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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. FMA is only 108 chapters, though 108 big chapters.
  2. Something weird just happened. I had Winamp closed and all, see? But suddenly, OUT OF NOWHERE, Dio's I DO COCAINE clip plays. Like, holy hell, how did that even happen?!
  3. You wouldn't believe how hard she would try to come onto me with her perverted remarks about me. She's a pervert for all. Her perverseness knows no boundaries, no mercy, no loyalty.
  4. I have no idea, but he's not coming lately. He's weird.

    Now that you're on winter break, does it mean you'll be on more? o:

  5. You shouldn't hate Wist. He's British.
  6. I don't bite guys. That's gay. And it would've been so perfect, too. Maybe Sirius...!
  7. Works for me. The things have to be human, though.
  8. Doesn't that mean you're a monster?
  9. If only! I lost my mic, and I don't know if I'll be getting one any time soon.
  10. Strangely, my voice never had any radical change. It just...slowly changed over time.
  11. I'm sure you're just joking but just in case, those are the messages which notify you of the comments, not the comments themselves.
  12. Made me kind of busy lately, but nothing too bad. Though one of my teachers didn't show up for three days straight, which was weird. How has yours been?

  13. I just want your sweet maiden blood.
  14. Well, normally, teachers assume you have a normal voice range and once they teach you enough of that, your voice will show what it's suited for by itself. Though, I sound like I could make a good tenor and baritone. And perhaps generate a good falsetto too, who knows!

  15. You better hope for another ice age, then.
  16. Ooh, already? I hope you enjoy it!

    I'm doing pretty good, actually. I'm learning how to sing. o:

  17. I never was your property, never will be. You are mine, though. I think Dio is willing to share, hm?
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