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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Dick and ass are separate organs. Do not fuse them together; a calamity might ensue.
  2. Oh yeah, I see the mod aboose now. Well anyway, I can't see your photos, but I voted yes since they seem to be really terrible (because IT'S OVER 9000!).
  3. It's probably my favourite recruitment song yet. I literally jumped with joy when I heard it in RD.
  4. I hurried and played "With Us!" on Winamp. I hope that was the song you had in mind as well...
  5. Give Joshua (as a Swordmaster) Audhulma and he can rapekill everything. He does about 56 damage with it right now (on my save). Just think how insane the critical is.
  6. It doesn't matter whether I'm part of the B-Team or not; you still can't reap my head off! And I considered your statement about eating MR not being cannibalism and...I decided to rejoin!
  7. Hah, I had problem with this chapter in my recent replay. My Ike is level 20 by then, so I just leave him on the glowing square. That way, he will protect the place AND not get in the way.
  8. OMFG you're awesome! Also, looking back at my list, I wonder what I was smoking when I made it...
  9. Elincia is mine, get your hands off her.
  10. You are on the way to destruction. You have no chance to survive, make your time.
  11. I thought Bianchi was our figurehead?
  12. I dunno what part I am, but hi!
  13. Well, braided hair isn't exactly girly. It's actually pretty awesome, if you ask me. So yeah... Just please, no nail painting.
  14. And more will come. We've been discussing and stuff, and they're ready, so Fireman should post them sometime soon.
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