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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. That's kind of interesting, since I'm strictly against using characters I don't know for my avatars/signatures.
  2. I don't know anything about the character, but she looks kind of unorthodox. And creepy I guess.
  3. Testing.





  4. That third one is kind of cute.
  5. Age: 19 Birthplace: Middle East Currently residing in: Middle East Most active in: That monstrosity with the FE4 Thread Last played FE: Within the past three months
  6. It hasn't been one month yet so I guess I can still post that...some amazing guy has taken up the mantle of translating all the missing Hokuto no Ken chapters (manga). They're being posted daily on Manga Fox! This guy is my hero. He's done almost all of volume 6, and will continue to translate every missing chapter (even a single one that's missing in volume 20). Dunno if this matters much to anyone else but yeah. Bump excuse, yeeeeeeaaahhh!!!
  7. And some Stan Bush: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAESo2uv-po Hell yeah!
  8. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/InSovietRussiaTropeMocksYou
  9. I don't think game mechanics should be used to judge characters from a story/personality/whatever standpoint.
  10. But see, Fireman and I, we go back to ancient times when we were the only intelligent life on Earth and everyone else, they were primitive beasts. So of course I trust him. I can't just pop out and trust you from the get-go. No way.
  11. I take good care of my teeth. One of the few health things I do. I have some cavities here and there, but they're only remnants from childhood. Should go and fill them soon...
  12. Tarma Marco Ralf Fio At the very least, two of those should be right.
  13. Uh, hmm...yeah what? Vorephilia is still worse, but this is really, really, really weird. I don't even know what to say.
  14. Oh no my wall was ruined by the interfering Speedwagon. But anyway, you better do your homework and stuff well so we can enjoy a perfect summer.

  15. By the way, when is your summer vacation?

  16. Your wall is mine.

  17. I learn from the best.

  18. Not a vile plot! Since I actually like you, I'm going to give you more of me, because I am so fabulous! Everyone will come to your profile and stare with an open jaw at the amazing décor.

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