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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Um...you can rest uneasy because I was totally serious...
  2. Both are awesome. Gheb is the Almighty Rapist. Beware... You'll need my power to enter dreams. You too.
  3. Zelgius is hot. I wanted to style my hair like him a few days ago, when I went to the barber but I forgot to take his picture with me...
  4. Well I don't think FE is a kids' game. Just because it has E/T rating doesn't mean it's for kids...
  5. No way he can beat him. You forgot Dheginsea has Ashera's blessing. Also, my entry: Jaffar Vs. Volke. I can't believe nobody said this yet...
  6. The head figures of the team are Bianchi, Fireman and me. You're Bianchi's right hand man...or so it seems... And there is no more secretive stuff. The secret was our secret channel: #BeeTeem. But it's not a secret anymore.
  7. I'll have one with extra flavour, please. Hold the Eggman.
  8. Yeah well, everybody found out, so meh.
  9. The secret channel is #BeeTeem.
  10. I said I have money...don't worry...
  11. You'd still need money to buy whatever it is you want to make food out of. ululululul
  12. I can give you more info about my style (if you already haven't noticed what it is by reading my history).
  13. I have enough money...don't worry... And Fireman, I think I gave you money a few times to do stuff, like join B-Team and be my lawyer when I sued MR and Vincent...yeah...the amount of money would be uncountable, though...
  14. Something like this guy's sword (my weapon). It's always sheathed etc. Look up Iaijutsu or Iaido on Wikipedia to know more about my style...oh and, I'm obviously a B-Team member.
  15. I'm with Lyle all the way!
  16. Glad SOMEBODY could recognize it.

  17. Here is my contribution to this thread. That person there is TRG, I just hit him with a pie.
  18. I think it's MaSu... Good job, btw.
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