done and it restricted him from working on the art for health reasons. If any of you are up to the task, I'm willing to commission you for it, as well as give you a shoutout for your work. For those of you interested, here's the description for what I want the banner to look like. I'll need it in 1280x720 for video thumbnails and usage for post-production clips. I might also want versions suitable for Facebook and Youtube, but I'm hesitant on that front since I think I should have something more general for those in particular. Lastly, a version that I can have in my signature would be nice, but it's the lowest priority of the three.
  19. They are due on the 20th. Remember that you can ask for a week long extension though.
  20. Just dropping in to let you all know that the Ragefest IV deadline is July 20th. No more, no less! If you need an extension, ask for one, but take note that it only applies to people who started work on their submission AFTER I made my initial announcement video.
  21. Yo dudes and dudettes! Ephraim225 has a message for y'all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6WXx1glZn8&feature=youtu.be http://markyjoe1990.elementfx.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=582
  22. FELover3! How goes it? A lot of my fans wanna see you enter, including myself. Please torture me once more and call me garbage.
  23. Just so you guys know, Baldrichard is looking for playtesters for his submission. If you're interested, check it out here: http://markyjoe1990.elementfx.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=539
  24. For the record, Cedar Nyx won Ragefest 1, and she hardly had any experience at the time. FELover3 won Ragefest 3, and his previous submissions were bottom tier quality. It's not about experience or technical/artistic skill. It's about your wit and levels of sadism. So yeah, don't go thinking just cause you're a noob that you can't win. You've got as good a chance as anyone.
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