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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. I was just trying to say something to counter Emerald (I haven't even played Touhou) but ok.
  2. I eat everything with braces. Sandwiches, candies, gum. Hell, I started eating everything I ever did (before braces) a week or two after getting them.
  3. Okami is good, but it's a lot blander than God Hand in just about every way. Putting them on the same level (or putting Okami above God Hand, for that matter) is pretty laugh out loud. It's like saying Touhou and Cho Aniki are on the same level. While they're both good games, Cho Aniki is just better because instead of lolis (who are pretty generic and overused) it uses bodybuilders who shoot protein-powered bullets and lasers. Anyway... Castlevania: 10/10. I've never seen a series as consistently good as this. The only time it started falling apart was from 2005 and after, and even then it still had its great moments.
  4. Putting this here for future reference: Niubgth_mazr45r45ewr

  5. That will probably hurt.

  6. But it's so...fuzzy and...spdruthae9874

  7. That person did. I wonder how they could do it.

  8. Hell no! But I know someone who was prescribed by a doctor to do so.

  9. Yes. They are good.

  10. @Fact #15: "Experts, however, say that your gut would burst before reaching this number." Mr. Heart disagrees.

  11. I /hate/ the skin, but they're good otherwise.

  12. Ok then. Whenever you feel like it tell me.

  13. Can we write whenever then.

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