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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. The B-Team would have done so even if this didn't happen...
  3. I can see where he's coming from. Maybe I can talk this over with Bianchi...?
  4. Shhh...it's alright Lyle...
  5. E--ARGH! Zeph made me renounce him... Um...fantastic?
  6. If they use Nightmare and fit those descriptions, then that's me. And nobody except me fits those descriptions.
  7. I love you. Tibarn seemed, to me, like the perfect balance between Naesala and Giffca.
  8. Tibarn's voice fit him, imo. It was the acting that needed work. Ranulf's voice was good too but again, the acting needed work. Also when I first heard Tibarn's voice I was like OMG TIBARN HAS VOICE ACTEANS!
  9. Awesome, I'm the MAIN villain!
  10. LOL, dolgfish!! Let's see...um, the only pets I've ever had were fishes...yeah. Once, somebody gave us a tank with four turtles in it and we kept them for some time (don't remember how much) but I dunno if that counts. Anyway, what I really want is a snake, or some other awesome reptile.
  11. I created a character (long ago) based off of myself. I eventually "developed" this character (which was automatically done, since he was based 100% on myself). Decided to name him Nightmare (also long ago) and it's been my internet alias ever since. If you see a user named Nightmare on another website who has correct spelling and grammar and tends to be really awesome, that's me.
  12. Yeah I hate parties full of random idiots too. As long as all the guests are friends and/or family, I'm fine with it. But no strangers, please.
  13. It doesn't matter what names we use...it's still in effect; even though we used our nicknames, it can still recognize us. Good thing I read this...otherwise I would have killed you all right now, before killing myself.
  14. Nightmare

    oi, FOOD PLACES!

    Because I live in Iran. I can only eat them if I travel outside...
  15. Doesn't matter; they can still get ugly.
  16. Kittens and bunnies can get real ugly too, mind you.
  17. Adrian "Alucard" Fahrenheit Tepes. Son of Dracula, from Castlevania.
  18. Damn...I would've bought one if I had the means to do so...
  19. Lyn, Hector, Ike, Eirika and Ephraim.
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