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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Awww, how sweet (lolpun).
  2. If you're not eating anything, then why post?
  3. Lol, imagine Volke doing such things! The thought of it is actually horrible, but funny...
  4. Hmm...happy 1000 posts? I dunno... I'm not really good at this sort of stuff...
  5. I saw this one coming, and as such, it wasn't as funny as it could be.
  6. I stop using the healers after some point in every FE game, usually. I dunno why. I only use Elincia when I get her in FE9, 'cause she's just that awesome.
  7. Nightmare

    Poll on sight

    And how do you know that your eyesight got weakened by TV and not family genes or some other thing?
  8. I'd have to say, between the two 64 games, I liked Ocarina better. Majora's Mask wasn't bad, but it was really boring at points. The dungeon design especially was nothing like Ocarina's design. I loved every dungeon in Ocarina (with the exception of Bottom of the Well because it was hella confusing) but I found most of the dungeons in Majora's Mask to be tedious and boring, at best. Don't get me wrong now, Majora's Mask is still an incredible game, just not as good as Ocarina, in my book.
  9. Peter Chimaera's WISPS OF DRACULA is a work of art. http://darcula.ytmnd.com
  10. Nightmare

    Poll on sight

    It will become worse if you keep it up. I think that's what may have made MY vision deteriorate. As I said, I could see farther than Janaff back in the old days... *Sigh*
  11. Cinnamon Buns are my one true love...maybe... May I have some?
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