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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Yeah it was pretty obvious when I saw her. That, and when "Kurth" talks to her, made it really really obvious.
  2. Replace the portraits with ones done in the style of PoR.
  3. Fireman is the Eggman?! And welcome phreak guy. You've already met me in the chatroom. And although your sig is too big, I love it!
  4. What? He said "never"? I read that as "we will have mod as a day for prize"...
  5. All my stats are in the character thread if you need them.
  6. Cv Judgement Simon faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaails. Kojima Simon ftw (the one I have).
  7. I use them all too, I don't care either. Anyway, this is how I rate him: Fucking Broken. Seriously.
  8. Which Simon is this...? I can't see it. Anyway, I already have Simon as both avatar and sig, so for a change, maybe you should choose Soma (it's his AoS artwork, right?). But Simon is just...too much win! So I dunno...
  9. Good afternoon, milady.

  10. You made me evil? Well, whatever, as long as I'm cool...
  11. So Lyle's the only one who reads your history? :(
  12. Anything, I don't care. As long as it's good...
  13. Both of Fox's ideas are great!
  14. How about...Tibarn? But you have to upload it to tinypic, 'cause I can't see pics from stuff like Photobucket and Imageshack...
  15. Well...I dunno, I wasn't there. But either way...hate has no place in my heart. I haven't even judged you, or got mad at you or anything like that. You're still an awesome dude fellow! And at least you're man enough to admit you did something wrong.
  16. Good job you two. It's great so far...
  17. Nightmare


    I'm not afraid of orthodontists either. In other news, I came back from the dentist a few hours ago and immediately started playing RD :D. He filled two of my teeth (I didn't even notice he was working on two of them). The anaesthesia didn't work quite well first time, so he had to inject two syringes! I'm too strong for just one...also, he's a relative of mine (my cousin's husband) so everything went neatly. And somehow, I doubt soulja boy isn't afraid of them.
  18. Nightmare


    I'm going to the dentist right now, a few minutes later...it's been a while and my teeth really need work. I'm not exactly afraid of it (not anymore) but I'm kinda nervous... Discuss.
  19. Well, I think he means that Stefan rules as a character, not as a unit. And I agree with him there, he indeed rules. But uh...Stefanrulez kinda sounds...weird. So Sword Saint it is!
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