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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. And I third it. His speech and mannerisms are just so awesome and badass...
  2. Yeah it would be cool. Think what would happen if Jaffar and Volke met. It would be just like the interview Fireman wrote!
  3. Post it. Fanfics are always an interesting read...
  4. Put me in blah blah blah. You already know my affiliation.
  5. Finally back, eh? How did the trip go?
  6. I'm working on the movie with Fireman. Be more patient.
  7. I can't really remember anything now. I wanted to say how quick I am to forgive and forget, but that really didn't seem like a weakness...
  8. You're over-generalizing. I don't like any of those (well except for food, but that's just because I'm in love with it). Agreed.
  9. Actually, I've told him what it's about, but it seems he didn't understand. I won't be able to write any time soon, though. Got to finish RD and my own history first, plus the movie I'm making with Fireman...lots of stuff!
  10. Put me in it too. Do whatever you want with me, as long as you remember I'm blind and use a fencing style most similar to Iaijutsu (look it up on Wikipedia). That means I draw my sword every time I want to slash and then sheathe it again.
  11. The Black Knight You all know where this is from...
  12. Maybe he thinks Roy will look like Eliwood when he grows up? Obviously he can't differentiate between them.
  13. Valtome is awesome! He's annoying, but still awesome! "Uwee hee hee" is awesome too. Sounds just like Kefka's laugh.
  14. Beauty of a god. Everything positive.
  15. What the fuck? How can you suck at Megaman X?!
  16. Ike probably never saw a drunk before. He was like "Shinon? What's wrong? What are you doing?" or something like that.
  17. I'd work under Tibarn, without question, but since he's not on the list, I'd say Ike. He fights for his friends. Or maybe Elincia. Not sure...
  18. And I have. Also I'm not just invincible; I'm better than Ike, Hector, Lyn, the laguz kings and Black Knight put together.
  19. I just read the dialogue reaaally slowly or just didn't read for a while to listen to it.
  20. So many villains to choose from... Well, let's start with the guy I had as an avatar, sig and personal photo before: Rugal Bernstein! He's like, this insane guy who is richer than Bill Gates (probably) and has mastered every martial art in the world which is made publicly available. So he tries to become even more powerful, and seeks to steal the power of Orochi (an ancient being of great power). So one of Orochi's 8 Ketsu comes and gives him a beating to teach him not to mess with the Orochi, slicing out his right eye in the process. But Rugal somehow survives his attack (which shows how powerful he already was). Impressed, Goenitz (the guy who beat him up) gives him a portion of the Orochi power, which makes him fall unconscious. After a while, he wakes up and realizes he has succeeded in getting what he wanted. He then gets a bionic eye to replace his missing right eye, and organizes a tournament to crush the best fighters in the world with his new found strength. He has much more to him than that, but it's kinda hard to explain.
  21. Hah, seems I'm not the only one who has had constant problems with this chapter. Oddly enough, I breezed through it on my first playthrough, but on the second one I had to restart six times...or seven times...I forgot...
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