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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. There is just one thing that can defeat me, but I won't tell you that. You have to find out for yourselves.
  2. I am...different from other immortals...I am only a figment of your imagination. I destroy you from within, using your own mind.
  3. The in-between side has me, the Indestructible God (or miracle worker, whichever one you prefer).
  4. No matter how many recruits the good side gets, they cannot defeat the in-between side because I am with them!
  5. I am their strongest ally and joined on my own accord. Bua ha ha ha ha(what?)!
  6. Rawr... Does it have anything to do with the popcorn?
  7. You're Fireman's weapon. Knife - Hit: 200 - Atk: 300 - Crit: 39485. Increases chance of activating Lethality.
  8. No I hacked into the game and it works on you perfectly, even more than on other units.
  9. He can't beat us up. We're too awesome to get beat up by an ugly anthropomorphic bear.
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