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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. The first one was a weird game. I really love some aspects of it but overall it's...I don't know how to describe it. Too simple, probably. It's far from the best game, in any case, since there are other top contenders for that spot (God Hand, Demon's Souls, etcetera). But I had a lot of fun with it anyhow. It's almost like Nintendo is milking the first game (in relation to SMG2), but who knows. If it has even more gravity platforming and other stuff, and some actually difficult parts, then I'll probably get it.
  2. I dunno, there are dumber people down there. I just dropped Robert to below XxWolfxX, so that should be enough.
  3. No, Bottom isn't just for banned users. If it were, I would say so. Anyway, a lot of people should stop trying to imply they need to be raised or lowered (or say it directly). It just proves that wherever you are is best for you, and won't help your case at all.
  4. ⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠⎝...

  5. RP and Crash were removed, guys. I'll add you, Camtech.
  6. Sign me up. Is this bold enough? Roar.
  7. I love thunderstorms. They're the best kind of storms. We once had a storm here and suddenly the room I was in got blindingly bright for a second (amazing), and a few seconds after there was this booming thunder that shook the whole house. I was ecstatic. I wish more of that happened. You must have very sensitive ears.
  8. We (Red Fox and I) discussed your issues sometime back in this topic and decided that the rage quit has dropped you. Though now that you're back, I'm considering raising you to Mid High.
  9. Hadn't considered that. I'll be moving them down, then. Move them down or move Raven up? I'll consider raising her, but there's also one thing mentioned in your post that I wanted to ask about. Should IRC be counted when debating members? This is to everyone, by the way, not just Balcerzak. Speedwagon and I agreed that he should be lowered from High to the top of Mid because he was really successful as a troll and managed to be hilarious in a retarded way, at points. If you really think he should be lowered, though, I'll consider doing it. Don't worry, you're on the list, and pretty high too. I don't think he was a troll, but rather, a retard (XxWolfxX). I'm going to-- Yes. I'm considering moving you up. Enjolras can get pretty aggressive at times, but he's a nice guy otherwise (or so it seems), and the posts I've seen of him have had some level of quality to them. He also likes Paul Stanley, that alone deserves a tier above Vincent's. That Soul, forgetting the most vital of people. Too high. NTG, while from what I've seen of her on IRC and the forum, is a pretty cool person, has serious availability issues. Putting her in High might be too generous, but if you can prove me wrong, then go ahead.
  10. Curious to see what your reasons are (though I agree with most of that).
  11. Hmm. Makes sense, he's now below Enjolras. I'm thinking about raising Enjolras and Harudoku at least a bit. Any thoughts?
  12. Now turn off your anonymous thingy and all will be well.
  13. Mostly related to the channel, but even if not, isn't Low Mid a bit harsh? I think, considering all things, where she is right now is pretty fine.
  14. I will ignore posts made from thinking with one's crotch.
  15. sob sob sob It hasn't been debated yet so if you would like to do that, then go ahead.
  16. His unintentional hilarity is part of the reason I want to keep him above Luminothe. At least he was funny, while Luminothe was 100% unfunny.
  17. I think pigslut is my favourite insult now.
  18. Luminothe didn't do much except making topics about how he loved faeces, saliva, and all that. He was a pretty disgusting individual and kept wallowing in his self-pity. At least Jarly respected himself, even if he was conceited. I'll see to it that Jarly goes below him if any others disagree with me, though.
  19. Ether moved to Mid Low. I need you people to consider my suggestions for Bottom and also sort out the rest of it so we can move on to other tiers.
  20. Raven's placement was decided some pages ago. He had his good points and would be higher if not for the rage quit.
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