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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Donkey cookie jar FTW! EDIT: Also I like cookies and am not a fat ass.
  2. I just had a miniature Twix.
  3. I was going to give all of them forged weapons, except I forgot the fact that you can forge only once each time you're in the base and only three of my characters have forged weapons, as of now...
  4. Well I guess you're really unlucky with the RNG, because he seriously pwns.
  5. Well see, Oscar is a killing machine as he is, without a forged weapon. He becomes a mass-murderer with a forged weapon.
  6. It's not wasting; he's hands down the best, or one of the best, Paladins in the game. Don't deny it.
  7. I've got Oscar and Astrid at 20/20 right now, and Makalov at 7...I regret not training him. He's a really good unit, even when he's low level like this. And yeah, Paladins are excellent in FE9. I forged a Silver Lance for Oscar, made the attack 19, hit 100, crit 9 and weight 7. Coloured it green and named it "Green Lance" (yeah I know, very original). He's a killing machine with that lance.
  8. My Makalov is a level 7 Paladin right now and he's doing great. Really really great. Just a few Secret Books and he becomes the best Paladin. He's doing better than Oscar did at level 7. So yeah, how he is one of the worst characters?
  9. Now that you mention, I'd love to be a hawk in Phoenicis. Or just live there, even if I'm not a hawk... Well whatever, just work in the palace or something...
  10. Kiryn, I'm not the Eggman anymore. Zeph made me renounce him. Maybe this will be a proper substitute.
  11. Can't choose a single one. But yeah, green apples are awesome, as are grapes. I love grapes when they're hard (or just not as soft) and tart.
  12. Pah! You don't need luck when you're as tough as me!
  13. It's awesome, ennit?

  14. Hmm...then I was right when I said he has good speed and strength. You've given me an incentive to waste use all my BEXP on him. Lol @ the comment on debt collectors.
  15. I only watch Football (Soccer for you crazy Americans) and only the World Cup. The teams I like are Japan, Brazil (lol), France and Portugal. Argentina and Italy aren't bad either.
  16. Eating cream cheese and bread right now...with Pepsi...
  17. Nothing a few Speedwings can't fix, eh?
  18. My Astrid has turned out AMAZING. She dodges almost every attack and KILLS with her bow. Makalov...I dunno. Although I love to train him but I guess it's too late right now, I can't be bothered. Unless I have BEXP to spare.
  19. This happened just yesterday... Zihark was gang-banged by Cavaliers, a Paladin and Wyvern Riders. He has only 3 HP, and the last Wyvern Rider attacks him with a javelin and...he dodges! More of this kind of stuff happened yesterday, some of which involved Rolf and Reyson. I'm really reckless when playing FE...or just any game...
  20. I didn't even have to think...

  21. Well, the only one I can think of off the top of my head is the one in PoR where it has Naesala and three ballistae. The most problematic thing in that chapter is that I want to talk to Naesala as fast as I can with Janaff/Ulki but the ballistae will kill him if I try to get to Naesala. There's also the risk of Naesala killing whoever comes too close. I usually lure him with Oscar, but it's still annoying.
  22. I'd like to be a senator or something in Crimea. Basically, work in the palace (but not as a lowly servant or soldier). The awesome thing about this topic is that, these few days I've been thinking how great it would be to live in Tellius.
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