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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Rafiel is beautiful! I'm not gay, but I can still see beauty! If I have to say least attractive...um, Valtome and Oliver come to mind. And they're both narcissists too!
  2. Huh? Well anyway, Oliver is awesome if only for his theme (the harpsichord one, Power-Hungry Fool/Oliver's Fall). And he kinda reminds me of myself...I do respect beauty like him and all that. But I'm not absolutely obsessed with it like him. I would never enslave herons! Also he would never rape Leanne; didn't you see how in PoR he told his servants and soldiers to take special care of Reyson? He wouldn't want to harm them in any way!
  3. Yeah, it seems Skrimir, Caineghis and Giffca are the only lions, or at least the only ones that have shown themselves.
  4. Ah, good thing I read this. I'm at the final battle now and...Kurthnaga is still level 20 (used BEXP on other characters instead...). You can take items from the convoy in the final battles, right?
  5. Hah, I bet Tibarn can beat her, and then some. But when do they say this? Is it after endgame?
  6. Look at the chatroom topic. SmartRutter has put directions there on how to use a REAL IRC program, and not the crappy chat applet.
  7. I forgot to take you to the final battle, and now I've saved and can't go back. Damn it.
  8. I also had a five star rating. Somebody here does not like new members, so he/she lowers their rating.
  9. I don't see anything particularly wrong with that, though. They could just make things more real, maybe even add a little blood (though I don't think that's fitting for an FE game) and then slap a Teen rating on it, just like Twilight Princess.
  10. More like bored. My eyes are half closed like that most of the time, but I don't have that hateful/bored face, just a bored one.
  11. Songbird...kiss Fireman and let's see what happens!
  12. *Gets nachos, all flavours of popcorn, hot dogs and a huge Pepsi*
  13. Nightmare


    The annoying thing for me is the anaesthesia after-effects (they annoyed me really badly today, especially that I had injected two of them) and how your jaw has to remain open for a loooong time. My jaw got really tired today...I'll have to tell him to work on only one tooth next time.
  14. Then you can never become a true monster. You're just a little weakling.
  15. Yes but she counts only if you come to the chatroom like us cool guys.
  16. Until then, become more of a monster. Show them your TRUE POWER!!!
  17. You guys are all scrubs. Want a truly awesome boss? Beelzebub from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
  18. Yeah you're a monster alright. Now go rapekill some and you'll be a true monster.
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