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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. Alright guys, here we go. I'm gonna try and get this final part up TODAY. Get hype and such
  2. Wow... That's a bit disappointing. He was the MarkyJoe before MarkyJoe. The FE hack reviewing guy before me. He was more or less the reason I made Fire Mumblem. He's kind of important to this contest when you think about it!
  3. Hey, I've got another question for y'all. How many of you remember BuringPenitentEngine?
  4. I cut it down... by two minutes... Fucking yay
  5. I know I know. I'm just... When I see a video that long, I can't help but feel like there's stuff I need to remove from it. So far I'm finding very little though. Another reason why I prefer my videos being shorter is cause it makes them more rewatchable in the future. Like. It's easier to binge watch.
  6. Fuuuuck. Part 3 is 43 minutes. too long. must rewatch and work harder to cut it down ;-;
  7. My stance against longer videos is that they are a bigger time commitment, and people are less likely to watch it all the way through. Though, that doesn't seem to effect my fellow youtuber Mangs. I'm still gonna do my best to cut things down, but this is definitely gonna be a hefty video no matter what.
  8. Hey everyone, I have a question. How do y'all prefer my footage to be edited? I've been looking at the Ragefest Revengeance footage, and I don't know what to edit out. Much of the footage is at worst fairly interesting to watch, but there is also too much footage for my comfort. =X
  9. Yo guys. I finished recording Ragefest Revengeance. This is definitely a contender for winning Ragefest. I think I'm gonna make this 4 parts in total.
  10. Yeah, quick history of the markyjoe portrait. Its first ever appearance is in Episode 1 of Fire Mumblem: Revised Edition. One of my old hacks.
  11. The one FELover made...? Um... I made that one. DX As much of an improvement as that is over the original Markyjoe portrait (And it definitely is), the original is just too much of a staple at this point. I don't think people will accept anything else unless they do what F.EXE did and give me a second form or something.
  12. If I get 45 submissions then I quit forever.
  13. Speaking of next ragefest, I should probably announce that at some point because people are already sending me stuff to play. >_<
  14. I am somewhat against the idea. While I want to say my opinions of each submission, I want to wait until after people vote since I want people to think for themselves on the matter. Or at least that was my initial approach. I think people will just go off of my reactions in the videos... So I might as well speak them anyway. For what it's worth, I don't like that my opinion has so much influence on how a submission performs. I want people to come to their own conclusions. Hm... Maybe next contest, I should make a rule that all submissions will be publically released on my website so people can play them. That would ensure they get to form their own opinion without being influenced. ... But then some people don't know what the hell they want and might like submissions that are bad and stupid. This is kinda tough, isn't it?
  15. Man, you guys seem so eager to count out all the other amazing submissions that have been played. In fact... I'm gonna use this post to gush about a few of them. Firstly, may I remind y'all that Tales Of Purt was really good? I wasn't fond of the writing at first, but it's grown on me a lot, and the level design is good too. It's a shame it's held back by FEXP, but honestly, if it ever gets ported to FEXNA, there are very few weak spots in this submission aside from some extra fat that coulda been cut. Not only that, but it's very original. There are so many submissions where I'm the protagonist, but how many make me the VILLAIN? Beyond that, this submission just has so much personality to it. I don't know how to explain it, but just look at how goofy the submission is. Especially the part where each character's epilogue is explained. That's the kind of shit you see done by someone who is just naturally kind of a goofy guy. Let's not forget the intro. Honestly, if we have another Ragefest, I want to see a lot more submissions like this. Then there's Emblem Warriors by Ephraim225. It's not a submission that stands out in presentation, but when you're playing it, there's a lot to appreciate. The innovative gameplay mechanics are no doubt gonna influence future hacks, cause c'mon, this fresh new idea is just begging to be explored further. This submission's also one of the VERY few that actually made the money man funny. Remember how money is no longer important, people? If I were to criticize, I feel like the submission should have used custom music, or at least anything but that lame ass Hector mode player phase theme. It's too mellow for a submission that's a large battle. Lyn's Revenge hits a soft spot for me because... Well, lemme say that I'm a very analytical person. There's a lot of stuff in these submissions that make everyone but me laugh. The problem is that I'm so used to this whole Ragefest gig by this point that I can predict a lot of things either by empathy, or by applying past submissions to the present. But Lyn's Revenge makes me laugh because it's so unabashedly stupid that it defies analysis. There's nothing I can analyze about Hector convincing Matthew to join him by agreeing to hook the guy up with weed. There's just too many things dumb about that and my mind doesn't even know where to begin. This submission also surprised me because it looks like a typical garbage submission, but actually requires a lot of thought to beat, and the winning strategy is very satisfying. DISTORTION. Okay, I'm pretty sure this submission isn't gonna win a lot of votes, but no submission has EVER made me feel so... violated! I can't even describe it, since the words I'd use are heavily inappropriate, but just LISTEN to me in the video. Trapped In Painful places probably has the best intro of any submission, and it's also legitimate satire since, like, I know there's a large number of people who listen to what I say and take it to heart. I also think the design of part 1 is a masterpiece from a Ragefest point of view. What really holds the submission back is - all together now - part 2 is all sorts of lame. But damn son. Titanwood. Just. What the fuck. Not all of these submissions I listed are necessarily my favorites but I feel they all have at least one thing that no other submission does better, and I wanna remind people that there have been plenty of high quality submissions this year, and that I don't think the winner is gonna be so cut and dry. ... Though, the recency bias is a thing. I'll have to figure something out for that.
  16. Even though my reactions in the video are very positive, it's been on the back of my mind that this is sort of another submission that has in jokes that the uninitiated viewer isn't gonna get, so I'll prolly mention that near the end.
  17. Aaaand it's up. So now, we finally get to see just how good this submission actually is.
  18. Wait a minute. Evil Lyn's hair is not longer than her entire body. Immersion ruined. Also part 2 is coming soon.
  19. Finally fixed the bloody rendering problem. I think I might just stop using the soxfilter function to compress the audio dynamic range in my videos in avisynth. For those of you who are skeptical of the submission, just wait til the end, alrighty?
  20. It's literally just a 23 minute video with 9 jump cuts. =(
  21. Ugh, The video doesn't seem to want to render. I might not be able to get this up today. Sorry guys.
  22. Got back from my recording session. Holy cooooow. This one's AMAZING. I might just go and edit the first part cause god damn, this is awesome.
  23. Yeesh, it's been a while, eh? Let's get this shit on the road. Ragefest Revengeance By HeyItsKyo LET'S GO
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