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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. Two metres isn't 6, it's 6'5''. 6 is like...180cm. http://calculator.com/calcs/conv.html For converting units.
  2. Did he actually lose, though? He managed to turn him back to Banner, even though he got turned back himself. I'd say he was successful in stopping the Hulk. Besides, the Hulk in that series has been the strongest one so far. The other Hulks aren't nearly as strong. There's even one part where Hulk is suffocated by a snake, so...yeah.
  3. Weren't those siblings just because they were raised together? I'm not sure but I remember them not being blood relatives.
  4. 19 years old, 6'2'', 158...I have 14 con. Highest so far? The weight system seems to be a bit inaccurate since someone of my height would easily go above 200 with proper training, due to an increase in muscle size, and that would only increase con. My point is that, it's a healthy increase in weight, as opposed to being plain overweight. Maybe fat and muscle should be separate?

  6. Well I do mind spoilers so I guess for later.

  7. Yeah, mediafire works. Or that other image uploading link you gave me. http://up.iranblog.com/

  8. Nope. And yeah, Killer Queen does look like a panther, sort of. But man, he has some seriously awesome gloves, and a cool ability to boot.

  9. Kira is a sicko, but he seems like a great villain. Killer Queen is awesome. Also I think I can't see your avatar.

  10. I put it off for a while but decided to read more today. Funny you would ask. I'm at uh...I don't know, some ways away from you. At Rock, Paper, Scissors.

  11. The foulest stench is in the air

    The funk of forty thousand years

    And grizzly ghouls from every tomb

    Are closing in to seal your doom

    And though you fight to stay alive

    Your body starts to shiver

    For no mere mortal can resist

    The evil of the thriller

  12. I've had a craving for some B-Team action myself, actually... ...Not sure if it would work in this day and age, though.
  13. Dunno, OMB used to be a common gesture here. Since Bianchi is the goddess of the forest and all that. You've got me doubting the possibility of it being Oh my Bianchi. Soul, which is it?! Typo or intentional?
  14. "Seven in one blow" This sounds familiar. I remember hearing a story about such a thing...

  15. That's...basically what I said. My posts aren't hard to figure out either, people!
  16. Nightmare

    quick poll

    Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Where will I get my mafia fix now?! (voted yes btw)
  17. By "Elite Members board" he probably means the hidden boards that only a few can view. These poll options aren't hard to figure out, people.
  18. Yes Bianchi will understand. We're talking in secret cult language. Haha, they're looking funny at us. Let's kill them.
  19. lol Preserving this for future generations to observe. Although no one will really get that joke at the end but still, preserving.
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