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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. I guess the homage to Polnareff is really obvious.
  2. It's working now.

  3. Seh-reh-neez Sounds better that way anyway. Serinos kind of sounds weird.
  4. Out, out! Out of my kitchen empire! It ain't your empire. Obviously, Haru rules over it, but the empire is also ours, just like how people claim a country is theirs. Undastand?
  5. Ew Gordin. Talk about awesome manly units like Tibarn and Dheginsea, not Gordin!
  6. Because the blue whale is the largest whale and it is also the greatest whale and it is also the most awesome whale and it is also a whale and it is also blue and it is also awesome and it is also relevant and it is also in water and it is also blue and it is also.
  7. Stop talking about lame things and start talking about awesome things because this empire needs AWESOME ok
  8. Do you have an empty slot?

  9. It's not working. ;_;

  10. Actually, it was all just a miscalculation. (°□°; )

  11. Actually, I'm pretty sure it's difficult because it has intelligent design, while IWBTG is difficult because it's "you have to do it this way or else." I haven't played it myself, but I've heard this from some valid/trust-able sources. EDIT: By the way, it looks and sounds really awesome. I just hope I can find it here.
  12. Well, make "few days" into "one day" and all is well!

  13. Also I meant inappropriate, not "not good enough." My brain went on vacation for a short time.

  14. I wanted to continue into a Kiss song but I thought it would not be good enough.

  15. Ok sorry :@ is yours. BUT!

  16. A frightening roar of machinery was heard. It was as if a dragon had gone rabid. That was the sound the Cheese Grater made, and it rattled the crew of the Eggbeater profusely. "C-calm yourselves! The Eggbeater crew are not afraid of anything," said the proud captain, "Least of all mockeries such as th-this!" It was obvious, perhaps to even the crew, that the captain was also afraid. But as courage is facing your fears, the captain was indeed courageous. With might, the Cheese Grater extended its plates; under them were even more plates with pores to shoot from. And after extending them, underneath those were even more pores! Approximately one billion pores, the Eggbeater's computer calculated. With ferocity, they heated up to a blindingly bright red colour. "Pull up the force field and cover your eyes!" bellowed into the ship, the captain did. The Cheese Grater fired the superheated hydrogen through its pores. Though it was still floating after this taxing attack, it was susceptible to destruction by even the smallest force! Angry and violent, the billions of superheated hydrogen particles raced in space, in an effort to reach the Eggbeater. Though its shield was up, there was no telling what would happen to it if these particles actually hit. The particles got closer...and closer... Continue the wonder...
  17. Merry Christmas everyone.
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