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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Now that I've beat RD (just a few moments ago) I can have a say in this. I thought the story was nothing short of incredible. The writing wasn't as good as PoR, but the story itself was on par, maybe even surpassed it.
  2. Good...I should have more lines. I am one of the head figures of B-Team, after all...
  3. Hah! You can't get her anymore because of the blood pact!
  4. <Claire> And I'm not wearing clothes <|Raven|> :G <Zephrion> The is the cake, the pie, and my childhood dreams. <Desdemona> ._. <Zephrion> So* <Nightmarre> The is the cake? <Nightmarre> Lol <Zephrion> Yes. The is the cake. <Nightmarre> Ok <Nightmarre> I'll post these right now 100% True. All rights reserved.
  5. He dodges all the time, and even if he doesn't, nothing damages him. Except for the Feral Ones and Ashnard.
  6. Asshole. I'm through with you. *Throws engagement ring, runs off crying*
  7. Not enough flavour. And I said hold the Eggman!
  8. Even if you weren't in a relationship with Bianchi, I would have killed you if you gave anything more.
  9. It would be so good if Roy was in Brawl; you can't deny it would've been awesome to beat him up silly with Ike.
  10. Randomly chose Rafiel, but I like them all.
  11. Yeah he's not weak, but he's also not as strong as they make him out to be in Path of Radiance. I was expecting him to have at least...60 strength or something...
  12. I thought that at first as well, but turns out, he's only better than Giffca by two/three points in every (?) stat...not very beast like, which made me disappointed in Caineghis.
  13. Tibarn is my favourite king...probably... If you hate/dislike/are indifferent towards Tibarn, I will kill you.
  14. Hah, I did the same. I brought Giffca first playthrough because I wanted to see a lion. I brought Tibarn in my replay because he's awesome. And I'll be bringing Naesala in my hard mode playthrough...
  15. Nightmare


    I've eaten Subway like...three or four times only...I don't remember much, but I do remember that it was awesomely delicious.
  16. Nightmare

    oi, FOOD PLACES!

    McDonald's and Dominoes. Not that I don't like the others (I love them too) but I prefer these...yessss... Too bad I can't eat at any of them now. :(
  17. I thought the Bastian/Volke one was awesome, since Volke's a silent guy, and Bastian talks a lot... But um...I'd like the Mist/Volke one! That would have been awesome. And does Shinon have support with any other laguz besides Janaff? If not, then I'd like to see more!
  18. What the fuck? Radiant Dawn is all about the awesome plot twists, you mindless killing machine!
  19. Indeed it is. *Steals Lyle's cool point system* +300 cool points to Branded Blade for agreeing with me.
  20. You almost lost your virginity. :D Your mom was right though...you almost got raped...
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