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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Um... Anything colloquial... EDIT: I noticed all of us who have posted in this topic (as of typing) have four star ratings.
  2. No, because the country I live in doesn't have those kinds of names. D:
  3. Alright, after a long time (was kinda busy + lazy) here's a new fillersode.
  4. How did this turn into a "show off your video game knowledge" thread? O_o
  5. Welcome etc. etc. etc. I am the Eggman blah blah blah I'm really awesome blah blah blah Anyway, enjoy yourself!
  6. Damn right it's Eggman!

  7. I've never watched Spongebob. The greatest show for me has to be um...Samurai Jack?
  8. Awesome, I contributed something other than my awesome critical opinion. Serene gets some credit of course...I think...I dunno...
  9. I just saw a topic about this and... May I suggest we have a rule that disallows members from ranting about/bashing other forums and communities? On another forum I go to, a few members did this several times and it almost instigated forum wars. I don't think anybody would want forum wars over here...
  10. I don't think you should rant about other boards and stuff. I'm a member of some other forum, and some of the members over there (one of them, basically) bashed several forums and the result was that, we got several troublemakers from the forums he bashed.
  11. Haha, that's exactly what happened to me. Zihark was in his range and he raped his ass killed him with his ranged attack. I was so pissed, because before that I had to restart the chapter 2/3 times because Marcia kept getting killed. This time, Marcia managed to survive, but yeah...
  12. Lol, I know that. I meant, who is he on the forums (if he even is a member)?
  13. This was a bit short, but good nonetheless. Who's Nick?
  14. However cliché some parts may be, I still found the story to be insanely interesting. It just grabbed hold of me and didn't intend to let go. I also agree with everything Rakath said.
  15. I am honoured and dishonoured at the same time. Honoured because you chose Eggman. Dishonoured because there's an extra "r" in there.
  16. Because uh...it had very little to do with what makes Transformers...Transformers...?
  17. I guess we just have to agree to disagree.
  18. Well see, if you don't look at it as a Transformers movie, then it's just mediocre. But looking at it as a Transformers movie...then it's not quite good. And concerning the thing about people loving it, I don't think that's the best way to deduce the quality of something. But yeah, don't mind me.
  19. As a movie, yes it wasn't very crappy, but as Transformers it was beyond crappy.
  20. Marcus FE7. Marcus FE7! MARCUS FE7!!!! Well, personality-wise. Also he has that wicked beard and purple hair. EDIT: Also, the way he looks so stern is really badass.
  21. That was an awesome twist man. Can't wait for week 2.
  22. I didn't have any problems with their transformation stuff. Plus, Mordecai's a beast (pun unintended).
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