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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Lol, sorry about that. I meant that Joshua's my favourite swordmaster.
  2. New one: You're passionate and strong willed. Definetly not someone to mess with. Fire 91% Heaven 91% Anima 84% Wind 81% Water 78% Light 72% Dark 66% Thunder 50% Well, it's true. Kinda...except that it's definitely...
  3. I love all seasons. Each is awesome in a distinct way.
  4. I'm a prodigy in all areas...but that option isn't on the list so um, I'll go for decently good in all areas.
  5. Uh...SSBB I guess. Then I decided to download it (YARR MATIES!).
  6. I haven't played TWEWY either so I still haven't quite got it, but I want in...
  7. I restarted that Jill chapter two/three times because Marcia kept getting killed over and over again. The last time when Oscar killed Jill, I didn't bother restarting again because I had killed all enemies and only needed to get into that blue spot.
  8. Awesome. I loved this last episode, btw.
  9. Street Fighter again! Street fighter? Lol, more liek, Slug Fighter.
  10. Once there was a monster named Gonzoles and he looked for candy with his BFF, until one day he lost his pet human's hat. To solve this mystery, he decided to become the Hero of Hyrule and went to the Death Egg to face off Fortuity the Crab. He was then captured by some large ugly carrot but then he got killed by a very hungry Ilyana. While in Death Egg, Ilyana ate a large snake on a purple mushroom with yellow polka dots and an orange tail the size of a crazy huge Eggman that
  11. Ok so...maybe you had this coming but...what actually happened with those cloaked men and all that stuff?
  12. Wow...these are really good, but I didn't laugh even once...
  13. Once there was a monster named Gonzoles and he looked for candy with his BFF, until one day he lost his pet human's hat. To solve this mystery, he decided to become the Hero of Hyrule and went to the Death Egg to face off Fortuity the Crab. He was then captured by some large ugly carrot but then he
  14. Spoilers for Castlevania, tread carefully. Castlevania: Dracula is very intelligent, as he was the best during the against the , but the damn guy never learns to lock his door. I actually read something similar in a Castlevania forum, so I shouldn't be credited.
  15. Street Fighter: Ryu is so flat I mistook him for paper. Idk, I can't think clearly right now.
  16. Douglas Adams is a con man. I am the Eggman, whatever I say is correct.
  17. A=B if sin = 1/2 and cos = 7/3. B=D if tan = 8, and cot = 2. (67y + 80x + 10b) (4t - 709a + 34x) = The answer to life.
  18. Strange...this is becoming less of a sitcom...but good, nonetheless.
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