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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Lol, volkswagen. I actually liked the joke...
  2. Criticals can be evaded?! I never knew that!
  3. I've played them from before I was two as well, but that isn't really properly playing, and that's what I think Kiryn meant: By the time you can properly play games (and maybe understand some aspects of them as well) you're already an introvert or extrovert.
  4. Nightmare

    Poll on sight

    Neither, but not because I'm not too close to the TV. That's a silly thing to say. My vision has been deteriorating during the past year (or somewhere around that time). Back when it was still perfect, I could see farther than Janaff. Yep...
  5. I had bought it months ago, alongside PoR, but just started playing it a few days ago. Great game, so far.
  6. Nightmare


    No I Don't Play Them
  7. Pervert donuts? No thanks. I'd rather have Fireman's Fiery Donuts ®.
  8. That would hurt an awful lot, wouldn't it? I mean, koopas are all spiky and have hard shells...
  9. This topic wins my Seal of Awesomeness. Since I'm so awesome, only I can give out these seals. Greil Mercenaries, move out!
  10. Boooo! *Throws tomatoes*

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