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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. It's called sports entertainment. If you don't think those people are exerting themselves performing all of those complex moves, then you're wrong. It might be fake, but it's still hard work. I'd say it's harder than actual fighting because you have to be extra careful to not hurt people.
  3. Don't worry, I'm making a man out of him.
  4. lolFuret Carrot Bow makes me think that it will actually heal the unit, not hurt it. In reality, that will be its effect. OOPS SPOILERS
  5. Oh and, I forgot to say that maps will be so filled with enemies that you won't even be able to move. Every single square that doesn't have a player unit has an enemy unit.
  6. All enemy caps raised to 31, stat bonuses raised to 20, weapons also have poison effect and effectiveness against all kinds of units, all player units start out with 1 in every single stat as bases (yes, that includes HP) and the only weapons you can use are ones with 0Mt so you'll have to rely on Str alone.
  7. Did I forget to say that the enemies are invisible and have 20 Mov?
  8. You forgot the enemy exclusive weapons that give +10 to every stat.
  9. Yeah, we're going to buff the enemies considerably.
  10. It's true, capramming just means you have a higher chance of capping your stats, and at earlier levels as well. I suppose it all depends on how you want your character, but I'd still invest a bit more in Luck, lest you want her to be the next Stefan and keep getting criticalled (not a viable choice since she's a Peg and not all that durable). And yeah, I would spend those six points to make sure she's usable at early levels. A lot of people don't like babying units.
  11. What a bummer. Sirius was always a great help to me, and I couldn't have asked for a better partner in moderating the forum. I wish he would've stayed, but I suppose it's his choice, and I won't bother him about it. I do hope that one day, we can work together again. Your red name will be missed, comrade. *Salute*
  12. It's alright, I understand how difficult it is to reach my power levels.
  13. You capram quite a few stats. I would say take some away from them (including from their growths) and put them into Luck instead (without getting rid of your chance to cap them, of course).
  14. I kept thinking those were the 20/20 averages and wondering why they were so bad. Then I saw it was 20/1.
  15. To be precise, this poll needs wrestling and fuck hulk hogan he no good gay ass faggot jabroni.
  16. Sometimes I love it when Narga destroys a joke.
  17. A little funny stuff with a side of dumb stuff but mostly nothing.
  18. Play: REAL Football Watch: REAL Football Bash: Fake (American) Football; this one, in particular, is the most fun.
  19. It becomes four games after a while. Then the difficulty increases.
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