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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. No it won't have a port to the 360 in the future. The graphics and the sheer size of it won't allow such a thing to happen. EDIT: MGS4 I mean.
  2. And me as the Eggman.
  3. Your topic title reminded me of the OutKast song Hey Ya! Welcome. Somebody else will fill you in on the other stuff.
  4. Yeah...I thought I knew why I should use sarcasm tags, guess not... But subtle sarcasm is more funny, y'know? Ok shutting up now, too much off-topic. :X
  5. I don't remember Mia causing me to mess my pants, but she sure is cute... Also Joshua.
  6. Actually it was supposed to be a joke. :(
  7. Anything the Black Knight says. My favourite one is when you escape from that battle, and he says stuff like "that's what dogs do" and etc. Can't quite remember it, and the GameFAQs script doesn't have it (stupid).
  8. Yeah, I didn't even know Stefan existed until AFTER I finished PoR and looked it up on here (I usually look up guides and stuff after I finish a game, especially for games like FE). I hate Shinon too. Bastard. Other characters would be um...Jill (no making fun of me!) because I didn't know who should talk with her; she attacked Oscar and he obliterated her.
  9. I voted for a Sword of Seals/Blazing Sword one, and a PoR/Dawn one (I've yet to play Dawn even though I own it). Those games (well, at least Blazing Sword and PoR) had the most impact on me, something Sacred Stones failed to do for me. I'd want them to be totally accurate though.
  10. I refuse to be anything lower than a Lord.
  11. If that druid KILLED Seth I would've been angry, but just hurting him (no matter how badly) is no reason to reset the game...
  12. I like them all, but there's no option for that...
  13. Death Egg Act 2 from Sonic 3 & Knuckles and that oil zone from Sonic 2. Ugh.
  14. *Throws huge bag of gold* There you go. *Throws another bag* I'm richer than Bill Gates, so here's more.
  15. What else? MGS4 is going to own. My main qualm with the 360 is that, Microsoft is already making more than enough money with it's PC software and all that stuff, why try and steal conquer the video game market as well? It's just stupid.
  16. The PS3 doesn't completely suck either. It just needs some time. Plus, there's one gem coming on it that will outshine anything the 360 will ever have.
  17. I'd say Sony...what the hell is Microsoft doing making consoles anyway? Don't they get enough money already?
  18. UPDATE! Thought of some new stuff! Name: Nightmare (OMG) Class: Lord > Wind Lord (new class lol) Background Info: Born into plains far away from society and civilization, he was raised by a mysterious sword master, until he was fifteen when the sword master died. He then fended for himself, until one day, after he turned 18, he felt something powerful from beyond the plains, where it connected to the rest of the continent. He sets off to find out what this strong force is. He is apparently blind, as he always has a blindfold on his eyes, but is extremely skilled with the sword, and has inhumane speed. He also has a sense of intuition. Starting Level: 1 Base Stats HP: 25 Strength: 13 Magic: 9 Skill: 15 Speed: 18 Luck: 10 Defense: 12 Resistance: 8 Constitution: 13 Weight: 15 Movement: 6, when promoted: 10 Weapons and Levels: Sword: C Bow: D (Only when promoted) Skills: Wind (Only when promoted): Will evade enemy attack no matter what, and then land a critical hit. Because blind people using bows is badass. And I thought the skill needed a bit more...awesomeity...
  19. Yeah I have the DVD here somewhere but I can't find it, and I can't exactly remember the tune... >_< (Horrible show, by the way)
  20. I was going to do one based on the 1994 Fantastic Four cartoon theme song, but as luck would have it I couldn't find the original lyrics...
  21. My display name temporarily changed to Rugal, but my character will always remain Nightmare. Can I have a side of nachos with that?
  22. Nightmare is a pretty cool guy. Eh is blind and doesn't afraid of anything. Do you follow now?
  23. Lords of Thunder is being released on the VC too?! I'll definitely get that (if I can't pirate it >:D)! Also scratch Cho Aniki from the games I'm gonna get, since I downloaded it just yesterday.
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