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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. I did the mistake of using too much of the overpowered units in part 1 (namely, Volug, and ) and my other units are somewhat underlevelled (not much, but it still hurts my chances of surviving through chapter 6). They were so awesome I couldn't resist! Well, at least the last two were... Yeah...
  2. I believe I have a slight amount of psychic ability. None of that "talk to the dead" junk, just stuff like clairvoyance and etc.
  3. Whose love interest am I? Secretly loling.
  4. Whoops, looks like I used "and" instead of "I". Fixed now...
  5. Nah I was just teasing Lyle. I appreciate your effort, though.
  6. I don't even have to study and I pass tests.
  7. These rewards suck because I'm not in them.
  8. I don't have a website but yeah...

  9. Sneaky bastard. You made my website a link to your own profile, lol.

  10. SCALE ONE: Um...Sain, I think... SCALE TWO: No one in particular SCALE THREE: Lyn, but I'm not so sure SCALE FOUR: Perhaps Legault SCALE FIVE: Tactician!
  11. I don't like marrying but um...uh...like the others before me said, it's a tough choice...Elincia would be good, I think...
  12. Actually, I always thought a game about the Scouring, how it started and all that would be great. Provided each of the heroes gets a custom sprite...
  13. Nightmare


    You can edit your messages to fix errors.
  14. You didn't tell me on IRC the other day, what are Nik Naks? Popcorns?
  15. I don't have any friends, so nobody can call me anything, but I think I'm "The most optimistic egomaniac who is also a narcissist". I'm awesome.
  16. MaSu's cooking is terrible. You'd best hire someone with great cooking like me Oscar.
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