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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. I also sometimes read the history things that *WARNING ADVERTISEMENT OF OWN AND POSSIBLY OTHERS' PRODUCT* Lyle has linked in his sig... EDIT: I mean, as a stress-relief practice...
  2. I like '98 myself. You know, as a dream match game it's much more complete.
  3. Awesome. I'm beginning to feel less lonely day after day. You could've just TOLD me you're a KoF fan in my intro topic, you know!
  4. How do you know Rugal...? Also evil guys may be optimists. You never know. Rugal himself is very confident in his abilities.
  5. Other than video games... Surf the net Listen to music Think positive
  6. Hmm...then I was in the sitcom before I requested...? ..................Cool!
  7. Also Fireman you misspelled "condiment".
  8. Each is good in a distinct way.
  9. Um...did you write episode 18 yourself? If so, which other episodes did you write yourself?
  10. Awesome. I can disappear into shadows now!
  11. Man, do I really have to use those sarcasm tags? They're so inconvenient. :( Makalov's awesome btw. PINK CURLY HAIR FTW
  12. Are you jealous that he's man enough to have leet pink hair and be proud of it?
  13. Yeah I always thought it meant In This Thread. It also sounds better to me.
  14. Tis alright, my friend. That comment was just for lulz anyway.
  15. I just read this new filler. Good job Lyle, you're getting the hang of it!
  16. No man Bastian was awesome. I'd kill Shinon. Racist bastard...
  17. I like so many different games, and they're all so good...can't choose a favourite! But among them would be: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Castlevania Chronicles The King of Fighters '94~2003 (excluding 2k1 and 2k2 because they suckzorz) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Fire Emblem 7~9 (haven't played RD yet) Breath of Fire III... ...and tons more. I've played too many games, it seems.
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