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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. I actually wanted to change my name to Waterman, have an avatar like yours except mirrored and with water effects...lol...
  2. It wasn't as epic as say, Blazing Sword, Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, but I found it to be fun.
  3. Yeah they're afraid of failing, so they won't even try!
  4. No, because people here don't know how to register and all. They would have been ops if they had registered their nicks. I said that somewhere else as well. Think before you act!
  5. The number of females has indeed gone up, but none of them will ever capture me! (lol)
  6. We haven't "lost" the room you dunderhead. I dropped it on purpose.
  7. He probably thought I was saying they're attractive, lol.
  8. Yeah, like I said, art that's like PoR art. Not all of the art in RD is bad, but some characters just look weird...
  9. ATTENTION: The channel has been dropped for certain reasons. Questions? Contact me...
  10. Not my fault. If you people had registered your names, I would have given you op powers (well, I would have given Fireman op powers anyway). Oh well.
  11. I will soon be posting directions to using mIRC and/or Chatzilla. EDIT: Wait, I noticed Rutter posted the directions. So yeah, follow those.
  12. Aww, loosen up. It was pretty funny.
  13. Either you're not correct, or I must have done something wrong...
  14. Hurry with the next part, whelp.
  15. Welp, it worked now! I'm at the battle (don't read this, Myr!). My Wii/RD chooses some really bad times to act up. Sometimes the music gets glitchy, and the loading takes too long. At times it gives me an error screen. Same with my Gamecube and PoR. And they both (GC and Wii) make clicky noises before they give me the error message. It's stupid.
  16. Just went off to play RD (and hopefully beat it) but the TV won't turn on! God damn stupid TV...rrrrrgghghggh... And I'm at endgame, too! The suspense is killing me! :(
  17. Nightmare


    If by board you meant topic/thread, then no. Why should it be? You offend me.
  18. I apologize to other members for leaving on such short notice...especially after I, myself, called for an urgent meeting. Next time, I will try to remain for a while longer...
  19. The green pallies are always awesomer (like Sain and Oscar). They turn out great for me as well.
  20. Un-promoted, I'd have to say Oscar. He's just awesome. Pre-promoted, um...Marcus from FE7! You all know how much I like him... And for half-promoted, Geoffrey, for being awesome.
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