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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. That's a present from me. I wrestled it yesterday, so it's still fresh.
  2. Well no, no one can unless they have superhuman eyes, and if anyone is 100% using peripheral vision then they're doing it wrong (I'm assuming you're replying to FaceDancer's argument). I really only take a quick glance at the subs and get what I need. Unless it's overly long (which it never is), this suffices. While I'm glancing at the sub, I use my peripheral vision to keep track of what's happening in the show (this all takes less than a second). My point, however, is that with a little bit of focus and training, watching subbed shows should really be no different than watching dubbed ones. If you're not willing to go through that tiny bit of effort, that's alright. Just saying that it's not impossible to watch subs and enjoy them as much as dubs.
  3. I used it interchangeably, but ok, it's just as easy to process the information on the road and that of the book when you don't actually have to react to the information on the road. When you're driving, you need to actually do something other than sitting on a chair, while when you're watching anime, all you're doing is sitting there and watching, unless you watch a special kind of interactive anime that I have not heard of. Replace "watching" with "processing" as desired. I don't watch things without processing them, anyway, so it's all the same to me.
  4. It's not just information on the road, it's reacting to the information on the road in time. If you didn't have to react/drive while...well, driving, then yes, it would be very easy to read a book while observing the road at the same time.
  5. That's something I wanted to say, but didn't, and now I will. Let's say, for example, there's a show where foreigners go to Japan and call the Japanese by their names. Even if it sounds awkward, it's acceptable since, well, they're foreigners, and not well-versed in the language. It's actually natural and appealing to have this. But when it's in a show where these names are supposed to be accepted and of the norm, it's kind of awkward to have them say it as if it's something from the English language and we're supposed to readily accept it as such. It's like going to your neighbourhood (if it's not in Japan) and suddenly everyone has Japanese names, attires and lifestyles but they're still speaking the native language of your country, and that would be awkward, to say the least. Which is why I think that the second kind of show is better (to me) in Japanese. I don't know if that made sense or not, but there you go.
  6. I don't need them, but I'm going to wear them anyway because glasses are hot.
  7. B-b-b-b-b-baaaad :D Need to make his stats better though...
  8. Except cooler because he has a RUGGED appearance that contrasts with Wailord's very soft appearance. Jesus no way, I've gone really far on this Dawn file. And it's Roxas because of an in-joke.
  9. These I forgot. Yeah, Japanese is really great for drama and all such. As for Japanese names and/or honorifics, they sound uh...out of place and awkward. I tried watching Gurren Lagann's dub and when Yoko said "Yomako" and it sounded dumb, so I changed to Japanese. Nothing against dubs themselves, but these are things I'd prefer to have/not have.
  10. Happy birthday.

  11. I prefer to watch subs because I like to hear what the original developers had in mind for the characters, but I don't care which is better. It's the same for me with video games, but I've found dubs that I can enjoy (or prefer to the Japanese voice) more often there than in shows.
  12. They'd have to settle it between themselves, all the manliest guys of FE.
  13. Man, Hawkeye is like the He-Man of FE. He's as manly as you can get. I don't care who prefers what, I just wanted to comment on Hawkeye.
  14. I didn't discover anything. What are you talking about?
  15. Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. You have to find your own way. Stay true to your heart and desires and one day, you will succeed.
  16. It's insulting to answer a question with an irrelevant question, but I'll humour you anyway. Yes, I have seen him at the FE10 boards. I have seen him at every other board, too. It's my job to keep track of posts, you know. Now answer me. Do you know what "prowess" means?
  17. Evidently you don't. You just told me a whole bunch of nothing.
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