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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Cats fail. Sonic ftw. I'm choosing him by the way.
  2. Doesn't matter. God creates humans, but there are also people who eat humans for breakfast. Even though, God is still superior.
  3. Of course this comes from the guy who calls himself Nightmare. I CREATE fear!
  4. Some text which I cannot make sense of...
  5. I dunno, I might have had scary experiences, just that maybe I didn't dwell on them very much and quickly forgot them. That, or I'm incredibly courageous. I'm going with both.
  6. I'm trying to remember as hard as I can, but I can't think of a single one that was scary. D: I'm feeling awesome and left-out at the same time.
  7. Castlevania is the worst series out there. I hate Rugal, he's so stupid.
  8. Know? Know?! Jesus, learn to understand the difference between words.
  9. I read them and um...they weren't as scary as I was hoping them to be. D:
  10. Come to think of it, I can't think of any REALLY scary experience...I'm so brave...
  11. I dunno, they looked more like insectoid apes or something. It was as if they were trying to appeal to the newer generation; they just looked too modern. Scorponok looked good though.
  12. Yeah, I was a bit surprised there since I thought you meant the one from Headmasters and Headmasters was really, really, really lame.
  13. Scorponok from Beast Wars or from Headmasters?
  14. Megatron was awesome though. I'm kinda torn between him and Galvatron. Each one is awesome in a unique way and although they're both technically I still find them to be somewhat different.
  15. I think I'll also vote for Classical. I like most other genres; they're really good, but when Classical does good, it just cannot be described in words.
  16. Lol. Well since we're on the topic of Rumble and Frenzy, those two sure know how to trash talk...
  17. I don't have a favourite. I like everything, except for Country, Death Metal, Black Metal and any other crappy Metal sub-genre. I usually listen to stuff with strong compositions though, which is why I dislike 95% of today's mainstream music.
  18. I am so awesome and amazing that I chose both.
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