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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. I don't like the new stuff. The new movie just had stupid characters and ugly robots, not to mention a below average plot. The new series was so changed from the original. It became much more generic, though I admit the game was incredible. I wish they made a game like that based off of the G1 series.
  2. Nightmare


    I've only played F-Zero X, but it's brilliant. I wish I could get GX.
  3. Uhhh...the one mentioned in that episode... Also MOAR
  4. People born in the Year of Ram are elegant and highly accomplished in the arts. They seem to be, at first glance, better off than those born in the zodiac's other years. But ram year people are often shy, pessimistic, and puzzled about life. They are usually deeply religious, yet timid by nature. Sometimes clumsy in speech, they are always passionate about what they do and what they believe in. Ram people never have to worry about having the best in life for their abilities make money for them, and they are able to enjoy the creature comforts that they like. Ram people are wise, gentle, and compassionate. They are compatible with Rabbits, Pigs, and Horses. The part about being puzzled about life, pessimistic and timid is a lie. I also have Horse traits in me...hmm...actually I have the best traits of every year. HAHA! Anyway, I'm compatible with MaSu, Hikari, cgv, emeraldfox and VagueKatti. Let's see...
  5. Lies, I didn't do anything. And yeah, haha, that's the part where I get timed out too. Those stupid platforms...
  6. Recently, yeah. But the old games were pretty damn good.
  7. I sense as well... That was perdy good.
  8. Apparently your vocabulary has been limited by some rare disease.
  9. This really was weird...but good, nonetheless. Keep it up.
  10. Thanks. I'm pretty satisfied with this one. Don't know if I will be posting a new fillersode today..
  11. Yeah that's how I understood your post as well, Tashi. Idk how it could have another meaning. O_o
  12. I didn't level her to 20. That's what I meant. But she has an A rank in staffs. EDIT: Err...I mean S rank...
  13. I don't really have a favourite one. Each has its own redeeming value (I think this about almost everything, actually).
  14. It didn't suck actually...it ruled!
  15. Ephraim: Great Lord: Siegmund Eirika: Great Lord: Sieglinde Ford: Great Knight: Anything Kyle: Paladin: Anything Tana: Falco Knight: Anything Cormag: Draco Knight: Vidofner Innes: Sniper (lol): Nidhogg Lute: Sage: Excalibur Garcia: Warrior: Garm Knoll: Summoner: Gleipnir Artur: Bishop: Ivaldi Gerik: Hero: Steel Swords Joshua: Swordmaster: Audhulma Gilliam: General: Steel Spears Colm: Assassin: Anything Myrrh L'Arachel: Troubadour ( :( ): Latona Tethys I just want to kill myself for not levelling L'Arachel...
  16. Be wary that the main character hasn't been given a name yet, this will be explained later.
  17. My last death quote was lacking, so here's a new one: "Eggman! You betrayed me!" Wait, wrong one. Here's the quote: "Destiny...you CANNOT...destroy...I...DESTINYYYY!" Damn, wrong one again (props to anyone who can guess where it's from). This time, here's the REAL one: "Aha...hahaha...I can finally...see..."
  18. You better NOT alter your sig in a bad way. Your head will be on my wall if you do.
  19. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=1556 Thanks to Vincent. ;) Also the stuff Black Knight says...epitome of badassedness...
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