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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Anything you want. And Princess, that (?) is beside your class. I'm not sure if you're a raven laguz...
  2. I'm replaying the game right now and damn...I forgot how good it can get. It's just awesome! I especially like the part where the laguz kings meet. Such masterful writing!
  3. Well I finally got past it...damn chapter... And what info are you talking about? You mean the strength and stuff?
  4. I...don't understand what you said just now...
  5. Well, I would have been a real surgeon if the inside of patients' bodies really looked like that, because you know, bodies in real life are very...gross...
  6. Lots of websites and games I'm interested in that are in Japanese. There's something else, besides that, but I dunno what it is.
  7. Not many. Just Saudi and UAE, but I've visited them many, many, many times and usually stayed for over a week. I actually lived in Saudi for seven years.
  8. Doesn't matter whether people liked it or if it sold a lot of copies. All that matters is the person who plays it, and his/her opinion. I like the series, but I don't really care for it anymore.
  9. I've only played Second Opinion, but it was DAMN good. I'm dying to get New Blood...
  10. Polar bear laguz sounds a bit...off... I'll just go with Dragon Lord.
  11. Right now, I'm also raising Astrid and Makalov (Oscar too). Makalov has very little skill, but he's quite fast and powerful. Plus, he has pink hair...I mean, that's just awesome! Astrid is really, really good right now. The only thing she lacks is strength, and maybe a bit of defence.
  12. By that time, I've got Ike to level 20, and I just put him on the protection spot so he doesn't get in the way. Also, letter to Tashi: This is why Snipers don't suck. D:
  13. Alright, main list is updated in the master post. We still need more people!
  14. Astrid WAS behind my units. Just that Norris is a sniper with a longbow.
  15. I've been replaying this game (for transferring purposes) and right now, I'm at chapter 13. First time, I move my units and then, some stupid myrmidon decides to kill Astrid. Restart. Second time, I move my units and the same myrmidon kills Astrid AGAIN. But it wasn't that big of a deal since it was just on the first turn. Third time, I'm doing really well, and am about to kill Norris. Then I stupidly attacked him with Astrid (he had very little HP and I wanted Astrid to level up). Not only did she not do any damage, but Norris attacked two times and killed her. Restart. Fourth time, I'm doing really well (again) and I'm almost killing Norris, but I delay it because I was afraid it would end the chapter (I still had one more chest). Suddenly he runs off to the other side of the ship and kills Astrid. I turn it off furiously. Fifth time I'm playing that chapter, just an hour ago. I was also doing really well this time, but then I attacked a myrmidon who had a Killing Edge with my Zihark and the myrmidon did a critical on him. Stupid thing is that my Zihark also had a Killing Edge and I was hoping he'd kill the myrmidon but he didn't. Restart. Sixth time, every enemy unit except four ravens and Norris are dead. The Tibarn scene ensues, and then the game freezes on me during that cutscene! This is seriously ridiculous. Some force from above does NOT want me to finish this chapter!
  16. Everything except for Country. I also agree with Lyle; a lot of it depends on the song itself.
  17. Yeah I'd like to read and write in the ancient language, but my normal handwriting sucks, so I guess I can't write it.
  18. Because you haven't registered. This is a pretty safe website, as far as I know.
  19. Anything, really. I haven't had the time to check it out.
  20. I think you're mixing Athos with Ike.
  21. Just Simon. Anybody else can go fuck themselves.
  22. You...read it? Or are you just aware of its existence?
  23. Also Princess, my description is in my history topic. Didn't you send it to her, Lyle?
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