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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Hey mushashi, you live right next door to Austin. He and his badass piano buddies are going to ransack your hovel. And steal your manga. Also, why did you ban fanbois? He was just asking for some help!
  2. Whenever I see this phrase, I get reminded of this one episode of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, where Baxter Stockman was in a mental asylum and he was talking with another inmate (who had the classic case of "I think I'm Napoleon"). The Napoleon inmate had a cheesy French accent and it was great. So Shredder enters the cell these two are in (through the window, which was barred [he bent the bars]) and the guy goes "The peasants are revolting! Au revoir, mon ami!" or something to that effect, and runs away. I don't know why I'm posting this.
  3. I missed you, soooo yeah...good to see you again! What's up?

  4. Whoa Des. That came out of nowhere.

  5. Good day. Spend your last, fleeting moments in this empire, for its demise will be soon...
  6. This reminds me of when you used to get on the IRC and I would call you Joey Wheeler.
  7. The empire will be fed to Ultima soon enough.
  8. In der guten alten Zeit lebten die Menschen noch ruhig und in Frieden. Niemand glaubte, daß es in Zukunft zu einer Bedrohung kommen wurde. Auf der Schattenseite des Friedens und des Wachstums gab und gibt es aber auch immer das Böse. Die Menschen beginnen, das Wachstum abzulehnen und bezeichnen den Frieden als Degeneration. "Wir haben uns hier versammelt, um die Mächte der Finsternis mit unserem verfluchten Blut zu rufen. Wir wollen, daß sie die Welt regieren. Wir erwarten lächelnd den Niedergang der Welt" Nach einhundert Jahren ist der Böse wieder auferstanden. Er kann sich in eine Fledermaus, einen Wolf und Nebel verwandeln. Er liebt die Nacht. Er schlürft das Blut von jungen Frauen und lebt ewig. Der Burgherr des Teufelschlosses, der Herr des Bösen, Graf Dracula ist auferstanden.
  9. I can't carry sand and rock-salt around with me everywhere I go. Unlike how you can carry ice, because it forms on your body and sticks there until it melts.
  10. I can't see the truth in the pairings. I only see truth in SiriusxBianchi.
  11. At first, I wanted to act surprised because Sirius was supporting yaoi pairings. Then I realized that it's to his benefit to do so. Still the badguy.
  12. This is the third time my teacher didn't come. I wonder what's up.
  13. So far, Gio is our only supporter. I'd say we're safe.
  14. It's even worse when you have a thick accent and words just erupt in a very messy way and because of this you find yourself in a sticky situation. I've been hanging out with Dio too much.
  15. A huge err on your part, but to err is human; to forgive, divine. I claim no divinity, but I will still forgive you, and teach you that, no one will feel at home when Asmodeus/Gio gets turned on. You are clearly insane for even thinking about that.
  16. I feel at home! EDIT: NOT because of Asmodeus getting turned on.
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